Spring Assembly - May 16, 2003

8:30-10:00 a.m.

Morrison Library

Handouts: Spring Assembly agenda

  1. Welcome
  2. LAUC-B Chair Myrtis Cochran called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. and welcomed the membership

    Mr. Miller described the challenges he faces in creating a "library of the future." The library is scheduled to open summer 2004. Currently the library has a staff of only five people, although he hopes to have a staff of 12-15 f.t.e. by opening day. As yet, there are no buildings, faculty, books or students.

    The collection must be built from scratch. Miller believes that a research library should be defined by the delivery of services and information, and not by its collections. The Merced Library will prefer electronic resources over paper, and the collection will have a very specific focus on academic programs. The general collection will be built over time. Miller will use digitization as a strategy to acquire content, and is actively seeking out opportunities to make digitized copies. The library has a formal partnership with the national parks (Yosemite, Sequoia and Kings Canyon), the Lee Institute for Japanese Art, and will acquire unique San Joaquin Valley materials.

    They hope to supply self check-out, 24/7 online access in dorms and offices, ad hoc instruction in the classroom and on-line reference service. The core journals will be on-line, with no backruns of journals. The core collection will be primarily in digital format, and the maximum size of the collection will be 250,000 volumes. In conclusion Miller remarked that they have limited resources, but high expections. The Merced Library will be "not what other research libraries are what they will be."

  3. Guest Speaker: Bruce Miller, University Librarian, UC Merced

    LAUC Spring Assembly will be held May 29-30 in San Diego, May 30 is the open program

    The LAUC Fall Assembly will be held at Berkeley Dec. 4-5, 2003. M. Cochran called for volunteers for local arrangements.

    Myrtis announced that the current membership of LAUC-B is now about 132 (actual count: 130), and introduced the new librarians who have been hired since the last assembly:

    Jae-Yong Chang, Korean Collections Librarian (5/12/03)

    Harrison Dekker, Data Services Librarian (12/09/02)

    Juliet Demeter, Lead Archivist for Science and Technology (05/01/03)

    Paul Hamburg, Librarian for Judaica Collections (12/06/02)

    Teresa Mora, NAACP Project Archivist, Bancroft (04/01/03)

    Seyem Petritis, Transportation Library Database Manager

    Laura Tatum, Project Archivist, Environmental Design Archives

    Cindi Wolff, Federal Documents Librarian (05/01/03)

    Ai-lin Yang, Chinese Cataloger, East Asian Library (05/01/01) Ai Lin has been employed a year as a librarian , but was never introduced at a LAUC-B assembly)

  4. Announcements and Introductions of new LAUC-B members

    The minutes were approved as written

  5. Approval of November 8, 2002 Fall Assembly minutes
    Chairs Report

    A. Local

    To stay abreast of library and campus issues concerning the library, the LAUC-B chair and vice-chair meets with UL Tom Leonard monthly, and the vice-chair meets monthly with the Senate Academic Library Committee.

    The DLA (Distinguished Librarian Award) Committee was appointed. The co-chairs of the committee are Norma Kobzina and Phyllis Bischof. Members are Lillian Castillo-Speed, David Sullivan and Professor Dan Wilson of the German Dept. Every other year one or two librarians receive this honor of distinction, a call for nominations is forthcoming. See the LAUC-B web site for the committee charge and other information regarding the DLA.

    As of the end of April, the current LAUC-B budget total is $81,854.62. The bulk of the budget is dedicated to professional travel as outlined by the MOU. The remaining funds are for general operations. This years budget includes funding for the Distinguished Librarian award(s) and reception.

    Emeritus Librarian Task Force: Bette Anton and Susan Koskinen, members of the task force, completed their work on the emeritus librarian privileges, which mirrors the faculty procedures. The document has been submitted to UL Tom Leonard for review. A copy will be placed on the web site.

    Special bylaws election: In March 2002, the Executive Committee appointed Maryly Snow, AVRL, Affiliated Chair Terry Dean, IGS, Past LAUC-B Chair, and Marlene Harmon, Law, Past Affiliated Chair, to an Ad Hoc LAUC-B Bylaws Review Committee. The Committee charge was to review the LAUC-B Bylaws, focusing "on facilitating LAUC-B business, with attention on, but not limited to, committee appointments, especially considering whether the bylaws could cite a recommended versus required number of committee members to provide flexibility in filling vacancies." A special election was held in February. There were 54 responses, and all twelve changes to the bylaws were approved and will become effective with the new LAUC-B term beginning September 2003.

    LAUC-B ExComm held a special working meeting in January to review the officer positions and determine what should be maintained in a policy manual. In addition, we are working on guidelines for the LAUC-B archives, establishing guidelines as to how long material is to be in possession of an officer and when it should be sent to UC Archives.

    LAUC-B Committees: Committee chairs were invited to attend the February ExComm meeting to provide updates on current activities and future plans, and to let ExComm know whether we could provide any assistance to the committees. Committees represented were CAPA (M. Burnette), RPDC (J. Ronningen), and the Committee on Affiliated Library Affairs (M. Snow). Nominations and Elections (C. Tarr and S. Calpestri) sent a report. It was suggested that this become an annual event.

