Executive Committee Minutes 6/16/00

Meeting No. 1999/2000 (9)

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting
June 16, 2000


Present: B. Glendenning (Chair); D. Farrell (Secretary), H. Morimoto, C. James, P. Janes, A. Sevetson, B. Sibley, B. Weil Absent: S. Calpestri, B. Ogden, A. Youmans

1. Minutes
Minutes of the April 12, 2000, will be reviewed at the next meeting.

2. Announcements
B. Glendenning announced that with new appointments in Music, Engineering, Public Health LAUC-B needs to reactivate the mentoring program. She also noted that the LAUC Fall Assembly is in Berkeley this year, and planning for it should begin soon with the new LAUC Executive Committee.

3. New Business
A. University Librarian Search: B. Glendenning noted that The Vice Chancellor would be meeting with the Executive Committee to discuss issues related to the appointment of an Interim University Librarian and the search for a permanent University Librarian. Prior to The Vice Chancellor's arrival, ExComm discussed search and appointment concerns and gathered names to suggest for Interim Unviersity Librarian and the University Librarian Search Committee. There was also discussion about the desirability of having Affiliated Librarian representation on the Search Committee.

The Vice Chancellor made the following points during her visit:
--The Search Committee is being formed under Tony Newcomb as chair. Additional appointees to date include Sheryl Wong, R. Wilensky, B. Burnside, and G. Breslauer.

--The Vice Chancellor requested LAUC-B provide the names of two librarians, one from Doe/Moffitt and one from a Subject Library; she wishes only the names of librarians in the General Library System. She also requested and received the names of librarians from the University Librarian, which she will consider. She will also appoint a graduate and an undergraduate student and a library staff member.

--A position description has been drafted and an advertisement prepared for Chronicle of Higher Education and other publications this summer. She will forward a copy of the position description to LAUC-B.

--She is actively recruiting an Interim University Librarian and tends to favor appointing a Berkeley faculty member rather than a librarian or other person from outside the University. She also favors someone who will maintain continuity with ongoing library projects and programs.

B. Glendenning will forward to ExComm the names of librarians qualified and available for appointment to the Search Committee for a vote. She will forward the results to The Vice Chancellor this week.

4. Old Business