MEETING No. 10 - 2000/2001
June 20 , 2001
10:10 - noon
Krouzian Room, Bancroft Library
PRESENT: Bette Anton, Suzanne Calpestri, Barbara Glendenning, Rebecca Lhermitte, Norma Kobzine (Ex Officio), Pat Maughan (Secretary), Hideyuki Morimoto, Barclay Ogden (Chair), Alice Youmans
ABSENT: John Gallwey, Margaret Phillips, Nick Robinson
GUESTS: Terry Huwe
The LAUC Statewide election results were e-mailed to the membership.
Treasurer's report - R. Lhermitte
A positive balance of $48,311 remains in the LAUC-B funds to date.
Meeting with the University Librarian - B. Ogden
B. Ogden reported back to T. Leonard on the issues surrounding hiring senior librarians at the high end of the Librarian series. LAUC-B recommends against hiring at a higher level simply as a means of compensating for the high cost of Bay Area housing when recruiting librarians to campus. However, Ex Comm supports hiring librarians at the higher level if their job responsibilities merit such an appointment. Ex Comm recommended that efforts be made to make librarians eligible for the same housing stipends as are offered to new faculty.
Senate Library Committee Report - B. Anton
No report.
Candidate Lunches - M. Phillips
No report.
Librarian travel request/reimbursement procedures - R. Lhermitte
The updated procedures will be incorporated into the LAUC-B Procedures manual. All new employees will now be eligible and will be granted the full year's funding allowance for LAUC-B members.
Report from the Committee to Review LAUC-B Guidelines for Peer Review - T. Huwe
A working group consisting of B. Anton, T. Huwe, and S. Trosow has discussed ways to evaluate and simplify the Berkeley procedures for peer review in light of recent changes to the Librarian Series. The group feels the "Guidelines for Administrative Review" are no longer needed and that LAUC Position Paper No. 1 falls outside their purview. The submitted draft revisions to the Berkeley Procedures were approved by LAUC-B Ex. Comm. Next steps include updating any web versions of the CAPA documentation and routing the proposed wording changes to the "Procedures for Review of Librarian Appointments" to Academic Personnel and the Executive Vice Chancellor's Office. The working group also recommended that the "CAPA Binder" be restricted to current working documents and that all outdated CAPA documents be transferred to University Archives. Library Human Resources will be asked to update their web pages with the revisions to the "Guidelines for the Candidate's Self Evaluation" and the "Guidelines for the Review Initiator's Evaluation."
Request from T. Leonard for Advice on Reclassifying Bancroft Archivists - B. Ogden
Ex.Comm. began discussing the May 31st letter from Tom Leonard requesting inclusion of ancroft archivists in the Librarian series, and surfaced three initial questions:
1) Can the Library create additional librarian positions? If not, how would it secure the positions needed to covert the archivist positions in question to librarian positions?
2) Given the scope of the library needs, would allocation of these positions to meet Bancroft Library's needs be the best use of additional or transferred librarian positions?
3) Would open recruitment be waived for these positions? Ex Comm presumed that normal open recruitment procedures would be followed, implying that the current staff could not be guaranteed success in applying for their own jobs reclassified as librarian positions.
B. Ogden will communicate to T. Leonard these questions so Ex Comm can incorporate the answers into its further discussions.
July Ex. Comm. Meeting Rescheduled
The next Ex Comm meeting is rescheduled to July 25, 2001, 2:00 - 4:00, in room 251 Moffitt. B. Glendenning will be the recorder for this meeting.