    New Librarians Reception: A reception was held to introduce and meet new LAUC-B members. The event was well attended and everyone had a good time.

    Candidate lunches: LAUC-B hosts a lunch for candidates interviewing for librarian jobs. Usually, an ExComm member volunteers and invites another LAUC-B member to join him/her. Lunch is also an opportunity to talk about LAUC-B. Since November 1st, we have hosted nine candidates interviewing for five positions.

    Mentor Program: Each new hire is asked whether they would like to participate in the LAUC-B Mentor Program. If they are interested, they are paired with a "more experienced librarian"- someone who has been here 5 years or more. LAUC-B pays for the initial lunch. If you would like to participate as a mentor, please e-mail or call Susan Koskinen.

    Townsend Center Librarian Fellow: Five applications were received, the most ever in a given year. The selection committee had a difficult time choosing the fellow. Those not selected are encouraged to re-apply next year. The 2004/04 Townsend Center Librarian Fellow is Paul Hamburg, librarian for Judaica Collections RRC, Doe/Moffitt Libraries.

    B. Statewide

    LAUC President Esther Grassian visited with LAUC-B on March 12. Esther, UL Tom Leonard and Sarah McDaniel, humanities librarian, formed a panel to lead a discussion on Information Literacy.

    LAUC Awards: A new award was initiated to support the attendance of a new LAUC member, (less than two years), to the 2003 Spring Assembly. This years winner is Marie Bronoel, UCR. Other awards being considered are Lifetime Achievement or Librarian of the Year.

    Straw Polls: LAUC-B members were polled on revisions to Position Paper #1, "Criteria for Appointment or Promotion to the Ranks of Association Librarian and Librarian and Advancement to Librarian Step V." There were 23 total responses to the poll, with the majority in favor of all 5 proposed changes. Responses will be considered if a vote is taken at the LAUC Spring Assembly.

    A second poll was taken on the question of whether the Committee on Professional Governance should fulfill one of its charges, to investigate faculty status. The majority at Berkeley voted No; the same was the case for other UCs. Faculty status results: Berkeley, total number of responses: 47, YES: 18 and NO: 29. UC: In total there were 199 respondents from LAUC-B, LAUC-D, LAUC-I, LAUC-LA, LAUC-R, LAUC-SC and LAUC-SD. 111 people (56%) voted NO, while 82 people (41%), voted YES. Given these figures, as well as the No vote expressed by LAUC-SB, this charge will be dropped. The LAUC Executive Board will then need to clarify the fourth charge for CPG, as there has been confusion about it. Charge 4: Investigate the issue of upward evaluation and an increased focus on management skills in reviews.

    Thanks to ExComm for their support and to all of the members for responding to our many queries during the year. Allan Urbanic will commence his term as LAUC-B chair August 2003.

    C. Committee Reports

    CAPA M. Burnette, Chair

    Michaelyn thanked the current committee members and reported that CAPA is halfway through the review cycle. They have sent 13 dossiers to Tom Leonard for review, and have not yet received 2 dossiers. CAPA is planning to write a FAQ to mount on the LAUC-B web site.

    The following committee reports were distributed by email prior to the Assembly: Committee on Scholarly Communication (LAUC Statewide), Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Advancement, Committee on Committees, Rules, and Jurisdiction, Committee on Professional Governance, Nominations and Elections Committee, Research and Professional Development Committee, and the Committee on Library Plans and Policies (LAUC Statewide)

  6. Reports

    Suzanne Calpestri introduced the members of the Nominations and Elections Committee and thanked all those who answered the call and said "yes."

    Slate for the 2003/04 Election:

    Vice Chair: Mari Miller, Chris Tarr

    Treasurer: Linda McLane

    Secretary: Jane Rosario

    Affiliated Affairs Committee vice chair: Paul Atwood

    LAUC-B Committees

    Committee on Diversity: Theresa Salazar, continuing member, Teresa Mora, Ruth Girill, new members.

    Research: David Sullivan, continuing member, Rita Evans, Ann Jensen, new members

    Professional Development: Amy Kautzman, Jim Ronningen, continuing members, Paul Atwood, Margaret Phillips, Monica Singh, new members

    Nominations & Elections: Randal Brandt, Phoebe Janes continuing members, Linda Vida, Michaelyn Burnette, new members

    Affiliated Affairs: Lincoln Cushing (chair)

    LAUC-B Representative to Staff Development Committee: Carole McEwan


    Scholarly Communication: Margaret Phillips

    There were no nominations or volunteers from the floor, and the slate was approved.

  7. LAUC-B 2003/04 slate, introduction & approval

    ExComm is looking into the possibility of approving the assembly minutes via email. The chair will need to consult Sturgis and the bylaws. Statewide is also considering changing the bylaws to allow the approval of assembly minutes by email, this change will require a revision of the bylaws.

    The proposal to change the bylaws will be sent to the Executive Committee to propose some language and put on the ballot.

  8. Old Business

    No new business was introduced.

  9. New Business
  10. Adjournment
The Assembly was adjourned at 10:00 a.m.