LAUC-B Executive Committee
Thursday, 12 May 2011
10:00 a.m. 12:00 noon
303 Doe Library
Members Present: Lucia Diamond, Kathleen Gallagher, Susan Koskinen, Ramona Martinez, Nick Robinson, Monica Singh, Shannon Supple, and I-Wei Wang
Guests: John Gallwey, Julie Lefevre, and Brian Quigley
I. Announcements
Tom Leonard asks for comments on the Interim Report on the Systemwide Library Planning Task Force. Read the report here:
Institute for Transportation Studies Library update: The Affiliated Libraries Administrative Group (TALAG) is meeting soon to discuss the budget situation further.
II. Reports
A. Treasurer's Report (I. Wang): The account balance is $101,149.71.
B. Meeting with the University Librarian (S. Koskinen, N. Robinson)
Sue Koskinen and Nick Robinson met with Tom Leonard on May 9th. The Council of University Librarians will meet by teleconference on May 25th and hold an in-person meeting June 17-18th.
NextGen Melvyl will be in place on June 24th.
T. Leonard noted that the issue of distinguished librarian status was included in a May 2nd letter on salary negotiations from Mike Rotkin of UC-AFT.
The Systemwide Library and Scholarly Information Advisory Committee (SLASIAC) Library Planning Task Force has issued its interim report. (See link, above.)
The Bancroft Library director search is ongoing. There two candidates will be giving public presentations.
The Chancellor is looking at how federal funds flow through various programs around campus. A library example is the funding received by the Mark Twain Papers and Project.
C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (N. Robinson)
LIBR met on April 26th. T. Leonard reported on the HATHI Trusts access to snippets. There is a new obstacle because the General Counsel at the University of Michigan believes that there is some risk in providing access to snippets for items in copyright, so HATHI will not show snippets for these items, though the page number where the snippet would be will be displayed.
T. Leonard gave a library budget update, noting the cut in unencumbered carryforward funds.
Decentralization of benefits: In the short term, this is probably a good thing for departments since they will receive an infusion of funds from central campus, but will be problematic more long-term.
LIBR is moving forward with planning for an open access policy for faculty research. Molly Van Houweling will be heading the effort during the summer so that a strategy can be discussed at LIBR in the fall. Eventually, it will go to the full Academic Senate for a vote.
LIBR will be getting a new chair soon. There will be potentially significant turnover in its membership as well.
D. LAUC Statewide Conference Call (S. Koskinen)
LAUC is currently drafting a LAUC Resolution on the budget cuts.
LAUC President Michael Yonezawa is forming an ad hoc committee to set up a service award. If you would like to participate, send an email to S. Koskinen.
Each divisional chair will write an annual campus report to be submitted to LAUC Statewide.
The LAUC Committee on Diversity is creating a UC-wide census survey to determine the demographic make-up of the UC librarians. They want as many responses as possible. Watch for the link!
M. Yonezawa shared the ratio of UC librarians to student populations for most campuses. (UC Berkeley was not included.)
UC Santa Cruzs Ginny Steel is the new convener for the Council of Librarians.
III. Continuing Business
A. LAUC-B Election: (J. Gallwey, J. Lefevre)
The slate is all set and voting will open soon May 16-27th. Watch for an email from Nominations Committee Chair John Gallwey. The election will be completed by June 1st.
There are two ballots, one for Affiliated librarians and another for librarians in the Library. Ballot platform options include: Survey Monkey or the LAUC-B site itself (using a web form). We would not have time to test the web form on the LAUC-B site, so we will use Survey Monkey this year and use the web form next year, after testing it. The candidate bios will be posted on the LAUC-B website.
B. Fiat Flux, LAUC-B Conference (I. Wang)
Additional funds have been given to Fiat Flux from the LAUC Presidents funds, thanks to LAUC Past President Lucia Diamond.
One speaker has had to back out so the committee is seeking another speaker to fill that slot.
The committee continues its work and things are otherwise on track.
C. CAPA Ad Hoc Committee Discussion (B. Quigley)
CAPA Chair Brian Quigley requested and responded to comments from ExComm members regarding CAPAs proposal for a change in the make-up of ad hoc committees.
B. Quigley and CAPA will work on an alternate proposal and ExComm will discuss this issue further at its next meeting.
D. LAUC Systemwide Advisory Groups (S. Koskinen): S. Koskinen noted that SLASIAC (3-year term), HOPS (2-year term), LTAG (2-year term), and other systemwide advisory groups are looking for members. If you are interested, let S. Koskinen know.
The deadline to submit your application is May 27th.
IV. New Business
A. ExComm Meeting Schedule: Upcoming ExComm meetings are scheduled for June 9th and July 14th. The ExComm turnover meeting will be held on Wednesday, 17 August at 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m.
B. LAUC-B Chairs Wiki: All ExComm members have an area on the wiki where they can add and update information. S. Koskinen reminded all ExComm members to be sure to update the areas within their purview before the turnover meeting in August.
C. LAUC-B Website: Send comments on the website, including navigational issues, to S. Koskinen, to help improve organization of information and navigation on the site.
D. Internship Webpage:
Links from the internship program by the LAUC-B Diversity Committee have been posted to a webpage on the LAUC-B website: /diversity/internship_resources.
Because using interns is broader than diversity-related issues, we may want a task force to broaden the language and create a resources webpage on the LAUC-B website.