So far, we have only been able to relink a POL (purchase order line) when it is associated with an item record, so these instructions cover relinking item records, as well as holdings records and the item records linked to those holdings records. The instructions don't cover all the possible variations in relinking, but they lay out one way to do the work.
When the item record with an associated POL is relinked to a different bib, the POL is relinked along with the item record.
Resource Management training Module 5, slides 41-53, also presents relinking instructions with screenshots.
Caveat: POLs for GOBI shelf-ready materials should never be relinked to another bib when the existing bib is a brief bib that will be overlaid.
- The brief bib, or EOCR, is usually in all capital letters, and the associated item record created in Alma should have a barcode beginning with ucb---
- If an item record's barcode is a regular UCB barcode and a full bib record has been loaded, then it should be safe to relink the item record and associated POL
Orders created in Millennium (POL format: o12345678) may have a variety of characteristics.
If there's any question about whether it's safe to relink an item record and its associated POL, please submit a BadCat ticket.
Alma roles needed:
Physical Inventory Operator: for relinking item records and holdings records
Receiving Operator Limited: for viewing POLs
Terms used in the instructions:
IR: item record
HR: holdings record
POL: purchase order line
SOURCE record: where POL, holdings, item are attached but they shouldn't be
TARGET record: where POL, holdings, item should end up being attached
I. Relinking an item record (and associated POL):
I.A. Prepare for relinking:
- If relinking a POL, verify that the POL you want to relink is associated with an IR that you are going to relink -- if it is not associated with such an IR, the POL will remain on the SOURCE bib
- Viewing associated IR in POL summary:
- In the summary of search results, click on the hyperlinked number: "<shopping cart> Orders: #"
- You will see information about the IR below the order information (Library, Location, Call Number, Barcode, Availability, Received Date)
- Viewing associated POL in IR:
- You will see the POL-# in the PO Line field in the IR
- To associate a POL with an IR:
- Copy the POL-#
- In the summary of search results, click on the hyperlinked number: "<shopping cart> Orders: #"
- In the order information, copy the POL-##### after "PO line: "
- Navigate to the IR and Edit it
- In the PO Line field, paste the POL you copied
- Save. The POL should now be associated with the IR.This can be confirmed with either of the first 2 methods above (I.A.1. bullets 1-2).
- Records migrated from Millennium:
- POLs have the format: o12345678
- A POL will only be associated with an IR if the association was made in Alma (e.g., title ordered in Millennium, received in Alma), so it will often be necessary to associate a migrated POL with an IR, and:
- For migrated order records, it will often be necessary to create inventory (HR and IR) in order to associate a POL with the IR, so that the IR and POL can then be relinked.
- Copy the POL-#
- Copy Institution Zone (IZ) MMS ID of TARGET bib (where you want POL/inventory to end up)
- Note the HR on the TARGET bib where you want the IR to end up (location & call#)
- The call# of the SOURCE HR should match the call# of the TARGET HR, or, if not, the item may need to be re-marked.
