Using exported spreadsheets to create data to put in the 911 field


This document covers how to use data exported from migrated serial holdings 952 fields to populate a 911 bind information field on a serial holdings record.

Background information

Before using these directions, please read the two primary documents for the 911 field:

Converting historical/migrated data

Libraries that currently send binding through BPD have been provided a spreadsheet that should cover active subscription serial titles for which an item was received after 2020. You can sort the sheet by the receipt date, if that’s useful to you for prioritizing processing. We assume you know your binding flow well enough to know which titles you should focus on first, such as ones that bind frequently. Note that this spreadsheet may not include titles that no longer have open orders, so if you’re still clearing out binding from closed titles, you may not find them in this spreadsheet.

The 911 field needs to be added to the holdings record for the location where the bound items will reside. If you have a title that varies in size, you might have two holdings records within your library, one for your Stacks, and another for your Folios. You'll need a 911 field in both holdings records. 

Also, if you're handling a location like AH/C, BUSI, DREF, MORR, or SSEA, that may keep unbound issues of specific titles locally, but then binds them for MAIN (or another location), the 911 field for the Items to Bind report needs to be in the MAIN (or other location) holdings record, where you will attach the item when you create it for binding, and you should have a 911 field in your local record with a $$e (Processor note) field that explains the title is bound for MAIN (or another location).

Cleaning up provided spreadsheet to create data ready to copy into a 911 field

  1. Fix up the Exported 952 Bind Title column in the exported spreadsheet provided.
    1. Search through this column and look for records where Alma mistook the migrated $$ (indicating a double line break when producing a bind card in Millennium) for a subfield delimiter, grabbed the next letter as belonging to the subfield code, then inserted a space, so your title is now missing the first letter that originally had $$ in front of it (e.g., AMER.$PHILOS.$SOC. $$P ROCEED). The double line break marking was used mostly with very common titles like proceedings, bulletin, transactions, annual report, etc, that are typically preceded by a corporate or conference name. In these cases, remove the extra space so the first letter is reattached to the title word.
    2. In the Exported 952 Bind Title column, Search & replace:

      Convert “bind title” formatting in the Exported 952 Bind Title column
      Search Replace Notes
      $$ ## Because \ is a special character in Alma analytics, in the 911 field we need to use something other than the \\ that the bindery now likes to use for double line breaks; a formula in the report will convert each # to \ for the bindery.
      \\  ## You only need to do this if you’ve already been converting $$ to \\ in the 952 field in Alma.
      $ [space]  
    3. If it’s important to you to force any specific line breaks, in place of a space, insert a # (the report will convert it to \ for the bindery). If you just use spaces the bindery will print the title however it fits best on the spine.
  2. Fix up the Exported 952 - card trimmed (aka Bind Info field).

    Note: the tables below cover data we've found in 952 holdings records across many libraries. Your particular library may have had Bind Info fields that include other previous practices not covered in the examples used here (e.g., obsolete Binding Format codes that look something like this: 5\\\\). Take a look through your spreadsheet before you follow the directions below and see if you might need do some pre-clean search/replace routines to remove no-longer-relevant information from your fields or modify the search parameters below for your search/replace efforts.

    Conduct the following search & replace routines across the entire spreadsheet in the specific order that they're listed for optimal efficiency:

