Internship Resources

Librarians have the opportunity to engage interns for temporary projects that do not

  1. Librarians who have supervised interns and are willing to advise librarians. Some past internship projects are listed.
    Lillian Castillo-Speed, Ethnic Studies Library
    Finding Aid: Native American Audio Collection
    Indian Affairs Annual Reports
    David de Lorenzo, The Bancroft Library
    Finding Aid to the Marian E. Koshland Papers, 1950-1995
    Finding Aid to the Woolsey Family Papers, 1875-1990
    Finding Aid to James Jerome Parsons Papers, 1966-1996
    Finding Aid to the C. Grant Loomis Papers, 1927-1962
    David Eifler, Environmental Design Library
    Online Tutorial: About Google Scholar
    UC Berkeley Buildings & Campus Research Guide
    Vernacular Architecture and Landscape Architecture Resource Guide and creation of Guide on How to Update Research Guides
  2. Most local interns come from the internship course at San Jose State University’s  School of Library and Information Science
    LIBR 294. Professional Experience: Internships
    LIBR 294. Professional Experience: Internship Site Supervisors' Handbook   
  3. Potential interns may come from other library and information programs, for example
    UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies IS Internship
    University of Washington. Information School: MSIM Internships
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library and Information Science Site Supervisor Information
    Clarion University of Pennsylvania: Internship Opportunities
  4. Documentation
    Guidelines for Working with Students Engaged in Internships and Field Experiences (Appendix B of LAUC-B Task Force on the Library-SIMS Relationship: Final Report Recommendations)
    Checklist for Library Internship Supervisors  (Appendix C of LAUC-B Task Force on the Library-SIMS Relationship: Final Report Recommendations)
    Policies that apply to interns as well as staff