Fulfillment/Resource Sharing/User Management

This page contains documents related to Fulfillment, Resource Sharing, and User Management functional areas. 

Documentation on this site will continue to change as we gain experience in Alma and UC Library Search, and as new features, processes, and policies are introduced. If you notice anything that needs to be updated or fixed, please let us know using the feedback form


APriCoT functional area leads

Fulfillment and User Management: Mark Marrow (mamarrow@berkeley.edu)

Resource Sharing: Kristen Van Vliet (kvanvliet@berkeley.edu)


Additional Resources

AFN Fulfillment Library Directory (library contacts for fulfillment/resource sharing issues)

ALMA Fulfillment Training site (training resources for UC Berkeley staff and SLEs)

Ex Libris documentation on Fulfillment (for Fulfillment and Resource Sharing)

Ex Libris documentation on Administration (for User Management)

By lweber on 09-17-2024