2007 Spring Assembly Committee Reports

Spring Assembly
Tuesday, 1 May 2007
8:30-10:00 a.m. Morrison Library


Committee on Affiliated Affairs (CALA) (Submitted by Susan Garbarino, Chair) The Committee on Affiliated Affairs held a Fall and Spring Assembly.
Fall Assembly, October 31st, 2006--Dr. Whitney Davis, Chair of the Academic Senate Library Committee spoke regarding issues relevant to Affiliated Libraries. He focused on three issues, the Google Book Project, library space issues and support for professional librarians and archivists by the University.

Spring Assembly, April 18th, 2007-- Robin Chandler, Director of Data Acquisition & Mass Digitization, California Digital Library spoke regarding the Google Book Project and the Microsoft/Internet Archive. She discussed the current status of both of these projects as well as the work flow and process for selecting materials to be digitized.

The minutes for both assemblies are available on the LAUC-B, Committee on Affiliated Affairs web site /cala/index.html
and will also be on the Affiliated Libraries website http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/AFFIL/minutes.html

Reports from the subject and function councils as well as LAUC-B committees with Affiliated representatives were distributed at each assembly and are available on the CALA web site /cala/index.html.

2006/2007 Roster of CALA Susan Garbarino (Chair) (2007)
Shannon Supple (Vice Chair/Chair Elect) (2008) Nick Robinson (TALAG Chair) (2008)
Armanda Barone, ex officio (ExComm Vice Chair/Chair Elect)

A turnover meeting with the outgoing and incoming chair and TALAG chair Nick Robinson will be held in August 2007.

Committee on Appointment Promotion and Advancement (CAPA) (submitted by John
Gallwey, Affiliated Representative)

Peer-Review Workshop
On October 3, 2006 CAPA Chair Mary Ann Mahoney and CAPA member Corliss Lee conducted the annual Peer Review Workshop. The LAUC-B Research and Professional Development Committee sponsors this event.

Position Descriptions
Since November 1, 2006 CAPA has reviewed the following job descriptions: Instruction & Electronic Services Librarian, Engineering Library Architecture Visual Resources Librarian, Environmental Design Library Archivist (Environmental Design Archives)
Head, Music Library
Head of Instructional Services, Doe and Moffitt Libraries
Molecular & Cell Biology Librarian
Head, Serials Cataloging, Doe and Moffitt Libraries
Head, Acquisitions, Doe and Moffitt Libraries
Head, Engineering Library

Candidate Interviews
Since November 1, 2006 CAPA has interviewed candidates for the following positions: Head of Instructional Services, Doe and Moffitt Libraries (3 candidates)
Head of Instructional Services, Doe and Moffitt Libraries (3 candidates) Chinese Materials Cataloger, East Asian Library (3 candidates)
Africana Librarian, Doe and Moffitt Libraries (3 candidates)

Review Process
Fifty-seven merit/promotion review dossiers have been received (including seventeen from affiliated librarians) and CAPA has completed review of twenty-two of these. Eight candidates are seeking career status, six candidates are seeking promotion, and six have requested accelerated merit reviews. Four Ad Hoc Committees were appointed to work on the career and promotion cases.

CAPA Members in 2006/07
Myrtis Cochran (to November 2008) James Eason (to November 2008) Elizabeth Edinger (left UCB, January 2007) Manuel Erviti (to November l 2009) John Gallwey (to November 2007) Susan Koskinen, Chair (to November 2007) Linda Kawaguchi McLane* (left UCB, March 2007) Gary Peete (to November 2009) Christina Tarr** (to November 2008)

*Linda Kawaguchi McLane was mid-year replacement for Elizabeth Edinger as of January 9,
**Christina Tarr was mid-year replacement for Linda Kawaguchi McLane as of March 1, 2007.

