LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting
Thursday, February 14, 2008
10:00am-12 noon
303 Doe
Attendees: A. Barone, C. Lee, J. Nelson, L. Diamond, S. Supple, T. Salazar, E. Kuo, J.
I. Announcements
The BILD Mentoring survey went out to the Library staff. All library staff should be
encouraged to fill it out.
II. Reports
A. Treasurer's Report (J. Nelson)
There is $132,616.17 left in the budget.
B. Meeting with the University Librarian (A. Barone and C. Lee)
UC MOU proposal for the AFT/UC collective bargaining agreement was the first issue to
be discussed. Statewide LAUC had asked that every local chair initiate some discussion
with their UL. Tom mentioned that the UL’s were not completely aware of the peer-
review restructure. A question on getting the Academic Senate involved was mentioned.
Tom thought it was a good idea to advise the Chair of the Committee on the Library of
the issues. Other UC’s have involved their academic senate. Tom indicated the
Statewide LAUC letter was appropriate.
The LAUC-B Spring Assembly will be on May 2, 2008. Gibor Basri, Vice Chancellor
for Equity and Inclusion, will be the guest speaker. Armanda and Corliss will meet with
Basri prior to the Spring Assembly.
The LAUC Statewide Assembly is scheduled for May 7, 2008 at UC Irvine. Armanda is
scheduled to be there for meetings from May 7-8. This will be a “turn over” meeting.
One topic that may be discussed is LC’s report on bibliographic task force. More
information on the meeting will be coming soon.
C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (C.
Guests include Mike Rancer and Chuck Eckman.
All campus units have been asked to submit a plan for 7% cuts to their budgets, and the
Library has received no assurance that collections will be protected. Mike Rancer will
prepare and report to campus calculations of 7% reductions on all funds. Units with
reserves are being asked to use their reserves. The Library does not want to cut positions
after the severe job cuts experienced during previous years' budget crises. As requested,
Library administration will prepare and submit an Impact Statement for accommodating
such massive cuts to the Library's budget.
The Senate Library committee has been discussing the withdrawal from JSTOR of
_Science_ by its publisher, the American Association for the Advancement of Science;
Tom reported that there has been a reconciliation of sorts.
The new Vice President of Elsevier has been visiting campuses. Elsevier committed
$50,000 for a meeting with people from the Center for New Media and Chair Davis asked
whether anyone from the Library committee wanted to attend. A discussion ensued of
Elsevier's business model, scholarly communication in general, and campus promotion
Kathy Koshland might convene a higher level library space Task Force; she has talked to
Tom and will talk to Chair Davis next.
D. LAUC Statewide Conference Call, 2/1/08 (A. Barone)
The LAUC letter that went to chancellors and ULs was discussed. All local LAUC chairs
were encouraged to talk with their UL about the contract (discussed above).
Statewide LAUC sent out document that provided the numbers and steps of all the
librarians on each campus. The document was inline with expectations
III. LAUC-B mentor/candidate lunches reimbursement process (T. Salazar)
There have been some changes in procedures for LAUC-B mentor and job candidate
lunches. Theresa sent out the new procedures prior to the meeting and some
wordsmithing was done by ExComm. Theresa will send a final version to be approved
at the next meeting.
IV. Affiliated Libraries Spring Assembly update (S. Supple)
The Affiliated Libraries Spring Assembly will be on April 3 in the Goldberg room, Boalt
Hall from 8:30-10am. Sheldon Zedeck, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Faculty
Welfare will be the guest speaker. Zedeck is a new provost. The affiliated libraries are
interested in hearing about his priorities and ideas for faculty-library relations, etc. All
LAUC-B members are welcome. Shannon will send out an official announcement with
maps and floor plans prior to the assembly.
IV. LAUC-B/LAUC Spring Assembly update (A. Barone)
Armanda reiterated the date of the LACU-B and the LAUC Spring assembly
V. New Business
A suggestion was made to schedule and ExComm meeting with all committee chairs a
time to talk about their programs and reports, such as a report from the Diversity
Committee and the BILD survey.
Armanda is still working on getting conference committee.
New Directions--Faculty interviews. Armanda and Shannon shared some of their
experiences with conducting interviews with faculty and graduate students for the New
Directions process. Common themes that came up in the interviews include:
interviewees do not want to leave their desk to go into the library since they would rather
go online and get the information they need. The Library should have more of a presence
on B-Space.