
UCB JACS workflow

Procedure for preparing and processing JACS titles for deposit to NRLF.

By tconverse on 02-07-2025

NRLF deposit prep guidelines

This document describes best practices and guidelines for libraries to prepare materials for deposit at NRLF.

By tconverse on 02-07-2025

Exact match monograph replacement

This document outlines the procedure for receiving an exact match monograph replacement for an item in our collection.

By kvanvliet on 01-17-2025

Accepting Replacement Copies

This procedure covers evaluating and accepting a replacement copy of a UCB item from a user who is replacing an item that they have lost. Users who lose Automated Fulfillment Network (AFN) items should contact the owning UC library. Users who lose non-AFN (ILL) material should contact the Resource Sharing Division.

By kvanvliet on 01-17-2025

Call number formatting guidelines for Alma

Guidelines for formatting call numbers, according to Library of Congress Classification (LCC) and other call number schemes, in Alma holdings records.

By rbrandt on 10-23-2024

Oral history cataloging for transcripts with electronic versions


This procedure outlines the process for cataloging electronic versions of oral history transcripts produced the by the Oral History Center. This is a suggested workflow. There may be other expediencies that work better for individual catalogers.

By rbrandt on 07-29-2024