2007-2008 Committee Rosters

Executive Committee (Minutes)

Amanda Barone, Chair
Corliss Lee, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect
Lucia Diamond, Past Chair
Jesse Silva, Secretary
Jennifer Nelson, Treasurer
Theresa Salazar (appointed by Executive Committee after resignation of Sarah McDaniel), Library Representative
Evelyn Kuo, Library Representative
Shannon Supple, Committee on Affiliated Libraries Affair Chair
Seyem Petritis, Committee on Affiliated Libraries Affairs Committee Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect

Committee on Appointment Promotion and Advancement (CAPA)

Myrtis Cochron, Chair
James Eason
Manuel Erviti
Lynn Jones
Gary Peete
Nick Robinson (Affiliated representative)
Christina Tarr (Affiliated representative)

Committee on Affiliated Librarians Affairs

Committee on Diversity

Barbara Bohl, Chair (Affiliated representative)
Flo Mayberry (Staff representiative)
Jesse Silva
Susan Xue
Judy Bolstad, ex officio (Statewide representative)
Susan Wong, ex officio (LHRD representative)

Committee on Professional Development

Judy Bolstad, Chair
Jean Dickinson
Jeanne Gahagan
Kai Stoeckenius
Laura Ward (Affliated representative)

Committee on Research

Virginia Shih, Chair
Imadeldin Abualgasim
Dean Rowan (Townsend Fellow representative)
I-Wei Wang (Affiliated represntative)
Linda Vida, ex officio (Statewide representative)

Conference Planning Committee (2007-2008)

Distinguished Librarian Award Committee (2007-2008)

Nominations and Elections Committee

Norma Kobzina, Co-Chair
Kathryn Neal, Co-Chair
Bette Anton
Marlene Harmon (Affiliated representative)



Harrison Dekker



Committee on Diversity

Judy Bolstad

Committee on Library Plans and Policies

Linda Vida (served one-month temporary appointment until dismantling of committee in September 2007)

Committee on Professional Governance

Josh Schneider

Research and Professional Development Committee

Linda Vida

Statewide Nominating Committee

Terry Huwe, Co-chair

Statewide Webmaster, 2006-2008

Frank Lester