Executive Committee Minutes 2/12/09

LAUC-B Executive Committee - MINUTES

Thursday, February 12, 2009

10:00 am - 12:00 noon 
303 Doe Library

Present: Lisa Ngo, David Eifler, Jennifer Nelson, Corliss Lee, Margaret Philips, Paul 
Atwood, Armanda Barone, Ramona Martinez (sitting in for Seyem Petrites) 
Guests: Barbara Bohl, Judy Bolstad (Committee on Diversity), Susan Wong (LHRD), 
Jeanne Gahagan (Committee on Professional Development) 

I. Announcements

A. LAUC-B budget approved.

B. LAUC-B has a new chart string. D.Eifler will update the forms for LAUC-B 
candidate lunches; also utilized by L.Ngo for mentor lunches.

C. Applications have been received for both Townsend Fellowship and LAUC-B 
Research Grants.

D. Affiliated Assembly: Laine Farley (CDL) April 22. 

II. Reports

A. Treasurer's Report (J. Nelson) 
$44,467.44 (newly approved budget allocation has not yet been received

B. Meeting with the University Librarian (C. Lee and M. Phillips)
-START will probably be made more flexible. 
-SIP has not been approved yet. 
-Nothing on furloughs as yet. 
-Collections Early bird coming soon 
-Roundtable discussion of how libraries will be affected by various cuts. The 
release of recall appointees may mean that LHRD must handle librarian-related
personnel matters with fewer staff. 
Patty Owen from Academic Personnel is retiring. 
-On the table: 20% cut on professional development funding for The Library (not relevant to Affiliated Libraries). 
-In 2009-2010 there will be two ALA annual conferences in one fiscal year: UL 
and Elise suggest it may not be a problem; C.Lee, M. Phillip, J. Nelson and 
Elise will discuss in March. 
-Potential Assembly speakers: UL made some suggestions. 
-LAUC-B ‘alternatives to travel’ survey (see B1 below). 
-Digital Library Federation (Cairo) conference has been cancelled.

C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (M. 
The Dean of the College of Chemistry spoke about a capital project to upgrade the 
undergraduate teaching labs. As part of the overall upgrade, the Chemistry 
Library is offering some of its space for three instructional rooms to be shared by 
the College and the Library. There will be no need for the Library to surge to 
another location during construction though many of the print runs of journals 
will have to be sent to storage. Fred Yasaki, library architect, offered comments 
on the plans and will continue to work with the College of Chemistry on this 
D. LAUC Statewide Conference Calls: Jan 9 and Feb 6 (C. Lee) 
Jan 9:
-UCD UL is taking a year’s medical absence. 
-Interpretation of bylaws regarding Committee on Diversity and the retention 
survey – ongoing discussions with UCOP. 
-Web archiving: Archiving the LAUC website. Discussing with CDL and with 
Kathi Neal, UCB archivist in charge of the LAUC archives. 
-APM language is moving to the MOU. Questions regarding changes of language. 
(C.Lee to follow-up.) 
Feb 6: 
-Discussion of memo sent to all UL’s regarding relieving anxiety in staff: the 
memo was revised and was sent in February. 
-Spring Assembly: Karen Calhoun is a confirmed speaker. 
-Discussion about alternatives to travel; all LAUC divisions are supposed to 
ascertain what is available on their campuses. 
-A suggestion was made that the organizers of the Fall 2009 LAUC-B conference 
should find some technological means to make the conference available remotely 
to other divisions. The Statewide Board will await the information being gathered 
by the divisions as to available technologies before proceeding further. C. Lee 
reminded the Statewide Board that more funding and possibly some assistance 
would be required, especially at this late date.

The LAUC-B Conference committee has been alerted and is considering the 

III. New Business   
A. Quick Updates 
1. Alternatives to Travel Survey (D. Eifler) 
Survey closed yesterday at 3pm; we received 45 responses (approximately 35% of 
the membership). ExComm has results and will put the raw data out on the 
LAUC-B listserv and post to the LAUC-B blog with an invitation to comment. 
D.Eifler and L.Ngo will write a summary to bring to ExComm and potentially 
present to Roundtable; if appropriate, we will communicate with LAUC statewide 
about our process and findings. 
Elise Woods of the Library Business Office is also looking at teleconferencing 
technologies, as are campus and systemwide administration. Our survey will 
reveal what librarians are using now; we presume that the other efforts will 
eventually result in recommendations of what the campus community should be 
2. Distinguished Librarian Award (postponement to 2010) 
No serious objections. The postponement should allow the DLA to alternate years 
with the conference and iron out a wrinkle in the budget request cycle. 
3. Suggestions re Assembly speaker & Dates for Spring Assembly 
Possible speakers were discussed. Send ideas to C.Lee. 
Potential dates: April 28-29, May 5-6, 19-20 
4. 2 ALA’s in one fiscal year (see II.B above). Point of information: 14 librarians 
were reimbursed from The Library’s Professional Development funds for ALA 
travel in 2007 (D.C.); 22 in 2008 (Anaheim).

B. New Librarians Reception: dates, format, etc. 
C.Lee communicated with CAPA and Chair of committees requesting input on 
the idea and for potential dates. All who responded are in favor. Possibly a date in 
March. M.Phillips is confirming costs of breakfast vs. a later day catering (likely 
3-5pm). Considering the week of spring break, in Morrison or 303 Doe. Informal 
format, short introduction by C.Lee (and maybe UL), introduce the new librarians. 
Nametags; some form of icebreaker.
C. Professional Development Funding brown bag: dates, format, etc. 
Guest: Jeanne Gahagan, Co-Chair of Prof Development Committee 
C.Lee notified Kris and Elise that they will be invited to speak. Topics: some 
resolution on the issue of 2 ALA’s in one year; Elise & Kris can speak to travel, 
forms, pre-paying, what funding can be used for, what it can’t be used for, etc; 
how allocation is figured (and where LAUC-B budget comes from); time for 
Q&A. Set date in March or April (see Kris and Elise’s availability), likely in 303 
Doe. The Professional Development Committee will organize the event.
D. Mentorship Task Force committee report 
Guest: Barbara Bohl (Chair) and Judy Bolstad of the LAUC-B Diversity 
Committee, and Susan Wong (LHRD) 
Report was submitted last November; Ex Comm asked that the Diversity Committee 
take on these programs on a permanent basis: Mentoring, job shadowing, resource list 
web page, and “meet and greet” brownbag. Would also like the Staff Development 
Committee (SDC) to assist, particularly with job shadowing. Mentoring may 
crossover with LAUC-B mentoring. For example: if a staff member’s goal was to 
become a librarian, they should have a librarian as a mentor. 
Discussion of timeline for implementing and continuing these efforts. 
Note that SDC has embraced this report and the activities.

ExComm will expect a follow-up on this in early summer 2009.