- Academic Senate, Berkeley Division
- Committee on the Library, Academic Senate, Berkeley Division
- Affiliated Libraries
- Guidelines for the Establishment of Affiliated Libraries on the Berkeley Campus
- Affiliated Libraries-The Library Task Force (Report and Recommendations, Spring 2004)
- Blue Ribbon Committee on the Library, Office of The Vice Chancellor and Provost
- Charge (June 1997)
- Executive Summary and Final Report (April 1998)
- Executive Committee Statement to Chancellor re: Faculty Senate resolutions of 11/28/2011
- LAUC- B Resolution on the Importance of Diversity in Collections (February 18, 2021)
- The Librarian Series in the 90's and Beyond (April 30, 1992) pdf
- Librarian Statement of Responsibilities
- Peer Review Standards in a Time of Increased Workload (January 2012)
- Position on Retention of Librarian Positions at UC Berkeley (June 2006)
- Report of the 2010 CAPA Task Force on Special Issues (March 5, 2010)
- Retirement Benefits and Emeritus Status (Sept. 2004; updated June 2005)
- Statement on the Importance of Supporting Librarian Appointments (April 2004)
- Task Force on The Library-SIMS Relationships (October 2005)