May I request to purchase office supplies and goods from non-UC contract suppliers?
Yes! Use the Non-Catalog Form to order from a non-UC contract supplier. However, it is recommended (and simpler) for you to shop first using BearBUY search and to check for the preferred campus-contracted pricing through Hosted Catalog and Punchout Catalog Suppliers.
How do I indicate a rush order?
Click the drop down arrow in the Priority field and select Urgent.
Are shipping costs found in BearBUY?
No. Shipping costs are dependent on many factors that occur after the purchase and are not reflected in the BearBUY system. You can, however, specify your preferred shipping method in the comments field.
How do I indicate the shipping address?
From inside your Cart, view the Requisition>Shipping tab. Click the Edit button and enter the desired destination under Address Details>Attn.: (the name of the person who receives the items). If you do not find the value for your shipping destination, please indicate on the Comment tab; Library Purchasing staff will make sure that the items are shipped to the address you provided in the comment field.
How do I view my orders?
Click the icon on the BearBUY Home/Shop screen to open up the Shop window and hover to My Carts and Orders.
Open My Active Shopping Cart requires your action before being assigned
View Draft Shopping Cart requires your action before being processed
(check the Comments tab for return reason/action needed)
View My Orders are in process of being fulfilled.
How do I find my Carts/Orders Status?
Click View Draft Shopping Carts and then the document number link in the left column. You will see the Assigned To line under the Summary/General section at the top left. You can contact the requisition creator directly via email or through the BearBUY Comments tab email linked from within the relevant requisition.
How do I reassign my assigned Cart to another assignee?
Click the button on the cart that you want to reassign to another assignee. Your active Shopping Cart will open again, and you can assign your cart to another assignee by clicking the
Why has my cart been returned (or assigned back to me)?
Returned shopping carts/requisitions require your action in order to be processed or deleted. Your cart may have been returned because information was missing, documents needed to be uploaded, or the purchase was rejected/denied. Open the Cart to check the Comments tab for the reason your cart was returned or rejected and what action is needed for your request to be processed.
How do I cancel/delete a cart?
How to cancel an order depends on where the purchase is in the workflow process.
Before Submission: Until the purchase is completed an order need not be canceled, but it should be removed so it won’t display on your screen indefinitely. The method for this varies based on the order’s workflow location:
From My Draft Carts, click the Delete button at the far right of the screen to delete the cart.
From Draft Assigned To Me, click the Delete button at the far right of the screen to delete a Cart that’s been assigned to you by Purchasing.
From My Drafts Assigned to Others, Unassign the cart from the Cart Authorizer (this will move it to the My Drafts screen section), then click the Delete button.
After Submission: You will be prompted to provide a reason you are withdrawing the cart; best practice is to provide a comment.
If the requisition status is Pending , from Carts>My Requisitions select Withdraw Entire Cart from the Available Actions drop-down field at upper right, then click Go.NOTE: By withdrawing a Cart, you will lose the entire order and it cannot be reinstated. If you want to modify or preserve order history, before you Withdraw the Cart, select Copy to New Cart.
If the requisition status is Completed , you may need to work with Library Purchasing Staff to submit a return or RMA to the vendor. Send a message directly to the Cart Authorizer (the Library Purchasing Staff who processes your Shopping Cart/Requisition) from the relevant requisition by clicking on the req number, clicking through the Comments tab>Add Comment button. Be sure to click the checkbox next to the (Email notification(s)) name to notify the Cart Authorizer (the Library Purchasing Staff) and the Requisition Creator at CSS (Campus Shared Service) of the action needed.
How do I find the status of my order?
You can find the status of your order by clicking View My Orders (Last 90 days) under Requisitions. You can refine/filter your result by clicking the arrow on the Date Range menu.