This document describes best practices and guidelines for libraries to prepare materials for deposit at NRLF. If you intend to deposit materials that do not fit easily on book trucks as described below (e.g., microformat, map, archival, or oversize materials), please consult with NRLF's Head of Deposit Services. For questions regarding these guidelines or about NRLF deposits in general, please contact NRLF's Head of Deposit Services.
- For deposits from UC Berkeley libraries using Alma, ensure that the records for the items to be sent for deposit are prepared in Alma as described in the NRLF Deposit Prep work order document.
- Pre-sizing of materials by depositors is no longer required for NRLF deposit shipments. It may still be useful to do a rough sort so that you can get two rows of books on a book truck shelf when possible to optimize shipment volume, but this is not required.
- Do not overload book truck shelves, as this makes transportation difficult and can damage the trucks. Truck shelves should each have one row of books unless all books on a shelf can fit in two rows (spines facing out) without hanging significantly past the edges of the truck shelves.
- Separate material formats as much as possible -- keep nonprint materials together, not interfiled with books or journals, except in cases where the print and nonprint items belong on the same bibliographic record.
- Separate monographs from serials. Staging on separate trucks is ideal, but they can be on the same truck as long as the delineation is marked (e.g., with a flag).
- Separate by intended circulation status (unrestricted, building use only (BUO), restricted). Flag BUO or restricted items individually, or label a truck if it is entirely BUO/restricted. Unflagged items will be processed as unrestricted except where a previous agreement is in place for specific collections.
- Pack multivolume titles in volume order so that all volumes of a title can be identified and processed at the same time. If the shipment includes titles that span trucks, number the trucks in the order they are packed so that NRLF can more easily identify where the title jumps trucks.
- "Volume order" on a truck is ascending enumeration/chronology left to right and top to bottom. If you are packing a truck with two rows per shelf, fill an entire side of the truck first before filling the other side.
- Secure the deposited material on the trucks with stuffers, straps, and/or plastic wrap to ensure that it does not shift or become damaged in transit.
- Bib records for all deposited items should have OCLC numbers. These bib records in the depositor's Alma Institution Zone should be linked to the Alma Network Zone.
- Depositors should provide the records that they use locally (in their Institution Zone) for the deposited items to aid in NRLF processing. Non-UCB depositors using Alma can do this via an itemized Excel spreadsheet/Google sheet, gathering the following data using Alma Analytics.
- Barcode
- Title
- Permanent call number
- Volume information (Description or Enumeration/Chronology)
By tconverse on 02-07-2025