Executive Committee Minutes 8/24/17

LAUC-B Executive Committee

Transition Meeting

August 24, 2017, 10:00-12:00
303 Doe Library


Attendees: R. Brandt, J. Eason, D. Eifler, D. Faulds, I. Knabe, C. Marino, J. Nelson, B. Quigley, J. Rosario, D. Rowan, V. Shih, M. Stoner, S. Teplitzky

  1. Announcements (J. Nelson)

    1. Statewide turnover meeting is Monday, 8/28/17

  2. Year in Review Reports

    1. Treasurer (D. Eifler)

      1. Remaining balance is $108,846. We are at the mid-point of our two year professional development spend cycle.  We have not yet heard about the status of our February 2017 budget request.

    2. LIBR meetings (B. Quigley)

      1. This year’s themes: Topics included the Moffitt Library renovation, the NRLF expansion, the Library’s strategic plan, open access and OA2020, and dissertation embargoes. The committee also expressed an interest in assessing graduate student use of the library, and plan to survey graduate students next year.

    3. Committee on Affiliated Library Affairs (C. Marino)

      1. Two assemblies were held. The first, in December, addressed research trials and tribulations. The spring assembly was held in March and had as its theme creative programming in libraries.

    4. LAUC-B candidate lunches (D. Faulds)

      1. We hosted 35 lunches for 13 positions, all librarian series positions.

    5. LAUC-B mentoring (S. Powell)

      1. Between September 2016 and August 21, 2017, seven new LAUC-B librarians were paired with mentors. An additional two new LAUC-B librarians are in the process of being matched with a mentor. The program went smoothly for the most part. With so many new librarians the main challenge was finding mentors who were available, not serving on CAPA, met the program criteria, and were able to meet any more specific requests made by the mentees.

    6. Secretary (S. Teplitzky)

      1. Changes were made in how assembly logistics were organized this year. Catering was coordinated and ordered through Ashley Bacchi. A/V organization went well using Helpbox email (helpbox-library@berkeley.edu).

    7. LAUC Statewide (J. Nelson)

      1. Call for new representative for statewide Committee on Diversity. If interested, contact Kendra Levine by 8/30/17  (kklevine@berkeley.edu).

      2. LAUC has issued a Resolution on Undocumented Students (see email of 8/9/17). Find the text of the resolution here: LAUC Statement of Principles on Undocumented Student at UC.

      3. A LAUC statement in support of open access policy is currently being drafted by the statewide Committee on Professional Governance (CPG).

      4. Statewide Committee on Research and Professional Development

        1. Committee, under Chair Carla Arbagey, is in the process of updating the Guidelines for LAUC Grants. Members will be informed as soon as new guidelines are published.

  3. Continuing Business

    1. Chair’s year in review report

      1. Major initiatives & Accomplishments

        1. 2016-17 Task Force on Professional Status of Librarians at Berkeley completed its report (distributed in November 2016 with ExComm cover letter); both are available on the LAUC-B website.

        2. LAUC-B bylaws update: proposed changes in language regarding LAUC-B membership and the Committee on Diversity were on the ballot in spring 2017 (both passed).

        3. Two-year Professional Development funding accrual pilot program completed its first year.

      2. See attached report for more detail

  4. Break

  5. Welcome incoming ExComm; transfer the gavel (J. Nelson)

  6. New Business (B. Quigley)

    1. Transition and preview of 2017-18 issues

      1. Transition

        1. Meeting times - continue with second Wednesday of the month, time will change to 10:00 - 11:30

        2. S. Teplitzky and J. Eason will add incoming/remove outgoing members from LAUC-B bcourses site, and update mailing lists and privileges.

      2. Preview of 2017-18 issues and topics

        1. Ways for LAUC-B to support the strategic plan (e.g., training, professional development)

        2. 2018 is LAUC-B at 50

        3. LAUC-B conference on October 20, 2017, and subsequently charge the 2019 conference planning committee

        4. Charge the 2018 Distinguished Librarian Award committee

        5. Discussion and assessment of two-year professional development funding

        6. Bylaws revisions: Begin with Research and Professional Development Committee; ExComm will review other possible revisions.

          1. A bylaws change will be required to merge the Professional Development and Research committees in the coming year.

          2. The draft charge has been shared and many helpful comments have been received.

    2. Committee appointments

      1. The following LAUC-B committee appointments have been approved.

        1. Committee on Diversity: José Adrián Barragán-Álvarez

        2. Committee on Professional Development: Jean Ferguson, Christina Fidler, Jeremy Ott

        3. Committee on Research: Celia Emmelhainz

        4. Nominating & Elections Committee: Chris Tarr, Susan Xue

      2. ExComm approval for representative to statewide committee on diversity will happen via email.

    3. Fall Assembly

      1. Discussion of possible fall assembly topics and logistics.

    4. Working groups & use of LAUC-B email list

      1. Two new working groups are starting related to library research (C. Emmelhainz), and to cataloging (J. Rosario).

      2. Use LAUC-B email list for initial solicitation and infrequent reminders.

      3. Group contact information will be listed on LAUC-B website.

    5. Timing of assemblies - follow-up

      1. To be addressed at September ExComm meeting

LAUC-B 2016-17 Year in Review.pdf