May 9, 2001
10:10 - noon
PRESENT: S. Calpestri, J. Gallwey, B. Glendenning, R. Lhermitte, H. Morimoto, B. Ogden (chair), M.Phillips (recorder), N. Robinson, A. Youmans
Absent: B. Anton, P. Maughan
Guest: N. Kobzina
B. Ogden thanked the committee for a successful Spring Assembly.
Next Ex Comm meeting is scheduled for June 13 when some members will be at SLA (Gallwey, Glendenning). It also conflicts with a scheduled presentation on E-books. It was proposed that the June ExComm meeting time be changed to June 20 from 10:10 to noon.
ACTION: B. Ogden will make room reservations.
Paul Gray, Executive Vice Chancellor, has agreed to be the kick-off speaker for the November 2 LAUC-B conference on "Library Partnerships in the Networked Age."
A balance of $60,946 remains in the fund to date. Some of the FY 00/01 travel funds have not yet been received.
ACTION: B. Ogden will follow up with LBO on arrangements to secure the funds.
Library travel request/reimbursement procedures:
R. Lhermitte submitted a draft policy based on recommendations from the LAUC-B Travel Policy and Procedures Task Force. Lhermitte made some changes to the policy, most notably in how the Treasurer will deal with carry-overs, and a proposal that the Treasurer put together a web page offering advice and guidance on travel issues.
ACTION: Based on the group discussion about the draft, Lhermitte will make changes and re-submit the draft to Ex Comm for comments and approval. B. Ogden will then forward the policy, to be called "Revision to the LAUC-B Travel Policies & Procedures," to the LAUC-B membership. He will include a brief introductory statement that highlights the major changes to the existing policy. The new policy and procedures will start in July 2001.
Request from Cabinet for comment on possible LAUC-B role in a forthcoming proposal to include Bancroft archivists in the librarian series:
LAUC-B would like to be helpful and is willing to advise Cabinet on this issue. Ex Comm needs to be able to see a specific proposal so it can understand the nature of the problem. And, once that proposal is submitted, Ex Comm would likely seek advice from the local membership as well as from the LAUC Statewide Executive Board.
ACTION: B. Ogden will report to C. Faulhaber the Ex Comm discussion on this issue.
Request from Tom Leonard for LAUC-B comment on hiring senior librarians at the high end of the librarian series:
Ex Comm supports hiring librarians at the higher level if the job merits such an appointment. Ex Comm recognizes, however, that there are implications of parity for librarians on staff who are doing work beyond their current job assignment and are not being duly compensated.
As for hiring at a higher level as a way of attracting librarians (to compensate for the high cost of housing in the Bay Area), Ex Comm does not endorse this practice. It was felt that efforts should be made to make librarians eligible for the same housing stipends routinely offered to new faculty.
ACTION: B. Ogden will report to T. Leonard the outcome of the discussion.