Bette Anton, Suzanne Calpestri, John Galwey, Barbara Glendenning, Rebecca Lhermitte, Norma Kobzina (Ex Officio: CAPA Chair), Hideyuki Morimoto, Barclay Ogden (Chair), Margaret Phillips (Recorder), Nick Robinson, Alice Youmans
Pat Maughan (Secretary)
Cathy Palmer (LAUC Statewide President, UCI), Ginny Irving (UCB representative to the LAUC Professional Governance Committee)
B. Glendenning announced that a new librarian, Jill Woolums, started at the Education/Pyschology Library two weeks ago.
B. Ogden announced that the LAUC Statewide Spring Assembly is scheduled for April 27 in Irvine. UCB will send four representatives (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and an affiliated library representative).
B. Ogden announced that the Executive Committee has agreed to a request of $600 from the Research & Professional Development Committee to fund an April 3rd program by Patty Iannuzzi on "Laying the Foundation for Information Literacy."
Treasurer's report - R. Lhermitte
R Lhermitte reported a positive balance of $73,246. Requests for travel reimbursements are starting to be reflected in the ledgers. The Library Business Office has developed a new form for reimbursement to be used by Affiliated and non-Affiliated Librarians. R. Lhermitte will send out a notification of the final amount of LAUC travel money and guidelines on how to get that money.
Meeting with the University Librarian B. Ogden, B. Anton
Much of the monthly meeting with Tom Leonard was about new library buildings on campus: Plans for the East Asian Library are continuing; Music has run into problems; Environmental Design is progressing well.
T. Leonard wants to be able to increase the amount of moving expenses offered to potential new librarians but does not want to go against APM policy that may or may not include a clause that librarians are not be eligible for moving expenses.
Senate Library Committee Report B. Anton
An Information Literacy proposal is still on the table. P. Iannuzzi was present at the last meeting. No news on the future of the Business/Economics Library.
- Librarian travel request/reimbursement procedures: R. Lhermitte reported that Elise Woods of the Business Office is redesigning the form which will soon be linked to from the LAUC webpage. Once the form is online, Lhermitte will announce it to the LAUC-B membership along with clarification of the correct request and reimbursement procedures.
- Notification of new librarian appointments: B. Ogden (for P. Maughan) announced that Mark Livingston of Library Human Resources Department will now notify the LAUC-B secretary of all new general library appointments. There are still no procedures for notification of affiliated librarians. Ogden has been in contact with Elizabeth Leavitt of Academic Personnel about this issue but has still not gotten a response.
- Formation of Distinguished Librarian Award Committee: B. Glendenning reports that the committee now consists of LAUC members Bill Roberts, Kathleen Vanden Heuvel and B. Glendenning. The faculty member is Christina Maslach. Their first meeting is upcoming. The Distinguished Librarian is scheduled to be announced in late summer or early fall and a reception for the Distinguished Librarian will be held some time in November.
- Committee to Review LAUC-B Guidelines for Librarian Review: The committee (Sam Trosow, Terry Huwe and B. Anton) has been charged with examining policies and procedures for librarian review and how to interpret those policies. They have sent out a request to the LAUC membership soliciting comments but only received two responses. They also plan to investigate how other campuses are dealing with the guidelines for librarian review. Ginny Irving, the UCB representative to the statewide LAUC Professional Governance Committee, would like to meet with this committee to coordinate statewide issues with local issues.
- The Research and Professional Development Committee November event: R&PD is planning a day-long program on November 2, 2001 on the Clark Kerr campus. The program does not yet have an official title but the theme will be on partnerships in a networked environment in a world where information production and distribution is changing. Paul Duguid, the author of "The Social Life of Information," is the planned keynote speaker. Other speakers include Carol Tomlinson-Keasley the UC Merced chancellor.
- LAUC-B Spring Assembly: The Spring Assembly is scheduled for April 17 from 8:30-10 in the Morrison Library. University Librarian Tom Leonard will be the speaker. B. Ogden will solicit committee chairs and statewide representative to submit reports to P. Maughan by April 6.
- Discussion with LAUC President, Cathy Palmer (UCI): LAUC President, Cathy Palmer, was present at the Executive Committee meeting to provide an update on LAUC activities.
-- At the Fall Assembly, LAUC passed a resolution supporting the need for new library buildings. The resolution was sent to Judson King (Provost and Senior Vice President Academic Affairs, UC Office of the President) who then distributed the resolution to the campuses. King sent back a long, thorough response acknowledging his support for new buildings in the context of other budgetary concerns, the emergence of digital resources and the presence of regional library facilities among other issues. The issue of library buildings is, needless to say, still unresolved. UCOP is also gathering information on the undergraduate use of libraries and this may also have an impact on the issue of the need for new library buildings.
-- LAUC recognizes the need to redesign the LAUC website. Andrea Duda of UC Santa Barbara is taking the lead on that.
-- The last meeting of the Statewide Academic Senate, University Committee on Libraries (UCAL) included a discussion on an information competencies requirement for all UC graduates.
-- Regarding the Memorandum of Understanding: now that librarians have two governing documents, Palmer has tried to investigate what, exactly LAUC can discuss and has been unable to get any kind of unequivocal answers. Communication with UC-AFT indicates that it was not the unions intention to suppress any dialogue about professional issues. G. Irving reported that the Professional Governance Committee has an ongoing charge to look at the APM and advise on housekeeping changes in light of the MOU. The committee is also charged with putting peer review documents on the LAUC Statewide website.