Millennium-to-Alma field mapping


Bibliographic fields

Mill. MARC tag Description Mapped to Alma: Indexed in Alma? Index Name Subfield label NOTES
  Mill. bib# 996 $$a YES Prev system IDs <none>  
  Mill. Last Updated date 996 $$b Updated: YES Prev system IDs Updated: Alma format: mm-dd-yy (Mill. used mm-dd-yyyy)
  Mill. Created date 996 $$c Created: YES Prev system IDs Created: Alma format: mm-dd-yy (Mill. used mm-dd-yyyy)
  Mill. CatDate 996 $$d CatDate: YES Prev system IDs CatDate: Alma format: mm-dd-yy (Mill. used mm-dd-yyyy)
001 OCLC record number 035 $$a (OCoLC) YES OCLC Control Number (035...)    
005 Date/time of latest transaction 005 NO?      
009 Gladis add/modify dates/initials 968 YES Gladis bib data    
019 Previous OCLC number not migrated       no way to migrate to 035 $$z
035 GLADN# system control number - Gladis bib# not migrated       see MARC tag 935
035 system control number 035 YES Other System Number    
090 local LC call# 090 PARTIALLY: 090 $$a only LC Call Number index (with both All Titles and Physical TItles)   N.B. This is 090 in bib only, not 090 in Mill. item or holdings record
500 with $5 Description based on imperfect copy 500 with $$5 YES Public Note (Title)   not indexed in Notes or Local Notes
501 Bound-with/Issued-with by publisher 501 YES Notes   not indexed in Public Note (Title) or Local Notes
501 with $5 Bound-with subsequent to publication 591 with $$5 YES Local Notes   not indexed in Notes or Public Note (Title)
506 Restrictions on access 506 AND 980 NO?     (not retrieving in Notes, Public Note (Title), or Local Notes indexes) SCCM-CKG recommends using 506 in Holdings record
533 without $5 Reproduction note 533 YES Notes   not indexed in Public Note (Title) or Local Notes
533 with $5 Local reproduction details 533 with $$5 AND 597 with $$5 YES for 533: Notes ; for 597: Local Notes   This double mapping allows the reproduction note to migrate as part of the universal description (533) but preserves the local data as a local extension (597)
541 Source of acquisition note 592 YES Local Notes   SCCM-CKG recommends using 541 in Holdings record
561 Provenance note 593 YES Local Notes   SCCM-CKG recommends using 561 in Holdings record
563 Binding description 594 YES Local Notes   SCCM-CKG recommends using 563 in Holdings record
590 Local note - General 590 YES Local Notes   SCCM-CKG recommends using 590 in Holdings record
599 SCP & HathiTrust notes not migrated        
655 with $5 Copy-specific genre/form terms 694 with $$5 NO     Indexing in Alma requested 8/23/21, in Subjects index, possibly also in Local Index Term - Genre/Form
690 Local topical subject heading 690 YES Subjects   Possible additional indexing in Alma requested 8/23/21, in index: Local Subject Added Entry - Topical Term
691 Local geographic subject heading 691 YES Subjects   Possible additional indexing in Alma requested 8/23/21, in index: Local Subject Added Entry - Topical Term
752 Added Entry--Hierarchical Place Name 752 AND 952 YES Added entry--hierarchical place name    
793 with $5 CU SCP & Shared Print 963 with $$5 CU YES Shared print    
793 without $5 CU Local added entry--Uniform title not migrated        
796 with $5 Copy-specific added personal name 970 with $$5 YES Local personal name    
797 with $5 Copy-specific added corporate name 971 with $$5 YES Local corporate name    
798 with $5 Local conference name 972 with $$5 YES Local meeting name    
799 Collection titles 973 YES Local collection name   Migrated all 799s, both with and without a $5
856 40 / 41 Electronic location & access 856 AND 956 NO? (856); YES (956)      
856 42 when no 856 40 / 41 exists TOC 856 AND 956 NO? (856); YES (956)      
900 Level 2/Level 3 cat. marker 966 $$a YES Misc. bib data CatGoal:  
901 Melvyl-ITSL,IGSL load>Mill. 951 YES Melvyl/ITSL/IGSL    
902 Misc. cataloging notes 966 $$b YES Misc. bib data CatNote:  
905 Previous OCLC no./001 not migrated        
906 Other copy note for microforms 966 $$c YES Misc. bib data OtherCopy:  
907 Mill. bib# for OCLC export not retained in Mill. bib - no data to migrate        
907 "OTF Bib" 966 $$d YES Misc. bib data <none>  
911 SCP Tier 1 not migrated        
912 SCP Tier 2 not migrated        
913 Tier 3 953 YES Tier 3    
935 GOBI order/bib matchpoint not migrated        
935 GLADN# 996 $$e YES Prev system IDs <none>  
936 1. vol. info (CONSER misc. data) 2. OCLC parallel recd#'s not migrated        
941 PFA coded 541 text 967 $$a YES PFA PFA541:  
945 1. PFA condition notes 2. copy-NRLF-Google (dup of 245 $a) not migrated        
946 PFA cataloging notes 967 $$c YES PFA PFAcat:  
948 PFA restriction notes 967 $$d YES PFA PFArestrict:  
949 1. Mill. load table & 2. item info for OCLC export not retained in Mill. bib - no data to migrate        
950 ITSL TRIS data 950 YES ITSL-TRIS    
954 Marcive authority load marker not migrated        
955 C&MS use 966 $$f YES Misc. bib data CMSNote:  
956 Load source/cataloger initials/date/type of work 955 YES Load source/cat stat    
957 OCLC load marker not migrated        
958 "Too many items" marker - multiple bibs not migrated        
959 Saved 856 before SFX reduction to single URL not migrated        
961 PFA field 967 $$e YES PFA PFAfield: Mill. 961 $b did not migrate (as in b103901723: 961 $a PFA 1604-01-758. $b Stored on 400 ft. reel.) MCQ reviewing --mm, 8-3-21
990 $a $b $c GLADIS SLF data 990 $$a $$b $$c YES Gladis SLF data    
990 $z Past Innopac migration data 966 $$g YES Misc. bib data OldMigrData:  
991 Innopac migration data not migrated        
992 NRLF#'s (ZAP OCLC project) 992 YES ZAP OCLC project    
993 Marker used for identifying category/characteristics of this bib for incl/excl in queries 993 YES LIT marker    
994 OCLC data (added automatically) not migrated        
995 NRLF values (ZAP OCLC project) not migrated        
996 NRLF values (ZAP OCLC project) not migrated        
998 AV track information 998 YES LIT AV tracking    
999 Bib mark-for-deletion marker 997 YES Deletion marker    
  Local uniform title 979 n/a Local uniform title   Index exists, but it contains no indexed terms