    Convert “bind type info”
    Search Replace Notes
    Bind Info: BERKELEY BIND$BUCK$ $$a fc $$b  Include a space after b in your replace field.
    Bind Info: B BIND$BUCK$ $$a fc $$b  Include a space after b in your replace field.
    Bind Info: B BIND$ $$a fc $$b  Include a space after b in your replace field.
    Bind Info: BBIND$ $$a fc $$b  Include a space after b in your replace field.
    Bind Info: Berkeley$ $$a fc $$b  Include a space after b in your replace field.
    Bind Info: Berkeley Bind$ $$a fc $$b  Include a space after b in your replace field.
    Bind Info: LC Bind$ $$a fc $$b  Include a space after b in your replace field.
    Bind Info: LC$ $$a fc $$b  Include a space after b in your replace field.
    Bind Info: FC Bind$ $$a fc $$b  Include a space after b in your replace field.
    Bind Info: FC$ $$a fc $$b  Include a space after b in your replace field.
    Bind Info: Buck Bind$ $$a fc $$b  Include a space after b in your replace field.
    Bind Info: Buck$ $$a fc $$b  Include a space after b in your replace field.
    Bind Info: National Bind$ $$a National Bind $$b  Include a space after b in your replace field.
    Bind Info: Pam Bind$ $$a Pam $$c  Include a space after c in your replace field.
    Bind Info: PB$ $$a Pam $$c  Include a space after c in your replace field.
    Bind Info: Pam$ $$a Pam $$c  Include a space after c in your replace field.
    Bind Info: Mylar Bind$ $$a Mylar $$c  Include a space after c in your replace field.
    Bind Info: Mylar$ $$a Mylar $$c  Include a space after c in your replace field.
    Convert “Bindery notes”
    Search Replace Notes
    $Narrow inner margins  $$f Narrow inner margins Include space in front of $$ in your replace field.
    $Narrow outer margins   $$f Narrow outer margins Include space in front of $$ in your replace field.
    $Narrow margins   $$f Narrow margins Include space in front of $$ in your replace field.
    $Do not trim  $$f Do not trim  Include space in front of $$ in your replace field.
    $BIND EASTERN STYLE  $$f Bind Eastern style Include space in front of $$ in your replace field.
    $National bind  $$f National bind  Include space in front of $$ in your replace field.
    $Retain covers  $$f Retain covers Include space in front of $$ in your replace field.
    $BIND AS IS  

    Replacing with nothing (aka, delete it).

    "Bind as is" is used only for items where an issue is missing that should be within the piece. It shouldn't be a permanent note in the 911, as it applies only to specific pieces as they're bound.

    If you need this note for a particular item when you're sending a batch, type it into a $$f Note (for bindery) field directly in your exported report.


    May have been used for some MAIN titles, but may not be current terminology. It appears that in most cases the "indication" in question may be covered by a later note in the 952 field which is really more suited to being a processor note ($$e).

    Walk through the matches individually and if this is no longer relevant, replace with nothing.

    Correct “cloth color info”
    Search Replace Notes
    DARK BLUE  navy  Include a space in front of and after the replacement word.
    LIGHT BLUE  blue-grey  Include a space in front of and after the replacement word.
    BLUE  light blue  Include a space in front of and after the replacement words. 
    When processing this search, make sure you match case, so you don't end up matching on any blue-grey.
    GRAY  grey  Include a space in front of and after the replacement word.
    DARK GREEN  green  Include a space in front of and after the replacement word.
    PURPLE  maroon  Include a space in front of and after the replacement word.
    WINE  maroon  Include a space in front of and after the replacement word.
    Convert “bind title subfield code”
    Search Replace Notes
    $$x Bind Title:  $$d  Include space in front of $$ and after d in your replace field.
    bind title:  $$d  Include space in front of $$ and after d in your replace field.

    For this one, review each possible match, as there's likely more cleanup to do on the record.
    Convert “bind by info”
    Search Replace Notes
    $v  $$c v.  Include a space in front of $$ and after . in your replace field.

    Note that while this might insert a $$c into a bind title that contains $v, it doesn't matter because the bind title within this field will be overwritten later.
    $no  $$c no. 

    Include a space in front of $$ and after . in your replace field.

    This may insert $$c and a . after "no" in places where you don't need it, like “no months on midspine” (which should be in a $$e), but it'll be faster to replace all and then when you do the final review of each line you can fix oddities like this manually, as they're far less common than the use of no. as the bind by designation.

    $date  $$c date  Include a space in front of $$ and after date in your replace field.
    $$x Bind Info: ser  $$c ser. Include a space in front of $$ in your replace field.
    $ser  $$c ser.  Include a space in front of $$ in your replace field.
    .. .

    Clean up multiple . that were accidentally created using the v, no, and ser adjustments above.

    Repeat this search/replace until you get no more matches.

    . . . Clean up multiple . that were accidentally created using the ser, v, and no adjustments above.
    v.$  $$c v.  Include a space in front of $$ and after . in your replace field.

    This replacement is to deal with records where the color and bind by are in the wrong order. You may not need to do this if all of your fields were in the right order in the 952 field.
    no.$  $$c no.  Include a space in front of $$ and after . in your replace field.

    This replacement is to deal with records where the color and bind by are in the wrong order. You may not need to do this if all of your fields were in the right order in the 952 field.
    date$  $$c date  Include a space in front of $$ and after date in your replace field.

    This replacement is to deal with records where the color and bind by are in the wrong order. You may not need to do this if all of your fields were in the right order in the 952 field.
    .. .

