Executive Committee Minutes 3/17/98

LAUC-B Executive Committee
Meeting No. 1997/98 (8)
17 March 1998
9:00 - 10:15 am, 119 Moses Hall


Present: Terry Dean, Corliss Lee, Andrea Sevetson, Virginia Shih, Deborah Sommer (Chair), Christina Tarr, Linda Vida (Secretary), Jack Von Euw, Beth Weil

Absent: Marlene Harmon

Handouts: Agenda; Draft Minutes 2/17/98; Draft charge to bylaws committee; LAUC-B 1996/97 Expenses; LAUC-B 1997/98 Proposed Budget; Draft memo to Tony Newcomb regarding the Draft Blue Ribbon Committee Report

I. Announcements - D. Sommer

      a) Jeanne Fong, chair of the Conference Committee, has invited Chancellor Berdahl to make the opening remarks at the LAUC-B Conference on Scholarly Publishing/Communication. The Conference will be held on October 30 or November 6, 1998 depending on the Chancellor's availability. [Subsequently, the Conference date was scheduled for November 6 with Chancellor Berdahl as the opening speaker.]

      b) The Academic Personnel Office will coordinate the review of stipends on the UCB campus. The charge for a committee to make recommendations regarding library administrative stipends is currently being formalized. [The librarian stipends committee received its charge on March 30. The committee members are Kathleen Vanden Huevel (Chair), Janice Dost and D. Sommer.]

      c) All LAUC divisions at UC campuses now have websites, with UCR being the latest addition (www.lib.berkeley.edu/LAUC/others.html). D. Sommer reminded members of the Executive Committee (Ex Comm) to review the minutes from other campuses that were assigned and to report on any significant developments.

      d) L. Vida reported that, so far, there are a total of fifteen people signed up for the videoconference to be held on Thursday, March 26 and co-sponsored with the San Francisco Bay Region Chapter of the Special Libraries Association. Gary Handman assisted in reserving the facility and was able to negotiate a reduced cost.

      e) The LAUC-B website is now indexed due to the efforts of A. Sevetson and Lisa Weber, UCB webmaster. The secretary will be responsible for following the simple indexing procedure to periodically reindex the website.

      f) L. Weber also asked L. Vida, secretary, to participate in a pilot project involving a new program, MOMspider, which checks web links. L. Weber will notify L. Vida when the MOMspider report is available.

      g) A. Sevetson reported that the Academic Senate Library Committee (ASLC) has received a draft of the Blue Ribbon Committee's (BRC) report.

II. The MINUTES for the 2/17/98 (7) meeting were approved with corrections.
      L. Vida will send these MINUTES out on the LAUC-B reflector, have them mounted on the LAUC-B website and send an announcement to Patsy Inouye.

III. Old Business - D. Sommer

      a) The draft charge to the Ad Hoc Committee on LAUC-B Bylaws was reviewed and revisions were suggested. A. Sevetson suggested that the revision to the Bylaws include a charge to investigate LAUC-B Committee structure in relation to Ex Comm. It was suggested that the committee structure of the SF Bay Region Chapter of SLA may provide a model. Ad Hoc Committee members are Alice Youmans, Patricia Maughan, and T. Dean (Chair). T. Dean would also like someone from The Library to participate on this committee. The report from the committee is due May 15, 1998.

      ACTION) D. Sommer will rewrite the committee charge.

      b) 1998/99 LAUC-B budget - D. Sommer and B. Weil
      D. Sommer described the campus budget cycle (requests are sent out in November with a January/February due date). The current LAUC-B cycle works well for disbursing travel funds since many conferences are held in the summer, however there may be advantages to changing the budget cycle to coincide with the campus'. D. Sommer has asked Lynn Geske-Morgan, Assistant to the Vice Chancellor, to notify LAUC-B when the campus request is sent out. If we shift our budget year to coincide with the rest of the campus, LAUC-B may need to request additional funding to cover two cycles of travel expenses.
      B. Weil distributed the 1996/97 LAUC-B expense report and the 1997/98 Proposed Budget. B. Weil will analyze the 1997/98 figures and compare with 1996/97. Discussion ensued about the need to have all committee chairs submit budget requests annually.

      ACTION) D. Sommer requested that B. Weil email all committee chairs and ask them to submit a proposed budget.

IV. New Business - D. Sommer

      a) University Librarian (UL) search committee - An Early Bird will be scheduled in the near future for all librarians and library staff. The early bird will be co-sponsored by LAUC-B and the Staff Development Committee. Barbara Glendenning and Ginny Irving, members of the UL search committee, are interested in receiving your input to the search process.

      b) LAUC-B Spring Assembly - The LAUC-B Spring Assembly will be held on Thursday, April 16 in the Goldberg Room at Boalt Hall. The LAUC statewide assembly will be held on May 1, 1998 in San Diego.

      c) LAUC-B Early Bird - There has been a suggestion to hold a series of Early Birds on professional issues regarding reference, public and technical services.

      ACTION) D. Sommer and C. Lee will draft a list of issues to be addressed.

      d)Report from the LAUC Executive Board meeting - D. Sommer Due to time constraints discussion will be delayed until the next meeting.

      e)Blue Ribbon Committee (BRC) update - A. Sevetson
      A draft of the BRC's report was sent to the Academic Senate Library Committee (ASLC), Peter Lyman, Sue Rosenblatt and A. Sevetson. They met to discuss the report. The BRC report will be sent to Chancellor Berdahl this week or next. An Executive Summary of the report will be published in the Berkeleyan in April. The ASLC will meet with the Vice Chancellor to discuss.

      f)The External Advisory Committee's report will be issued at approximately the same time as the final BRC report.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 am. The next meeting will be on April 21, 1998 from 9-11 am in 119 Moses Hall.