Executive Committee Minutes 7/7/98

LAUC-B Executive Committee
Meeting No. 1997/98 (12)
7 July 1998
9:05 - 10:50 am, 119 Moses Hall


Present: Terry Dean, Barbara Glendenning (Guest), Terry Huwe (CAPA Chair), Marlene Harmon, Corliss Lee, Andrea Sevetson, Deborah Sommer (Chair), Christina Tarr, Linda Vida (Secretary), Jack Von Euw, Beth Weil

Absent: Virginia Shih

Handouts: Agenda (7/7/98); Draft Minutes (6/23/98)

I. Announcements - D. Sommer

      a) D. Sommer announced the LAUC-B and Statewide election results. She will distribute the results via email.
Statewide Election results: Vice-President/President-Elect: Patricia Inouye; Secretary: Jim Larrabee.
LAUC-B: Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Barbara Glendenning; Secretary: Michaelyn Burnette; Treasurer: Michael Levy; Library Alternate Representative: Phoebe Janes; Affiliated Library Alternate Representative: Chuck James.

      b) D. Sommer noted that one Library Representative position for the newly elected Executive Committee (Ex Comm) still needs to be filled.

      c) The LAUC Statewide Transition meeting will be held on August 19, 1998.

II. The MINUTES from the 6/23/98 (11) meeting were approved with corrections. L. Vida will send these MINUTES out on the LAUC-B reflector, have them mounted on the LAUC-B website and send an announcement to Patsy Inouye.

III. New Business

   UL Interview Schedule - B. Glendenning
      B. Glendenning (University Librarian search committee member) attended a portion of the meeting. She urged all members of EX Comm to attend the Early Bird with Elaine Sloan (UL candidate) scheduled for Tuesday, July 14th from 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. at Alumni House. She reiterated the desire of the UL search committee to receive comments from all library staff regarding the UL candidates. Ex Comm members attending the lunch interview with Elaine Sloan on Tuesday, July 14th are: T. Dean, T. Huwe, C. Lee, L.Vida, J. Von Euw, B. Weil.

      After B. Glendenning left, discussion continued regarding general areas of interest to LAUC-B that should be pursued at the lunch interview. T. Huwe spoke about CAPA's interest in general peer review issues and the interplay between library management practices and academic review.

   CAPA Review Cycle - T. Huwe
      T. Huwe gave a brief CAPA report summarizing the cases that were reviewed during this cycle. CAPA was very pleased with the timeliness of responses from Peter Lyman's (UL) office and the Library Human Resources Department (LHRD). All parties stayed on schedule and met their deadlines. In Affiliated Librarian cases, The Executive Vice Chancellor Christ has completed her review of all but a few cases. Penny Abell (Interim UL) has met with CAPA to discuss peer review issues generally on two occassions.

   1998/99 Budget Cycle - B. Weil
      B. Weil reviewed the names of librarians eligible to receive LAUC-B travel funds according to the by-laws. A full roster of LAUC-B members is available on the Web. Since LAUC-B often needs a list of affiliated librarians, it was suggested that the full roster be annotated to indicate affiliated librarians. Discussion ensued regarding the creation of a list of librarians recalled on VERIP and those working under 50%.

      ACTION) B. Weil and L. Vida will work together to update the roster and create a list of "Affiliate Librarians" (i.e., LAUC-B members who are not entitled to full LAUC membership due to the percentage of time worked or the primary location of their appointment). (../bylaws/index.html#2)

   The next meeting will be on Tuesday, August 11, 1998 from 9:00 am - 11:00 am.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 am.