Executive Committee Minutes 8/12/97

LAUC-B Executive Committee
Meeting No. 1996/97 (13)
12 August 1997
9:00 -11:00 AM, 109 Moses Hall


Present: W. Benemann (Secretary), R. Brandt, T. Dean (Chair), G. 
Irving (CAPA), D. Jan. R.
Moon, G. Peete, D. Sommer, C. Tarr

Absent: C.Lee, A. Swartzell, K. Vanden Heuvel

Guest: Anthony Newcomb, Chair of the Blue Ribbon Committee on the 
Library; several LAUC-B members

Handouts: Agenda; Minutes of Meeting 1996/97 (12); flier: "Giving 
Users What They Really
Want/Need: a Satellite Videoconference", Draft letter from T. Dean to 
Peter Lyman

I. Videoconference -- T. Dean
LAUC-B has again agreed to co-sponsor with the Special Libraries 
Association a local site for a videoconference.  The conference, 
titled "Giving Users What They Really Want/Need", will be held 
Thursday, October 16, 1997, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm EST. [Subsequent to the 
meeting, the SLA decided to sponsor the conference without LAUC-B.]

II. Treasurer's report -- D. Jan
LAUC-B approved a tentative budget for 1997/98.  The amount 
allotted for General Assistance has been reduced, reflecting a reduced 
need for student help over the last few years.  The budget includes 
$5000 to fund a LAUC-B-sponsored conference.

III. Blue Ribbon Committee on the Library -- Anthony Newcomb
The Chair of the Blue Ribbon Committee explained how he 
envisioned the work of the Committee, which has been assigned the task 
of studying the current problems of The Library, facilitating 
communication among members of the faculty and Library staff, 
prioritizing the allotment of resources, and drafting a blueprint for 
guiding The Library into the next decade. Newcomb encouraged input 
from LAUC-B via e-mail and a LAUC-B liaison who is to be
appointed by the LAUC-B Executive Committee.  His e-mail address is: 

After Prof. Newcomb's presentation, the LAUC-B Executive Committee met 
in executive session.

IV. The minutes for meeting 1996/97 (12) were approved, with 

V. The turn-over meeting for the new LAUC-B Executive Board will be 
scheduled for either September 10 or September 17. [Note: It was 
eventually scheduled for September 17.]

VI. Fall LAUC-B Assembly -- D. Sommer
A date has not yet been set for the LAUC-B Fall Assembly.  
Chancellor Berdahl will speak at the LAUC-B Spring Assembly.  The 
LAUC-Statewide Fall Assembly will be November 20, 1997 at Davis.

VII. Andrea Sevetson was selected as the LAUC-B representative to the 
Blue Ribbon Committee on the Library.  Sevetson is LAUC-B Chair-Elect, 
and the representative to the Senate Committee on Library.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:10.

The next LAUC-B Executive Committee meeting will be Wednesday, 
September 17, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am, in 109 Moses.