- If there is no HR on the TARGET bib:
- you can add one before continuing with relinking; or
- you can use the Add New Holdings record routine during the relinking process -- with this routine Alma takes you into the MDE to add library, location, and call#; or
- if the IR is the only IR attached to its HR, you can consider using the instructions in section II. below
I.B. Relink the IR (and POL):
- View List of Item Records on SOURCE record
- Start the relinking process:
- Option a
- click on barcode -OR- in ellipsis menu for IR, select Edit
- click button "Relink to another bibliographic record"
- Option b
- select IR - click in box to left of IR info
- in Manage Selected dropdown (right, above list of IRs): select Relink to another bib
- Option a
- The display changes
- Click into "Select bibliographic record" box, where it says "Select from a list"
- Set search criteria: All titles + MMS ID
- Paste in MMS ID of TARGET record that you copied above (I.A.2) & hit Enter key or click on search magnifying glass
- Click into the pane with the bib when it displays
- Candidate HRs will appear
- This is where you can Add New Holdings if desired, or you will have to do so if there is no HR on the TARGET bib
- Click little box (or radio button) of the HR you want (you may need to adjust column widths at left to allow radio button to display)
- When you're sure, click "Select" button in upper right
Special case:
If you relink the last IR on a HR, you'll get another pane entitled "Last item(s) of Holdings record deleted or moved"
- The 1st and 3rd options are fine to select:
- [1st] Don't change the holdings record
- [3rd] Suppress the holdings record from discovery
- With either the 1st or 3rd option, mark the holdings record for deletion using these instructions
- Use this 2nd option with extreme caution - be absolutely sure the HR is not wanted:
- [2nd] Delete the holdings record
- [4th] Delete bibliographic record (unless other holdings are present)
Select appropriate option and click on "Go"
- The IR and POL should now be relinked
- If you chose to start the relinking process in I.B.2 with
- Option a
- you are returned to IR edit - click Cancel or Save
- you are then returned to the List of IRs on the SOURCE record; the relinked IR should not appear in the list
- Option b
- you are returned to the List of IRs on the SOURCE record; the relinked IR should not appear in the list
- Option a
- Navigate Back to the display of brief bibs and verify that everything appears as you want it in both records.
- Perform any other maintenance that still needs to be done, including marking the source IZ bib for deletion, and setting or canceling holdings in OCLC.
II. Relinking holdings and item records (and associated POL):
When you relink a HR, all IRs attached to that HR and all POLs associated with those IRs will also be relinked.
II.A. Prepare for relinking:
- If relinking a POL, verify that the POL you want to relink is associated with an IR you are going to relink -- if it is not associated with such an IR, the POL will remain on the SOURCE bib.
- See I.A.1 for information on how to associate a POL with an IR, as well as how a POL already associated with an IR appears.
- Copy IZ MMS ID of TARGET bib (where you want inventory & POL to end up)
- There should be no HR for the same location and call# on the TARGET bib.
II.B. Relink the HR (and IR and POL):
- View List of Holdings records on SOURCE record
- Start the relinking process:
- Option a
- in ellipsis menu for HR: select Relink
- Option b
- click on HR MMS ID
- view HR
- click on Relink button in upper right
- Option a
- MDE opens with split screen:
- left pane:
- HR to be relinked
- right pane:
- "Relink Holdings - Search Bibliographic Records"
- Institution button should be highlighted/selected
- In first box, "Find: Any Field: [Contains Phrase]": Paste MMS ID of TARGET record
- Hit Enter key or click Search button
- left pane:
- Another pane with the TARGET bib will appear, and the panes already open will move to the left; the leftmost pane with the HR will be squished
- You can View the bib if you wish; click the Back to Results button when finished
- When ready, click Relink button
- Alma returns you to the MDE and the HR being relinked; the other 2 panes disappear
- Save-and-release (RECOMMENDED), or Release, the HR from the MDE
- The HR and IR(s) and POL(s) should now be relinked
- Exit (or hide) the MDE
- Back in Alma:
- If you Saved-and-released the HR from the MDE (in step II.B.8), you are returned to a refreshed List of Holdings on the SOURCE record; the relinked HR will not be in the list. Proceed to II.C.
- If you only Released the HR from the MDE (in step II.B.8):
- If you chose Option a above (II.B.2) to start the relinking process,
- you are returned to the SOURCE record, viewing an unrefreshed list of HRs
- go Back, and Alma will refresh: you are returned to the display of brief bibs; the relinked HR should be on the TARGET bib, and not on the SOURCE bib
- If you chose Option b above (II.B.2) to start the relinking process,
- you are returned to viewing the HR that was relinked
- go Back, and Alma will refresh: you are returned to a refreshed List of Holdings on the SOURCE record; the relinked HR will not be in the list
- If you chose Option a above (II.B.2) to start the relinking process,
- Navigate Back to the display of brief bibs, if you're not already there, and verify that everything appears as you want it in both records.
- Perform any other maintenance that still needs to be done, including marking the source IZ bib for deletion, and setting or canceling holdings in OCLC.
By jcripe on 05-02-2024