LAUC-B Executive Committee
Meeting No. 1998/99 (6)
February 10, 1999
9-10:45 a.m., Stone Room, The Bancroft LibraryMINUTES
Present: Michaelyn Burnette (secretary), Barbara Glendenning, Marlene Harmon, Chuck James, Phoebe Janes, Jim Larrabee, Michael Levy (treasurer), Andrea Sevetson (chair), Virginia Shih, Beth Weil
Absent: Deborah Sommer, Jack von Euw
Handouts: agenda, draft minutes (meeting no. 5, January 13, 1999), draft letter concerning SIMS and ALA accreditation, pages from draft LAUC Policy and Procedures Manual
I. Announcements
II. Minutes from January 13, 1999, were approved.
III. Reports
A. Sevetson reported on the January meeting of the LAUC-B chair, chair-elect and the UL. Two ExComm members will lunch with candidates for librarian positions to give the candidates an informal opportunity for the exchange of information. Sevetson asked about funding for merit/range increases; campus funds merits, but libraries must include monies for range increases in campus budget requests. LAUC update: Sevetson is expecting a nearly-final draft of K. Lucas's proposal on implementing the recommendations of the Professional Governance Report.
B. Glendenning reported on the January 29 and Febrary 9 meetings of the Academic Senate Committee on Libraries. Professor Leon Litwack has graciously agreed to serve on the Distinguished Librarian Committee. University Librarian Lowell informed the Committee of his plans for the library budget and for the AUL portfolios. Funding issues will delay the building of NRLF phase 3. Frohmberg and Jensen will represent The Library on the planning committee for a physical sciences library. Working on the model of UCLA, TVC has asked the campus to canvass UCB faculty to identify editors/associate editors of learned journals. These editors will be invited to a breakfast or lunch to discuss the future of scholarly publishing; Wanat will coordinate for The Library. In conjunction with the Undergraduate Services Task Force Report, Moffitt services and collection were discussed.
IV. Old Business
Sevetson led a discussion of the draft LAUC-B letter to Dean Varian on the decision not to seek ALA accreditation for SIMS. Sevetson will revise the letter, send to members for ExComm for comment, and then circulate to LAUC-B for comment.
V. New Business
A. ExComm discussed sections of the draft LAUC-B Policy and Proceedures Manual.
B. Sevetson canvassed ExComm on the issue of LAUC-B web maintenance. She has overseen web maintenance and wants to regularize this process. In the future, representatives and alternates on ExComm will be asked to volunteer for this task; if no one comes forward, the Chair will seek a volunteer from the LAUC-B membership.