    Clean up multiple . that were accidentally created since the last few rounds of cleanup.

    Repeat this search/replace until you get no more matches.

    Convert “probable processor notes”
    Search Replace Notes
    $$x Bind Info:  $$e  Include space in front of $$ and after e in your replace field.
    $$x  $$e  Include space in front of $$ and after e in your replace field.
  3. Rearrange fields within Exported 952 - card trimmed as needed
    1. There may be other data in the Exported 952 - card trimmed that were not covered above. Move any information that is current/necessary into the appropriate new subfields.
    2. Generally you do not need to worry about removing extra spaces between subfield codes and data; Alma will strip out extra spaces before and after subfield codes when saving the 911 field after you paste in your data.
      • HOWEVER, if you're going to do some more search/replace routines to clean up other patterns you see in your records (for example, those that use ser., or where color and bind were reversed), then running a search/replace routine to find double spaces and replace with single spaces repeatedly until you get no more hits can be useful. Doing this reduces the possibility that copying a search parameter from your list will fail to match on others like it because of variation in the number of spaces within the string in each record.
    3. Watch for and fix records where color and bind by were reversed in the exported data. They need to be in the proper subfield codes in the 911 for the Items to Bind report to operate correctly.
    4. If National Bind is mentioned in the 952 field, change $$a field data to National Bind, and also put National Bind in a bindery note ($$f) it that didn't happen already in the search/replace routines above.
    5. For any FC or National Bind type that doesn't have a color from the 952, enter navy in $$b.
    6. Review the 852 Notes column. See if there are notes there that pertain to binding and move those notes into the a Exported 952 - card trimmed field, usually as a $$e processor note or $$f bindery note.
    7. If you have multiple $$e processor notes, divide the notes within a single $$e subfield using space pipe space ( | ).
    8. If you have multiple $$f bindery notes, divide the notes within a single $$f subfield using space pipe space ( | ).
    9. Most of the time you will have to move the title in front of processor and/or bindery notes and you may have to fix the subfields.
    10. Note that it was a common practice in previous systems to record multiple Bind Info fields.
      1. In those cases, you’ll have quite a jumble of information in the Exported 952 - card trimmed field to cleanup/convert for your 911 field.
      2. Extra work is required for titles using series numbering.
        1. Often the first Bind Info field contained only ser. and the other Bind Info field contained the actual ser. numbering, plus the per-piece enumeration (v. or no.).
        2. Sometimes that second Bind Info field doesn't exist, but there is a Label Note that indicates the latest series numbering and v. or no.
        3. Sometimes you'll have to look up whether we used v. or no. in the actual items in Alma, because it's missing from the 952 entirely.
        4. Also, because we did a search/replace on v. and no. above, you'll have to replace the $$c between ser.# and v. or no. with a space.
          1. If you have a lot of titles using ser. marking, you might find it efficient to do a few search/replace rounds to remove the $$c between ser.# and v. or no.
        5. Whether or not you do any further search/replace routines to clean up these titles, you're almost always going to have to do some more manual cleanup too to remove the duplicated information from the multiple Bind Info fields.
      3. In most other cases, those extra Bind Info. fields belong as processor notes in the $$e subfield.
      4. Do not repeat subfields.
      5. The 911 $$a-d subfields must contain only a single value for the most current bind info.
      6. If you wish to make notes about variations in binding that might still come up in modern processing, put a note about that in the $$e subfield (e.g., we normally fc bind, but if covers are extra pretty, mylar bind).
    11. Delete any data including Label Notes or Misc. Internal Notes that are not currently relevant to binding.
  4. Paste the corrected Exported 952 Bind Title column text (from step 1) text over the unmodified Bind Title (in $$d) in Exported 952 - card trimmed with the rest of the subfield codes.
  5. Remove extra spaces from within a bind title, if they've accidentally appeared.
  6. Re-check that all of your information is up-to-date and properly formatted. It should look something like this:
    $$a FC $$b orange $$c no. $$d SOC. FRANC., PHILOS.##BULL. $$e Do not record date on midspine | Suppls get separate cataloging; do not bind in $$f Retain back covers
  7. Copy each updated Exported 952 - card trimmed field info into field 911 of the appropriate holdings record in Alma. You can copy the Holdings PID from the Holding ID column to search the matching Physical Holdings record.
  8. If you moved a note from the 852 Notes column field in step 3.f, remove that note duplication from the 852 field before saving and releasing the holdings record.

By jcripe on 02-21-2025
