Recurrent Local Travel

If you travel short distances regularly, you may submit a single Travel Pre-approval Request for multiple trips for up to one fiscal year and aggregate your estimated expenses per month or thirty day period. If your recurrent local travel includes direct billed rental car Fleet Services/Fuel Card expenses, please indicate this in your Pre-approval Request and an LBS Analyst will contact you.

To submit your recurrent local travel expenses for reimbursement, please go to the Campus Reimbursement System and create a report each month. Please leave the chart string section blank, upload receipts, and save the report. Paste the campus Report ID (TRV000xxxxxx) in the "Campus Reimbursement System TRV Number" field of your Library Expense Report and submit the Library Expense Report to LBS. The Library Expense Report will be returned to you after each reimbursement is processed so that you can continue to submit monthly requests using the same Library Expense Report.

If your recurrent local travel includes direct billed Fleet Services/Fuel Card expenses, report your monthly expenses in a Recurrent Local Travel Log provided by LBS and upload this log and your receipts to your Library Travel Expense Report. An LBS Analyst will process your reimbursable travel expenses in the Campus System.

If your recurrent local travel does not include direct billed Fleet Services/Fuel Card expenses, you are welcome to use the Recurrent Local Travel Log as a tool to document your expenses as they accumulate and upload this log and your receipts to your Campus Expense Report.

University policy on mileage reimbursement: “Mileage shall ordinarily be computed between the traveler's headquarters and the common carrier or destination. Expenses for travel between the traveler's residence and headquarters (commuting expense) shall not be allowed. However, mileage expenses may be allowed between the traveler's residence and the common carrier or destination if University business travel originates or terminates during a regularly scheduled day off. Also, if an employee who is not on travel status has a temporary assignment away from campus, reimbursement shall be made for mileage expenses incurred between the campus and the assignment location, or home and the assignment location, whichever is less.”