The Guidelines were revised in 2018. See the new version: Guidelines Respecting Affiliated Libraries on the Berkeley Campus (2018)
- There should be a written collection development statement and the existing collections and current acquisition patterns should reflect that statement.
- The library should have a stable annual acquisition budget adequate to meet the essential aspects of collection development and maintenance, including preservation, conservation, binding, or other treatments appropriate to the collection. Evidence of historical patterns of adequate collection development funding should be available. When means other than purchase are used by the library to acquire materials, those means should be stable and well documented.
- The collection should be unique and complementary to others on campus. Consideration will be given to duplicative collections that provide unique and/or complementary services.
- The collection should support the campus information needs of students, faculty, and administrative units
Physical and Bibliographical Access:
- The collections should be accessible for use by faculty, students, and staff at UC Berkeley. Consideration should be given to collection accessibility by the members of the community and by clients from other academic institutions with which the campus has cooperative agreements. Circulation/non-circulation policies should be clear and appropriate to the mission of the library.
- Policies for inter-library lending should be considered.
- The collections should be cataloged using national cataloging standards, including in most cases AACR 2, Library of Congress classification. Use of other national or local subject thesauri or classifications may be appropriate, as may be the use of specialized indices to collections such as ephemera. Use of local systems should be well documented and consistent. All catalog records should be made available in appropriate standardized formats suitable for Universitywide access.
- Special indexing systems for otherwise uncataloged collections should include consistent headings subjected to authority control.
Public Services:
- The Library should be open on a regular, posted schedule with staff scheduled to provide information and circulation services.
- Reference service should be available. The reference service provided should not be primarily duplicative of that available elsewhere on campus.
- At least one member of the Librarian series must be on the staff, and this person should be appointed and reviewed as specified in the Academic Personnel Manual and the Berkeley peer review procedures.
- Career staff and/or academic FTE should be available to carry out the majority of the essential functions of acquisition, cataloging, circulation, and reference. Volunteers should not be routinely relied upon for execution of the major functions of the Library.
- The salary budget must be stable and consistently augmented to provide for merit advancement of the staff. Historical documentation of a stable staffing budget should be available.
- Professional and staff development release time and funds should be made available as appropriate and backup staffing should be available for those times the Librarian is engaged in professional responsibilities outside of the Library. At the Associate Librarian and Librarian levels of the Librarian Series incumbents are expected to perform professional service beyond the immediate responsibilities of the particular position in order to be retained or advanced. Evidence of the willingness and ability of the organization to support professional service outside the library, university service, and research and creative work should be documented.
- There should be adequate onsite storage space, readily accessible to patrons and staff for the most heavily used portions of the collections.
- When all collections cannot be housed in the Library, provision for remote, or offsite shelving of less-used materials with regular on-demand deliveries to the Library should be made.
- Reasonable growth space should be included in the facility, or concrete plans for providing growth space should be specified.
- Shelving and other types of storage equipment should meet normal standards for safe housing of library materials.
February 15, 1989. Approved by LAUC-B Executive Committee, May 14, 2003.
Original Committee Members: 1989
- Joe Rosenthal, University Librarian
Sue (Rhee) Rosenblatt, Associate University Librarian
Terry Dean, Affiliated Librarian
Gary Handman, Librarian
Myrtis Cochran, Librarian
Academic Senate Library Committee Faculty memberNote: At the time these guidelines were created in 1989, all existing Affiliated Libraries were grandfathered under its terms.
Affiliated Revision Team: 2003
- Maryly Snow, Affiliated Library Affairs Chair
Lily Castillo-Speed, Affiliated Librarian, Affiliated Library Heads Convenor
Terry Dean, Affiliated Librarian, Prior Committee member