Executive Committee Minutes 2/9/00

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting
February 9, 2000
10:30 - Noon


Present: B. Glendenning (Chair), D. Farrell (Secretary), C. James, P. Janes, H. Morimoto, B. Ogden, A. Sevetson, B. Sibley
Absent: S. Calpestri, B. Weil

Agenda; Draft Minutes; Results of Operations, LAUC-B (1/1/00)

1. Minutes
Minutes of the January 12, 2000 meeting were approved.

2. Announcements
B. Glendenning: The Brown Bag meeting on proposed changes to librarian steps and salaries will be Thursday, 2/17, 11-1 in 303 Doe. Notes will be taken on the steps proposal for those who cannot attend, and will be available from B. Glendenning upon request.

P. Janes: Volunteers have been identified to serve as mentors to new librarians; she is still seeking an affiliated librarian to serve as mentor.

3. Reports
A. Chair: B. Glendenning reported on her recent meeting with the University Librarian. She queried him on his response to staff requests for emergency positions, equipment, and faciliaties. The UL intends to send out a message informing staff of the results of Cabinet's discussions. He also informed her that Bary funds would be allocated to the AULs to augment travel requests; they are at work on a distribution procedure. He hopes they will be able to simplify this procedure next year.

B. Vice Chair: B. Ogden reported on the 1/27 meeting of the Academic Senate Library Committee. The UL updated the committee on the budget process and timetable; under consideration are an augmentation to cover the costs of maintaining the collections budget, funds to cover adjustments to librarians' salaries, and permanent allocation of funds received heretofore through the Student Employee Initiative Program. The UL also noted he has been appointed chair of a campus committee to review library computing and academic departments' administrative computing.

C. Treasurer: B. Sibley reviewed the budget as of 1/1/00; the balance of $20,863 does not include the Vice Chancellor's augmentation. She also reviewed two perennial problems with the travel budget: 1) late reimbursements for those who travel in late summer and early fall, before the budget is allocated; and 2) funding late requests. Item 2) will be on a future agenda for further discussion.

4. Old Business
The chair reviewed the issues of non-librarian staff members who wish to be added to the LAUC listserv. Policy is to review such requests individually, and to give listserv access to those who need it in support of their jobs. It was decided to deny the present request because it did not meet this requirement, and because non-librarian staff members have adequate access to LAUC information and communications via the website and alluser postings of meetings and programs.

5. New Business
A. Public Service Task Force: The task force will be disbanded and its report and documents will be posted, filed, linked, etc., per policy.

B. Townsend Center Fellows: The chair is working with Tina Gillis in the Townsend Center to align scheduling the recruitment and appointment of librarian and faculty fellows.

6. LAUC Priorities
B. Ogden led the committee in an exercise to review, prioritize, and discuss the 11 priorities they recently developed. By the end of the discussion, the key priorites were organised into two clusters, as follows, which will be further refined and characterized by the members noted for continued discussion at the March meeting:

Education Cluster -- B. Ogden
Continuing Education
Professional Development
Overwork Cluster -- B. Glendenning
More work time
Improve support services
More staff assistance

The following priorities were also identified as significant, but not clustered:
LAUC values
Status of Librarians
Release time
Research support