LAUC-B Executive Committee
Meeting No. 1998/99 (8)
April 14, 1999
9-9:45 a.m., Stone Room, The Bancroft LibraryMINUTES
Present: Michaelyn Burnette (secretary), Barbara Glendenning (chaired meeting), Marlene Harmon, Jim Larrabee, Michael Levy (treasurer), Virginia Shih, Deborah Sommer, Jack von Euw, Beth Weil
Absent: Chuck James, Phoebe Janes, Andrea Sevetson (chair)
Handouts: agenda; draft minutes (meeting no. 7, March 10, 1999)
I. Announcements
Glendenning mentioned that the Public Health interview schedule should appear soon. The new Berkeley Financial System (BFS) will mean delays in LAUC travel reimbursements and other payments. Applications for the three Library AUL positions will be due June 25, 1999.
II. Minutes from March 10, 1999, were amended and approved.
III. Reports
A. The monthly meeting of the UL and LAUC Chair and Vice-Chair has been postponed until next week. Glendenning reported on the April meeting of the Academic Senate Committee on Libraries (COL). The guest was Richard Lucier, UL and Executive Director of the CDL, who talked about his views of the CDL as a co-library, budget issues, the composition and functions of the Systemwide Library and Scholarly Information Advisory Committee (SLASIAC), and the interplay of various UC online catalogs with Melvyl and CDL-hosted resources, and also advised faculty members about the best sites for keeping abreast of digital library developments. The COL is preparing for the transition in its membership next year.
B. Treasurer Levy is getting regular LAUC budget reports with sufficient detail to carry out his responsibilities. Wood arranged for him to receive the reports in Excel. LAUC has old and new accounts, which cannot be merged, so funds are being spent from both.
IV. Old Business
A. Sevetson sent out two announcements about the Townsend fellowship. Applications are due April 15; Sevetson will send them to the screening committee for review.
B. Sommer reported that the Distinguished Librarian Committee is receiving nominations.
V. New Business
A. ExComm approved the donation of $50 for a memorial to Pat Flowers. The Friends of the UCR Libraries are collecting donations to buy benches for the library.
B. ExComm discussed ways to thank Marianne Constable, 1997-99 chair of the Academic Senate Committee on Libraries, for her extraordinary service to the campus and to the libraries.
C. Sommer suggested thinking about LAUC-B's ongoing role in public service discussions. Glendenning mentioned the possibility of asking that one or two members of the LAUC-B Public Services Task Force be appointed to the new Public Services Council to provide useful background information. Affiliated libraries have a vital interest in public services offered in The Library.
D. LAUC Statewide Assembly will be held in Riverside on May 26. The official UCB delegation will be composed of Sevetson, Glendenning, Harmon and Burnette. All LAUC members are welcome to attend as observers.