Minutes - Meeting No. 12 - 2000/2001
LAUC-B Executive Committee Transition Meeting
August 8, 2001
10:00 - noon
303 Doe Library
Present: B. Ogden (chair), M. Cochran, B. Anton, J. McKenzie, S. Calpestri, M. Snow, J. Gallwey, B. Glendenning, R. Lhermitte, A. Youmans, N. Robinson (recorder)
Absent: S. Koshkinen, M. Phillips, P. Maughan, C. Lee, B. Quigley
1. J. Gallwey, Chair of the Committee on Affiliated Library Affairs, is seeking nominations to fill a vacant seat on that committee.
2. The treasurer reported a positive balance of $43,519.08.
There was no meeting.
There was no meeting.
Nothing to report.
3. Librarian travel/professional development funds
B. Ogden confirmed the amount of administrative support for professional development available for 2001-02. R. Lhermitte sent a memo to all LAUC-B members reviewing both LAUC-B and administrative funds available for '01-'02.
4. Changes to LAUC-B Guidelines for Peer Review
CAPA to identify docs to be removed from current use from the CAPA binder; N. Kobzina to contact Academic Personnel about approved changes to docs issued by the Office of the Chancellor Action: B. Anton will follow up on this item and carry it forward to next meeting agenda.
5. T. Leonard's 12 July 01 message to LAUC-B on Librarian Reviews
B. Ogden sent a message to T. Leonard requesting clarification on specific points regarding his 12 July message. T. Leonard responded, and indicated that he can address questions at the fall workshop on review. Action: ExComm will hold a general discussion of issues relating to T. Leonard's 12 July message at its next meeting. The chair of CAPA will be invited. Questions and concerns arising from this discussion will be communicated to T. Leonard so that he can address them in the fall workshop.
6. Transition to new LAUC-B Executive Ctte. - B. Ogden
B. Ogden thanked the 2000-01 Executive Committee, and expressed his special appreciation to B. Glendenning at the end of her 3 years of service. B. Ogden reported the following list of items still needing resolution:
- Privileges for Emeritus Librarians: still need to obtain approval from IS&T for continuing email accounts. Action: B. Anton will follow up with B. Hurley.
- Notification from Academic Personnel of new affiliated librarian appointments. Action: B. Anton and J. Gallwey will pursue this.
- Review of LAUC-B Bylaws.
7. Additional agenda item: new members for LAUC-B Committees. D. Sommer reported that nominations have been received by the Nominating and Elections Committee. Action: D. Sommer will forward to B. Anton the list of new committee members. B. Ogden will forward to B. Anton last year's committee assignments memo, and B. Anton will make this year's assignments.
8. Transition to new LAUC-B Executive Committee - B. Anton
B. Anton thanked the outgoing and welcomed the incoming Executive Committee members. She asked that outgoing officers review the descriptions of officer duties in the Policies and Procedures Manual on the web, and comment if anything needs to be changed. Incoming officers may also wish to review these descriptions.
B. Anton shared the following list of items to appear on upcoming agendas:
- LAUC-B participation in LHRD hire
- Review of LAUC-B Bylaws
B. Anton solicited suggestions for new topics. M. Snow suggested that ExComm explore the possibility of librarians holding Principal Investigator (PI) status for external grants. She reported that current Academic Senate policies render librarians ineligible. Action: ExComm would like to assess the level of interest in this issue among our membership. M. Snow will send an email message to the reflector to determine how many people in the past five years have participated in grants and wished that they were the PI.
9. Meeting times for 2001-2002
Action: The secretary will schedule 303 Doe for the 2nd Wednesday in the month from 10:10-noon. The secretary will update the LAUC-B and ExComm reflectors.