Executive Committee Minutes 08/13/09

LAUC-B Executive Committee turnover meeting 
Thursday, August 13, 2009 
10 am - 12 noon 
303 Doe Library 
Present: Armanda Barone, Judy Bolstad, Susan Koskinen, Corliss Lee, Jennifer Nelson, 
Lisa Ngo, Margaret Phillips, Sandy Tao, I-Wei Wang

I. Introductions of outgoing and incoming members

II. Announcements

-Next Gen Tech Services team will be visiting campuses. Armanda and Emily 
Stambaugh (CDL) will be holding an early-bird for staff at the Berkeley campus on 
September 1st to talk about the teams projects.

II. Overview of a Year of LAUC-B Business 
- Peer review

- Professional development events  2-3 per year, one of which is a peer review 

- Townsend Fellow

- LAUC Statewide research grants

- Mentoring program for new librarians

- Administer professional development money

- Representation on LAUC statewide committees

- Vice-chair is a guest at Academic Senate Committee meetings

- Chair and Vice-Chair meet monthly with the University Librarian

- Monthly conference calls between statewide and campus chairs

- Produce four assemblies a year  Two Affiliated assemblies and two general 

- Produce a conference every two years and the Distinguished Librarian Award 
every two years (in alternating years)

- Chair, Vice-Chair, and Past-Chair meet once a month

- Library representatives oversee Librarian interview lunches and the New 
Librarian Mentor Program

- LAUC-B Wiki

o Contains information for Chairs, committees, and other members; 
documents processes and duties

o Wiki will be integrated into the new LAUC-B website

o Each committee has a page on the wiki

o Corliss will send out URL and password to Ex-Comm

III. 2008-2009 in Review

A. Year in Review

Professional Development Committee organized several good Brown Bags: Two 
peer review workshops, one in the Fall and one in the Spring, Web 2.0 Tools, 
and one well-attended workshop on Professional Development Funding. They 
also revised and clarified the Professional Development web page.

LAUC-B pushed to expand what professional development funding could be used 
for, resulting in LBS creating a pilot project for the 2009-2010 year allowing 
LAUC-B funds to be made available for association memberships

Townsend Fellow Brown Bag  Jim Spohrer is Townsend Fellow starting Fall 
2009. Librarians need more support for research and funding; another Brown 
Bag is suggested for Spring to help prepare librarians for Fall applications.

Nominations and Elections Committee experimented with electronic voting.

Diversity Committee is working on Staff Mentoring program. Will present to Ex-
Comm in September.

Conference Committee is making progress in planning for Fall conference.

Affiliated Librarians held two assembles this year; speakers were Ken Haycock 
from San Jose State University Library School and Laine Farley.

Ex-Comm held a new librarians reception in Spring 09.

LAUC-B website is being reorganized and moving to Drupal. All pages will be 
assigned to a Ex Comm and committee chairs for updating.

Two successful assemblies: Fall Assembly guest was Prof. J. Burrell of I-School, 
Spring Assembly guest was EVCP G. Breslaeur.

LAUC-B blog: members are encouraged to post information on presentations 
attended and new librarians are encouraged to introduce themselves.

Ex Comm surveyed members about their opinions on using technology as an 
alternative to travel. Lisa Ngo and David Eifler created a spreadsheet listing 
some alternatives to travel that will be posted on website.

LAUC Statewide turnover meeting will be at UC Berkeley on Monday, August 17.

LAUC Statewide Assembly will be at UC Berkeley on December 3.

Issues that will continue into the 2009-2010 year include online elections, 
alternatives to conferences/online conferencing, the LAUC-B web site, 
Mentoring Task Force, professional development funding, and the use of 
volunteers in the library.

Career Compass (see C. below) 

B. Professional Development Funding

- The LAUC-B budget process was explained and there was some discussion about 
Professional Development funding for 2009-2010.

Decision/further discussion was postponed until all of the new Executive 
Committee members can be present.

C. Career Compass

- Job standards in question: Library Professional 4. Concerns that job 
responsibilities overlap with Librarian responsibilities.

- Current Ex-Comm will follow up with HR about other concerns, then incoming 
Ex-Comm will take over. Concerns remain about Library Supervisor 2, and 
Library Manager 2,3 positions.

- Incoming Ex-Comm Chair and Vice-Chair agree to let current Chair and Ex-
Comm follow up and put concerns on record.

- bSpace site will remain for others to use.

IV. 2009-2010 Preview (Margaret Phillips) 
- Housekeeping

o Margaret will send out a message to confirm with the incoming Executive 
Committee that meetings held on the second Thursday of each month. 
(Lisa: has MP confirmed this?) do not conflict with anyones schedule.

o Reflector will have new members added by September 1.

Goals & Objectives

o Online elections

o Cal-cierge: new position created by campus to help new faculty members; 
campus is amenable to allow Cal-cierge to help new librarians also. Ex-
Comm will make contact with the position.

o Continue working on Professional Development allocations

o Continue working on website

o Possibly assemble a task force to look how to add an online element to the 
LAUC-B Conference

o Charge a committee to start planning for 2011 LAUC-B Conference

o Charge a committee (that, hopefully, includes a member of Ex-Comm) to 
plan local arrangements for the Statewide Fall Assembly on December 3

o There is a pilot to pay for LAUC members membership fees out of Prof. 
Development Funds; out goal is to move this out of the pilot phase and 
into regular operation

o Charge a committee for the 2010 Distinguished Librarian Award

o Invite Diversity Committee to give an update on their programs and 

o Members are encouraged to send Margaret names of potential speakers for 
the Fall and Spring Assemblies.