Holdings fields

Holdings fields with MARC coding in Millennium

001 (from holdings) Gladis No. not migrated   
001 (from bib) Bib Utility No. (OCLC#) 901 $$a  
002 Gladis No. 002 Innopac checkin# Example: .c2347660
090 $a $b $d Call No. [LC] Classification part, Item part, Prefix 852 0x $$h $$i $$k Mapped from Mill. item when no holdings record present, otherwise mapped from Mill. holdings record
099 $a Call no. [non-LC/other] 852 8x $$j or $$h Mapped from Mill. item when no holdings record present, otherwise mapped from Mill. holdings record
590 (from bib) "Note
(copy- specific information)"
990 Applies to one instance of location-call#, but mapped to all migrated holdings records attached to the bib record; inappropriately mapped cases can be cleaned up.
853 Captions 853 Added to many Mill. holdings records just before migration to Alma.
866 Library Has [basic holdings] 866  
867 Library Has [supplements] 867  
868 Library Has [indexes] 868  
945 Gladis Data not migrated  

Holdings fields without MARC coding in Millennium

Mill. holdings record# (only unsuppressed holdings records) 035 $$a (CUY)   Formatted like this: (CUY)c12345678-01ucs_ber
Mill. holdings record - suppressed not migrated    
Mill. bib# 004   Formatted like this:  UCB-b123456789-01ucs_ber
Acq Type(c) 952 $$x Acq Type: Migrated only if value was not - or blank.
Bib Code 3 992 $$a   For example: bib was suppressed, withdrawn, or active. 
APriCoT has approved removing the field from all records.
Bind Info 952 $$x Bind Info:  
Bind Title 952 $$x Bind Title:  
checkin card  952 $$x Checkin Info: 1 $x for the card as a whole + 2 $x’s for each unit type + 2 $x’s for each box.
Check Note 852 $$x    
Claim On 952 $$x Claimon:  
Copies 952 $$x Copies:  
Created [date] 008/00-05   Example: 090318
ERM link 952 $$x ERM Link: Only 4 records in Mill. at migration.
Frequency 952 $$x Frequency: Migrated only if value was not - or blank.
Identity 843 $$e    
Label Note 952 $$x Label Note:  
Label Type 952 $$x Label Type: Migrated only if value was not - or blank.
Last Updated [date] 005/00-05   Example: 20120621192858
Field will be overwritten if record is updated.
Local Note 852 $$x    
Location 852 $$c   Mapped from Mill. item record location when no holdings present.
Mark for Deletion 991 $$a   For example: withdrawn or active. 
APriCoT has approved removing the field from all records.
Message 952 $$x Message:  
Misc. Internal Note 952 $$x Misc Internal Note:  
PD Other Note 852 $$z   Example: Oct 1987, Dec 1992, July-Dec 1993, July 1994-Aug 1997. Locally Produced Reprint.
PD Shelving Note 852 $$z   Example: Description based on: Nr. 1/92; title from cover
Piece Count 952 $$x Pcount:  
Recv Location 952 $$x Rloc: Migrated only if value was not blank.
Resource ID 952 $$x Resource ID:  
Revisions 952 $$x Revisions:  
Shelving 952 $$z Shelving:  
Tickler 952 $$x Tickler:  
Tickler Log 952 $$x Tickler log:  
Update Count 952 $$x Updcnt: Migrated only if value was not - or blank.
UPI 952 $$x UPI:  
Upload 952 $$x Upload: Migrated only if value was not -.
Vendor 952 $$x Vendor:  
Vendor Address 952 $$x Vendor Address:  
Vendor Note 952 $$x Vendor Note:  
Vendor Title No. 952 $$x Vendor Title:  


Item fields

Table under review.


By jloesberg on 09-12-2024
