LAUC-B Executive Committee Minutes
Thursday, November 13, 2008
10:00 am - 12:00 noon
303 Doe Library
Present: Seyem Petrites, Lisa Ngo, David Eifler, Jennifer Nelson, Corliss Lee, Margaret
Phillips, Armanda Barone, Paul Atwood
Guests: Debbie Jan, Lucia Diamond
I. Announcements
a. LAUC-B Assembly: PA, MP, & JN will show early to set up; LN, SP &
DE will stay late to clean up. Beth Dupuis will provide the welcome
statement in the absence of Tom Leonard. The speaker will be Jenna
Burrell (iSchool), whose research interests include the sociology of
technology, technology and socio-economic development, ethnography,
transnationalism and diaspora studies.
b. Townsend lunch: Dean Rowan and others Teresa provided an excellent
information session. Pool is now LAUC-B members and other academic
employees. (Grad students should apply via the usual application process
for graduate students.) There will be a discussion at a later Executive
Committee meeting on encouraging further research opportunities for
librarians; visit ../research/ for further
c. LAUC-B blog: M. Phillips posted and will meet with Lisa Weber to go
over moderation options. (See blog policy discussion below.)
d. LAUC-B hired a student employee. laucweb@library email will be active
e. Budget – C. Lee will submit soon.
f. New Members: Gathering information is not streamlined. Secretary will
check in with LHRD quarterly. C. Lee will request info about new
librarians from LAUC-B listserv. Information should be sent to Secretary
(P. Atwood), who will forward as need for a) online roster (Webmaster),
b) listserv (Secretary), c) list for assembly (Chair), d) mentor (L. Ngo),
and e) Nominations & Elections Committee, as needed.
g. Frank Lester’s departure leaves the Professional Development Committee
without an Affiliated representative; C. Lee will ask Shannon Supple, who
is already a member of the committee, if she would become the Affliated
representative (note: Supple has said yes).
II. Reports
a. Treasurer’s Report (J. Nelson): $62,839.47 = balance. New budget not yet
submitted. J. Nelson will request the number of librarians who utilized
professional development funding for the past two fiscal years.
b. Meeting with the University of Librarian (C. Lee and M. Phillips): Met
11/12. Hiring freeze on 19900 funds across the board. Other universities
facing the same issue. UCOP has note on website about retirement funding.
Chancellor is absorbing most of this year’s cuts; concerns about next year.
Not a freeze on faculty hiring, but a slowdown. Collections are protected
for now. Admin is talking about travel budgets, and looking for ideas to
cut spending (e.g., videoconferencing). SOPAG discussion about
coordinating collections and technical services. Working on enhancing
LBL access to databases. Losing high-level deans on campus. Updated UL
about assemblies and Townsend brownbag.
c. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (M.
Phillips): Budget discussion. Berkeley Foundation was going to be at The
Bancroft Opening. Fewer students next year (2,200 fewer – unclear
whether that’s undergrad v. grad, etc.). Library is perceived to have been
protected over the years and also perceived to have a greater capacity for
fundraising, which may no longer be the case. Weinstein went to
Statewide Library Committee discussing open access issues. Nick Jewel
gave a report on the draft UC Accountability report which is available
online at
d. LAUC Statewide Conference Call (rescheduled for 11/13 afternoon):
Agenda includes discussion of Fall (UCSF) and Spring (UCR) Assemblies,
and related budget concerns.
III. New Business
a. Mentor Task Force report (guests: Mentor Task Force members, Debbie
Jan, chair & Lucia Diamond): Mission was to follow-up on one portion of
the BILD initiative, specifically professional development for
paraprofessionals that may be interested in becoming librarians. Utilized a
survey to decide upon which activities to focus (see 8 activities listed on
report). The Executive Committee thanked the committee for its hard
work. Next step: When the Executive Committee formally accepts report,
L. Diamond will submit to the BILD team. Report should be posted on the
LAUC-B website, and will be part of the BILD team final report. For
more information, visit
b. LAUC-B blog policy (in progress): The LAUC-B blog is for discussion of
professional issues, brief reports on conferences and meetings, etc. For
now the blog will be moderated by the Vice-Chair/Chair elect; individuals
should use the online form for posting. Open to any library staff member
to post; anyone can comment.