Conference Planning Committee (submitted by Allan Urbanic, Chair)

We have finalized a few more details concerning the LAUC-B Conference Academic Libraries,
2.0 which will be held on November 2, 2007 at the Clark Kerr Conference Center. Tom Leonard and Shel Waggener have agreed to provide welcoming remarks.
Our keynote speaker will be Meredith Farkas, Distance Learning Librarian at Norwich University, creator of the blog Information Wants to be Free, and author of the forthcoming book Social software in libraries : building collaboration, communication, and community online.

Our closing speaker will by James Neal, Vice President for Information Services and University
Librarian, Columbia University.

In between these two presentations, we will have six breakout sessions on various aspects of the conference theme. We are still in the process, but soon hope to have completed, the selection of proposals for these sessions Three breakout sessions will be scheduled to occur simultaneously prior to and after the lunch break and attendees will be able to freely select the sessions which most relates to their interests.

A web site for the conference, where attendees can find detailed information about speakers, schedule, etc., is in the process of creation. We will be asking attendees to register on the web site so that we can plan the proper seating and catering for the event.

We are hoping that most LAUC members will be able to attend along with members of the campus community who are interested in these issues.

Distinguished Librarian Award Committee (submitted by Lillian Castillo-Speed, Chair)

The committee has met several times, working mainly on publicity and soliciting nominations. Members are Ramona Martinez (Law), Judy Bolstad (Public Health), Shayee Khanaka (Doe, Research and Collections, Jim Church (Doe, International Documents) and Chair Lillian
Castillo-Speed (Ethnic Studies Library). The faculty representative is Whitney Davis, who is also chair of the Academic Senate Library Committee. The deadline for nominations is May 15th, while the deadline for full packets is September 14. The award reception will probably take place in November. All LAUC-B members are eligible, except for those on the current DLA Committee. We are actively seeking nominations until May 15.

Diversity Committee (submitted by Judy Bolstad, Chair)

Diversity Committee Members Judy Bolstad, Chair (2007) Barbara Bohl (2009)
Flo Mayberry (2008) Jesse Silva (2009) Susan Xue (2009)
Teresa Mora, ex officio (2008) Susan Wong, ex officio (2008)

Committee Activities:
1. In November 2006, The LAUC-B Executive Committee accepted the final report by the Committee on Diversity on librarian recruitment and hiring at UC Berkeley. This report can be found at /diversity/index.html. In January 2007, a new charge was assigned to the Committee:

LAUC-B Executive Committee Charge to LAUC-B Committee on Diversity, January 2007
In addition to your ongoing charge to serve as an advisory body to LAUC-B on issues related to diversity, the LAUC-B Executive Committee would also like to ask you to do the following specific tasks:

  • create some standard texts to be used in job announcements (with input from APO, LHRD, CAPA and affiliated libraries) to be a model to communicate the benefits and appeal of working at Berkeley
  • create a recruitment checklist so that librarians know what to do and whom to contact when they have an opening (use the model of the Faculty Equity Office as appropriate)
  • follow up on the Diversity Fellow Program
  • coordinate with the Task Force on Diversity and Retention and the Task Force on Diversity and Recruitment

The Committee on Diversity has been actively gathering information for these tasks and plans to submit a draft recruitment checklist and job announcement template soon.

2. J. Bolstad was asked by the LAUC-B Executive Committee to represent UC Berkeley at the Joint Conference of Librarians of Color, sponsored by the American Library Association in October 2006. A full report is available for viewing at /diversity/index.html

3. T. Mora and B. Bohl attended the March 22, 2007 University of California system-wide diversity conference titled Changing the Culture of the Academy: Toward a More Inclusive Practice. The conference discussed issues related to increasing diversity on campus and throughout the UC system.

