Executive Committee Minutes 11/8/07

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting

Thursday, November 8, 2007 
10:00 - 12 noon 
303 Doe

Attendees: A. Barone, C.Lee, J. Nelson, S. Supple, L. Diamond, E.Kuo,

J.Silva, Guests: C. McEwan, S. Fazli

I. Announcements

Announcements were skipped due to a fire alarm in Doe.

II. Reports

A. Treasurer's Report (J. Nelson)

LAUC-B has $163,325.27 in its budget.

LAUC has $2,900 in an account that needs to be spent. A possible use for 
the funds is the New Librarians Reception in the Spring was discussed.

B. Meeting with the University Librarian (A. Barone and C. Lee)

Tom agreed that all the various reports/survey results from the Diversity 
and Retention committees and task force should be forwarded to Admin to 
share the information with them. Before the reports are submitted to Admin, 
Armanda has asked Barbara Bohl, chair of the LAUC-B Committee on Diversity 
to pull all the reports and information together into a single document.  

Ideas for the next LAUC conference in Spring 2009 were also discussed. Tom 
suggested several ideas (i.e. taking stock of New Directions, public vs. 
private divide changing, intellectual property environment). Armanda will 
put a call to LAUC-B for further suggestions.

At the LAUC-B Fall Assembly Eric Kansa expressed an interest in working with 
the Library on future projects. Armanda and Corliss talked with Tom about 
how best to coordinate potential Library projects with the iSchool. ExComm 
discussed how this could be done with the iSchool Task Force. Ideas 
include: Library employees don't always know what's happening with projects 
in the iSchool; place projects with iSchool on the LAUC-B website; Send out 
encouragement to publicize the projects that are being done; Pursue with 
ADMIN about involving people such as interns (HR factors to consider); 
iSchool's involvement with the New Directions committee: the iSchool should 
be involved since the iSchool can inject technical expertise and having 
someone on the ND committee is a great opportunity for partnership; engage 
with TALAG meetings.

Many positive comments were received from LAUC-B members and other AULs 
about the Library 2.0 Conference. ExComm noted the interesting contrast 
between Meredith Farkas and Jim Neal. One question raised was how can the 
Library start applying new technologies? Armanda mentioned the Round Table 
policy discussion for downloading software. Work related downloads will be 
ok. There will be restrictions on games, though second life can be viewed 
as a game. Further discussion will be needed.

LAUC-B members who attended the conference are urged to react and comment to 
the presentations in the New Directions blog so that the lessons learned 
during the conference are folded into that process.

Reminder: Distinguished Librarian Reception will be held on December 5, 2007 
from 4-6pm. Executive Vice Chancellor Bresauer and Chair of TALAG, Nick 
Robinson will be on hand for the event.

Tom noted the many LAUC events in November, including the LAUC Statewide 
conference in Merced.

C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (C. 

Corliss distributed the agenda of the last meeting and new roster for the 
committee. Chuck Eckman and Mike Rancer talked about two projects at the 
last meeting: 

The Berkeley Research Impact Initiative is a short term program where the 
Library will cover the charges for open access journal for Berkeley faculty 
and graduate students. This will be an 18-month pilot program

Chuck presented on a proposal for a series of faculty conversations for 
scholarly communication, sponsored by the Library. Corliss will talk with 
Chuck about LAUC-B becoming a cosponsor.  

Mike Rancer presented on the Library budget, staffing, retirements and how 
this will impact the students.

III. LAUC-B Task Force on Diversity and Recruitment (S. Fazli and C.  McEwan)   
Saima and Carole distributed a brief report containing the information they 
have gathered on diversity programs in the Library and beyond. The report 
included information on staff members who were either enrolled in or are 
recent graduates of an MLIS program, as well as details on diversity 
programs in ARL and the greater library community. 

There were no surprises with the report. The conversation revolved around 
the number of places to recruit/target minority groups, instead of just 
ALA. ExComm noted that UCB does not always target these resources/email 
lists in librarian recruitment. 

Questions raised include: Where to go next; survey appendix, charged 
separately, under committee of diversity, refer both reports to Barbara Bohl 
chair of Committee on Diversity; Share with LAUC Statewide, Armanda to 
contact Barbara. Refer to BILD, put it all together and take to Admin with 
recommendations. Refer to iSchool task force, formalize internships, make 
this less ad hoc.

IV. Highlights from Affiliated Libraries Assembly (S. Supple) 

Professor Ben Crow (UC Santa Cruz), Chair of Statewide Committee for 
Scholarly Communication gave a very informal presentation. Ideas raised 
include: the committee is an activist committee, pushing for an open access 
initiative; the university as publisher; CDL' search for a head and the 
qualities, skills that were needed; focus more on the affiliated libraries, 
TALAG; keep the dialog open with Whitney Davis. Suggestions for LAUC-B 
include: service concept; CDL's focus on technology; important to focus on 
service, not just the development of an interface; mass digitization should 
include digitizing one of a kind collection, not just in the archives; no 
one was from his committee was involved with the google books project. The 
project was a high-level decision; Libraries face pressure to give up space; 
Library perceived as important; people don't think we exist since we are 
efficient at getting the materials to folks. 

An interesting note: Professor Crow's Atlas of Global Inequality ( 
http://ucatlas.ucsc.edu), was not considered "published research and 
creative work" for his review. 

V. Approval of BILD Task Force Charge and BILD Mentoring (L. Diamond) 

Lucia distributed the charge. The charge fits into the BILD project and is 
limited to career staff. One aspect of BILD will be carried out as a LAUC-B 
task force: mentoring staff who are interested in a career as a librarian. 
The task force will set up a model that can be continued into future years 
and that may be used for mentoring staff in other careers in the library. 

LAUC-B will also be instrumental in assisting with the Librarian diversity 
fellowship. Fellow will have a LAUC-B mentor who is not a supervisor. 
Details of the fellowship are in the previous LAUC minutes.

Comments and suggestions on the task force charge given and the charge 

Debbie Jan is Chair of Task force. Further comments can be directed to 

Members of task force to be announced soon.

VI. Comments post LAUC-B Assembly

ExComm noted that many positive comments were received on Eric Kansa's 

VII. Comments/Issues to take to LAUC Assembly in Merced

Armanda to send email reminder to membership asking for ideas to take to the 
LAUC statewide assembly.

VIII. New Business

The conference committee for the next LAUC-B conference will be forming in 

Jesse to create email alias: 

Update on Townsend-The application process is open not just to librarians, 
but all academic appointments in the Library, including grad students 
working in the Library. There will be one $2000 award for the Library 