This document outlines the local holdings fields that have been defined by UC Berkeley Library for use in Alma.
This is a work in progress and will be developed over time.
For indexing of local holdings fields in Alma, see MARC field indexing in Alma bibliographic and holdings records.
For mappings of fields in Millennium to Alma, see Millennium-to-Alma field mapping.
For local bibliographic fields, see Local bibliographic fields and extensions for UC Berkeley.
911 Serial binding information
Field definition and scope
A local holdings field used to record binding information for serial titles to inform the production of bind units and produce the Items to Bind reports in Alma Analytics.
Record and maintain serial binding information in a 911 field for serial titles that are still being received and sent for binding. Effective January 2025, use this field to record the most up-to-date binding information and update it if anything changes. Do not keep binding information in a separate spreadsheet. Remove binding details from field 852 $$x.
Do not delete 911 fields. Even after a title has been closed and the final binding has taken place, this information may be needed if rebinding is required or a closed title is reopened.
For detailed instructions for recording serial binding information in field 911, see Bind processing using the Items to Bind report and holdings 911 field and Using exported spreadsheets to create data to put in the 911 field.
First indicator | Second indicator |
Undefined _ - Undefined |
Undefined _ - Undefined |
Subfield codes
$a - Bind type (required)
$b - Color (required if $a is FC or National Bind)
$c - Bind by (required)
$d - Bind title (required if $a is FC or National Bind)
$e - Processor notes (optional)
$f - Bindery notes (optional)
$a - Bind type
Record one of the following values:
- CoLibri
- Use for Comes Bound, Treat as Comes Bound, Current [x] Only, and any other reason we might choose not to bind a title.
- Titles using this should also have a $$e field that explains the reason, in case someone needs to know why the decision was made.
- FC
- Flush Cut, the only style of cloth binding currently used by Berkeley for serial binding
- Replaces Buck Bind, Berkeley Bind (B Bind), and LC
- Mylar
- National Bind
- A special sub-type of FC bind where the units are stitched together instead of having their spines chopped and glued.
- In the limited cases where National Bind is necessary, record National Bind in place of FC, and include National Bind in the Bindery notes (subfield $f).
- Pam
$b - Bind color
Required if subfield $a is FC or National Bind
Record one of the following values if subfield $a is FC or National Bind:
- Black
- Blue-grey
- Under Millennium we called this color Light Blue, but the Bindery actually calls it Blue-grey, and they use Light Blue for what we used to call Blue. To clean up discrepancies between our old blue names and what the Bindery currently calls the various blues, record Blue-grey instead of Light Blue.
- Brown
- Green
- At some point we may have called this Dark Green, but the Bindery simply calls it Green these days, so record it the way the Bindery refers to it.
- Grey
- The Bindery calls this Dark Grey, but entering just Grey is fine, as they do not have different shades of true grey.
- We have often spelled this Gray, but since the Bindery spells it Grey, for consistency in any possible future need to update in bulk, record as Grey.
- Light Blue
- Under Millennium we called this color Blue, but the Bindery actually calls it Light Blue. To clean up discrepancies between our old blue names and what the Bindery currently calls the various blues, anything we used to call Blue should be called Light Blue.
- Light Green
- Maroon
- The Bindery also calls this Wine/Maroon, but use Maroon in the 911 field.
- Purple was discontinued in 2021. Use Maroon instead.
- Navy
- This is the default color used for Berkeley if no color is recorded, but best practice is to always record it.
- Replaces Dark Blue
- Orange
- Red
- Tan
Capitalization does not matter.
Buckram cover material is being phased out; the Bindery maintains a page with currently available cover materials and colors.
$c Bind by
This subfield indicates how to record the Description field in a serial item record.
Record one of the following values:
- v.
- no.
- date
- y/y
- ser.# v.
- Replace # with the series number (e.g., 3)
- ser.# no.
- Replace # with the series number (e.g., 3)
Note that Bind by values were recorded in uppercase in Millennium, but should be recorded in lowercase in Alma.
$d - Bind title
Required if $$a is FC or National Bind. It's a good idea to put it in for any title that gets Mylar or CoLibri binding as well, in case the title ever needs rebind/recase treatment.
Record the title to appear on the spine of the bound volume in all caps. Use standardized abbreviations when available (see Periodical Spine Abbreviations).
If specific line breaks are desired, insert # characters for each line break. If no line breaks are indicated, the bindery will make line breaks automatically based on the thickness/length of the spine. Where bind titles traditionally had two line breaks (in Millennium, $$) between a publishing organization name and the title of the serial, use ##.
Note that Alma uses $$ as a delimiter, so it cannot be used to indicate a line break. The backslash (\), which the bindery likes for line breaks, is a special character in Alma Analytics. The work around is to use # in the 911 field and convert them to \ in the Items to Bind report.
Check Bind titles carefully when converting from the 952 field as Alma may have taken the first letter after a double line break ($$) as a subfield code.
$e - Processor notes
A free-text subfield used to record reminders about special treatment of a title necessary for those producing bind pieces and reviewing the Items to Bind report.
Use to record details such as:
- Recent change to numbering scheme
- Don’t bind until the index comes in the middle of the next volume cycle
- Whether or not to bind in supplements
- Adding pagination to the midspine
- Not printing the continual numbering that is added to the Description field on the bound piece
- Looking for and marking refolds
- Historical practice of printing only the number and not the enumeration designation (e.g, V. or NO.) on the midspine
- Etc…
If there are multiple notes, do not repeat the subfield; instead, divide the notes within a single subfield using space-pipe-space ( | ).
$f - Bindery notes
Recommended if subfield $a is National Bind
A free-text subfield used to inform the bindery of special handling.
Use to record details such as:
- Eastern bind
- National bind
- Keep covers
- Do not trim
- Etc…
If there are multiple notes, do not repeat the subfield; instead, divide the notes within a single subfield using space-pipe-space ( | ).
911 __ $$a fc $$b orange $$c no. $$d SOC. FRANC., PHILOS.##BULL. $$e Do not record date on midspine | Suppls get separate cataloging; do not bind in $$f Retain back covers
By jcripe on 02-19-2025