Executive Committee Minutes 4/11/01

April 11, 2001
10:10 - noon
Krouzian Room, Bancroft Library


PRESENT: Bette Anton, Suzanne Calpestri, Barbara Glendenning, Rebecca Lhermitte, Pat Maughan (Secretary), Hideyuki Morimoto, Barclay Ogden (Chair), Margaret Phillips

ABSENT: John Galwey, Nick Robinson, Alice Youmans


The Committee to Review LAUC-B Guidelines for Librarian Review will be meeting with representatives from the statewide Committee on Professional Governance to insure that Berkeley guidelines are consistent with statewide recommendations.

Funding has been granted to the LAUC-B Committee on Cultural Diversity to sponsor a local presentation by ALA's Diversity Officer Sandra Balderrama.

B. Ogden has extended an invitation to Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Paul R. Gray to make the opening remarks at LAUC-B's Fall Symposium entitled, "Forging Library Partnerships in the Networked Age."

LAUC-B's recommendation regarding the appointment of this year's Townsend Fellow has been forwarded to the Townsend Center.

The Affiliated Librarians will be meeting on May 3, 2001. Patty Iannuzzi will be the guest speaker.

Treasurer's report - R. Lhermitte

A balance of $64,757 remains in the LAUC-B funds to date.

Meeting with the University Librarian - B. Anton

T. Leonard mentioned with the many upcoming librarian retirements, he expects that new appointments to the Librarian Series will have to be made at higher levels in order to attract candidates residing outside of the Bay Area. He invited LAUC-B Ex Comm to comment.

T. Leonard indicated there are no plans to do away with the $800 in administratively granted professional development funding for librarians (granted in addition to LAUC-B professional development funds) in the coming fiscal year. However, he could not confirm this support until the Library completes is budget process for 2001-2002.

Senate Library Committee Report - B. Anton

The Committee has not met since the last LAUC-B Ex Comm report.


R. Lhermitte sent out a memo containing instructions to LAUC-B members on securing travel funding reimbursements. She received no questions or comments following this communication.

The agenda for the LAUC-B Spring Assembly was discussed and finalized. B. Ogden will distribute it to the membership.


The scheduling of the LAUC-B lunches with interviewing candidates has been turned over to M. Phillips.

B. Glendenning volunteered to attend the LAUC Statewide Assembly in Irvine in place of Pat Maughan.

Report of the LAUC-B Travel Policy and Procedures Task Force - B. Ogden

The Task Force's report was accepted and the goals outlined therein were adopted. LAUC-B Ex Comm wanted an explicit statement that LAUC funding would be guaranteed for every member, unless formally declined by that member. R. Lhermitte volunteered to review the report with an eye to simplifying the language.