Executive Committee Minutes 7/9/97

LAUC-B Executive Committee
Meeting No. 1996/97 (12)
9 July 1997
9:00 -11:00 AM, 109 Moses Hall


Present: W. Benemann (Secretary), R. Brandt, T. Dean (Chair), G. 
Irving (CAPA), R. Moon, G. Peete, D. Sommer, A. Swartzell, C. Tarr, K. 
Vanden Heuvel

Absent: D. Jan, C.Lee

Guest: Andrea Sevetson

Handouts: Agenda; Minutes of Meeting 1996/97 (11); Letter to 
Chancellor Berdahl from T. Dean; Memo from Peter Lyman re Blue Ribbon 
Committee on the Library; Treasurer's report.

I. Announcements
a.)  T. Dean thanked D. Sommer for serving as Chair of the 
previous meeting, in her absence.  
b.)  ExComm discussed a librarian's merit review that has been 
approved after a delay of two years.  Strong concern was expressed 
over the lack of timeliness in this review.

ACTION: T. Dean will draft a letter to the University Librarian 
citing the APM requirement that librarians be reviewed in a timely 

c.)  Jeanne Fong has volunteered to serve on the Staff Development 
d.)  In response to several inquiries, the Board discussed the 
issue of whether to offer additional reimbursement for members to 
attend the ALA Exhibits.  Upon careful consideration, it was decided 
that LAUC-B would not offer reimbursement to members who had not 
already submitted an application for support.

II. The minutes of meeting 1996/97 (11) were approved.

III. Old business
a.) Susana Hinojosa has proposed that LAUC-B convene a conference 
devoted to the issue of the future of librarianship.  The Executive 
Committee thought this proposal would be more effective as a 
statewide initiative, rather than a project for LAUC-B alone to 
sponsor.  As an alternative, it was proposed that a LAUC Fall or 
Spring Assembly could be convened to focus on this topic, rather than 
to try to organize a separate conference, since travel funds have 
already been included in most divisions' budgets for attendance at 
the assemblies.

ACTION: D. Sommer and T. Dean will respond to Susana, and ask her 
to prepare a written proposal to bring forward at the statewide 

b.)  Administrative stipends -- D. Sommer
After much discussion among LAUC-B members, LAUC-B submitted a 
written response to LAUC Chair Miki Goral giving Berkeley's tentative 
support for administrative stipends, on the condition that they be 
awarded only as temporary salary increases for temporary 
administrative responsibilities.  Unfortunately, Goral has circulated 
a response (written without having received feedback from the 
divisions) which strongly denounces administrative stipends.  The 
Executive Committee felt that the tone of her response was 
unnecessarily combative, and that it was based on assumptions about 
the structuring of the program that have not yet been confirmed.

ACTION: D. Sommer will draft a response to Goral, stressing our 
desire to support temporary stipends where appropriate, and 
reiterating our belief that the language of the APM should not be 
amended to strike language providing that librarians be paid 
according to "published salary scales."

c.)  Internal recruitments -- T. Dean
Many issues have been raised concerning recent internal 
recruitments for professional positions.  Positions have been listed 
as rotational opportunities, temporary appointments, and/or 
combinations of professional and support duties.  The Executive 
Committee is concerned that the guidelines for recruitment for 
professional positions are becoming murky.  G. Irving feels that CAPA 
should be involved whenever a hire constitutes a new appointment to 
the Librarian Series.
d.)  Value of LAUC participation -- G. Irving
In responding to concerns expressed by the Nominations and 
Elections Committee, G. Irving reviewed recent evaluations for 
evidence that LAUC service is not valued in the review process.  On 
the contrary, she noted that such service is valued and encouraged.  
ExComm discussed various strategies for improving recruitment results 
for LAUC service.  Ideas included: routinely providing letters of 
thanks to those serving on LAUC committees, detailing contributions 
made; appointing at least one recent former CAPA member (who can 
bring information as to who might be interested in serving on LAUC) 
to the N&E Committee; publicizing service opportunities via the 
LAUC-B reflector; using the committee histories traditionally 
compiled and kept up-to-date by the N&E Committee.

ACTION: T. Dean will respond to the Nominations and Elections 
Committee and will suggest that a recent CAPA member be included each 
year on the Committee.

IV. New business
a.)  T. Dean will send a letter to Chancellor Berdahl welcoming 
him to the campus, introducing him to LAUC, and explaining our role 
in the UC Library system.
b.)  T. Dean has written a letter to Pam Samuelson, congratulating 
her on her MacArthur Award.  Prof. Samuelson was a featured speaker 
at both LAUC-B Copyright Conferences.
c.)  T. Dean and D. Sommer will draft the LAUC-B budget for next 
year.  We will once again request funding for a conference similar to 
the two successful copyright conferences we have sponsored.
d.)  T. Dean has invited Tony Newcomb, chair of the Blue Ribbon 
Committee on the Library, to meet with us in order to discuss what 
role LAUC-B can play in the Committee's review.

V. Future meetings
The turnover meeting for LAUC-Statewide has been scheduled for 
August 14th.Tony Newcomb will meet with LAUC-B Ex Comm on August 
13th.  The turnover meeting for LAUC-B has been scheduled for 
September 10th.

The next LAUC-B ExComm meeting will be Wednesday, August 13, 1997, 
from 9:00-11:00 AM in 109 Moses.