UCB JACS workflow

UC Berkeley is giving RLF deposit allocation priority to titles selected for inclusion in the Journal Archiving Campaign and De-duplication Service (JACS). Specific workflow steps for preparing and processing library holdings on these titles are described below.

  1. Each year, the California Digital Library (CDL) will provide a new JACS title list to UCB in spreadsheet format.
  2. Collection Services Division (CSD) will create an Alma Analytics dashboard based on the provided data and share it with managers at each UCB library, who will in turn download and share picklists with their staff as appropriate.
    1. Libraries in the Access Services, Arts & Humanities, Sciences, and Social Sciences Divisions are directed to send all bound print holdings on the selected titles to NRLF.
    2. Other libraries may select which of their holdings on the selected titles to send.
  3. Upon receipt of the JACS picklists, individual libraries will:
    1. Page materials using the provided picklists, including those that may normally be considered RLF duplicates.
      1. Please do not send loose leaf material, boxed/tied/wrapped issue bundles, or nonprint materials (e.g., CD-ROMs) as JACS deposits.
      2. Individual (unbound) issues may be sent if they have been assigned a UCB circ barcode and are robust enough to circulate on their own.
      3. Include any additional items found shelved under the provided list's call numbers, as they may be JACS titles that are described locally on bib records different from those provided in the CDL title list. The appropriateness of inclusion of these additional items into the JACS archive will be determined later by NRLF.
    2. Scan the barcodes of the paged items into the NRLF Deposit Prep work order.
    3. Pack and ship the paged materials according to the JACS packing guidelines, which essentially supplement the NRLF deposit prep guidelines with the requirement to label the book trucks as JACS.
  4. Upon receipt of a JACS shipment, NRLF will:
    1. Separate acceptable items from NRLF/JACS duplicates.
      1. Any non-JACS items included in the JACS shipment will be processed separately as regular deposits.
    2. Accession acceptable items.
      1. Add an NRLF barcode to the physical item and its item record.
      2. Change the Item Policy to Building Use Only.
      3. Toggle the Committed to Retain flag to Yes.
      4. Update the Retention Reason to JACS.
      5. Update the Retention Note to reflect the depositing library (e.g., u:CUY:ma).
      6. Edit other item record fields (such as Description) as needed.
      7. Update the holdings (permanent) location to nu02u.
      8. Update the holdings 561, 583, 86X, 952 fields.
      9. Remove the NRLF Deposit Prep work order.
  5. Once NRLF accessions all acceptable items, to address the shipment's identified NRLF/JACS duplicates, NRLF, CSD, and the owning libraries (including EAL and the affiliated libraries) will follow the workflow steps outlined in Recycling new UCB/NRLF deposits rejected due to RLF duplication.

By tconverse on 02-07-2025