Nominations and Elections Committee (submitted by Linda Vida, Chair)

DATE: April 27, 2007
TO: Lucia Diamond, LAUC-B Chair
FROM: Linda Vida, Chair
Nominating and Elections Committee (Completing term for Linda McLane) Current members of the UCB Nominating & Elections Committee are:
Norma Kobzina, Bioscience Library
Kathryn Neal, Bancroft Library
Jean McKenzie, Engineering Library
Linda Vida, Water Resources Center Archives

The Committee is currently recruiting for the following LAUC-B Executive
Committee positions for FY 07-08:

Chair-Elect/Chair/Past-Chair 3 year term Secretary 2 year term Treasurer 1 year term Two at-large library directors 1 year term Alternate Affiliated Library Rep 2 year term
Candidates for the positions are: Chair-Elect: Corliss Lee
Secretary: Jesse Silva, Jean Dickinson
Treasurer: Jennifer Nelson, David Sullivan
Library Representative: Evelyn Kuo, Adnan Malik Library Representative: Sarah McDaniel, Theresa Salazar Alternate Affil Rep: Seyem Petrites
Ballots will be sent out to all LAUC-B members around May 16th with a due date of no later than June 6th. Election results will be sent to LAUC statewide by June 13th and officially announced soon after.

Professional Development Committee (submitted by Seyem Petrites, Chair)

TO: Lucia Diamond, Chair, LAUC-B
FR: Seyem Petrites, Chair, LAUC-B Committee on Professional Development
DT: April 18, 2007
RE: Report: Committee on Professional Development

Committee Members:
Seyem Petrites, Chair (Affiliated representative) (2007) Judy Bolstad (2008)
Sarah McDaniel (2007) Michael Sholinbeck (2007) Kai Stoeckenius (2008)

Committee Activities:
Academic Review: A Program for LAUC-B Members
October 3, 2006 8:30 10:00 a.m. Childrens Literature Room Education Psychology Library

The Committee presented its annual Academic Review program for Librarians. CAPA Outgoing Members Mary Ann Mahoney (Chair) and Corliss Lee offered their perspectives on the review process and what reviewers look for in a dossier. A question and answer period followed their presentation. Approximately 50 persons attended the event.

Working with Remix Culture: A Fad or the Future? A Presentation by Raymond Yee
March 19, 2007 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. Townsend Center Geballe Room
220 Stephens Hall

Dr. Raymond Yee, Data Architect at IST-Data Services and Lecturer at the UC Berkeley School of Information, gave an informative presentation on the reuse or remix of digital content, looking at how librarians can participate in and encourage the integration of web technologies with library content and services. Following an overview of the remix culture, Dr. Yee covered a gamut of intriguing topics, such as bloggers, tinyurl.com, Housingmaps.com, Flickr, Scholars Box, and LibraryThing.com. Approximately 35 persons attended the event. Notes and slides
from the presentation are available on Dr. Yees wiki at:

Research Committee -- (submitted by Jennifer Nelson, Affiliated Library representative)

Roster: Paul Hamburg (Chair), Jennifer Nelson, Virginia Shih, Linda Vida (LAUC-B Representative to statewide LAUC Committee on Research and Professional Development)

University-Wide Research Grants
On December 6th, 2006, the LAUC-B Committee on Research sponsored an informational brown-bag event where past grant recipients and potential grant applicants discussed issues, questions, and problems associated with the grant process. This event was reasonably well- attended and led to fruitful discussion of several issues. Two UCB librarians submitted grant proposals this year, one of which was funded.

Townsend Library Fellowship
On February 7th, 2007, LAUC-B Committee on Research sponsored an informational brown-bag event on the Townsend Library Fellowship grant. Several past recipients and potential
applicants attended. Questions were answered, and one librarian submitted applications for this fellowship.

Research & Professional Development Committee (submitted by Linda Vida, Statewide

There is currently one representative from each campus on this committee and the chair is Bob Heyer-Gray from UCD. The committee met at UCD on February 23, 2007 to discuss seven proposals that had been submitted for funding by statewide LAUC. Of those, one was approved for funding this fiscal year. The other applicants were encouraged to revise and resubmit their proposals this year or next. One proposal was resubmitted and was funded.

The Committee also reviewed its charge given by LAUC President Lise Snyder and will report on this at the Statewide Assembly scheduled for May 30, 2007.

You can find out more about the charge and committee responsibilities at http://www.ucop.edu/lauc/committees/rpd/charge-06-07.pdf.