Executive Committee Minutes 10/11/07

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting

October 11, 2007
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon  
303 Doe

Present: Armanda Barone (Chair), Corliss Lee (Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect), 
Lucia Diamond (Past Chair), Evelyn Kuo (Library Representative), Theresa 
Salazar (Library Representative), Shannon Supple (Affiliated Representative)

Absent: Jennifer Nelson, Jesse Silva

Guests: Judy Bolstad, Harrison Dekker, Susana Hinojosa, Barbara Kornstein

I. Announcements  
H. Dekker: LAUC website and related blog is being created. 
Webmaster Dekker will circulate the URL to ExComm for comment.

C. Lee: The LAUC-B Task Force on the relationship between the 
iSchool, the campus libraries and alumni of the iSchool/SIMS/library schools 
at UCB (see ../sims/ ) now has a faculty 
member from the iSchool on the Task Force and will be able to move forward 
on some activities and recommendations. They have already recommended a 
speaker for the LAUC-B Fall Assembly, Eric Kansa, from the new Information 
and Service Design program at the iSchool. (See his profile 
http://isd.ischool.berkeley.edu/person/ekansa )

Barone: The LAUC-B Fall Assembly will be held November 6, 
2007 in the Morrison Library with speaker Eric Kansa.

S. Supple: The Affiliated Libraries Fall Assembly will be held 
November 7, 2007, 8:20-9:50 a.m. in the Goldberg Room of Boalt Hall with 
speaker Professor Ben Crow, Chair of the University Committee on Library and 
Scholarly Communication.

S. Hinojosa: Susana mentioned that the Library is expecting 
thirty retirements from the Library staff by June 2008 and one hundred 
retirements over the next five years. ACTION ITEM: ExComm will consider 
ways of addressing the big picture of succession planning. New Directions 
is likely to be one important forum for this issue.

II. Reports  

A. Treasurer's Report   
Balance is $78,944.94 (sent in by Treasurer 
Jennifer Nelson, who was not present at the meeting).

B. Meeting with the University Librarian (A. Barone and C. Lee)  
Teresa Stojkov, Associate Director of the Townsend 
Center, was to (and did on October 10) meet with academic staff of the 
campus libraries to encourage applications for the Library Fellow. This 
year applications are to be submitted directly to the Townsend Center by 
November 16, 2007 (http://townsendcenter.berkeley.edu/fellowships_ap.shtml). 
Use the faculty application for the Library Fellow. Teresa Stojkov is 
available to assist with questions about the application. Tom Leonard also 
supports and encourages participation as a Fellow. He supports appropriate 
administrative leave for the Fellow, and he and LHRD are looking into the 
possibility of giving an additional monetary award, beyond what the Townsend 
Center awards, but this is complicated by the fact that a variety of pay 
titles (some covered by union agreements) are now eligible to be the Library 

Armanda informed Tom Leonard that the LAUC-B Fall 
Assembly speaker would be Eric Kansa. Tom is unable to attend this year, 
but Isabel Stirling will greet the Assembly. 

Armanda informed Tom that the LAUC-B Conference, 
Academic Library 2.0, set for November 2 at the Clark Kerr Campus, has been 
oversubscribed and capped at 210 attendees. There is much interest in this 
conference at all UC campuses and many members of the LAUC statewide 
Executive Board are attending.

C. Academic Senate Library Committee (C. Lee)  
The Chair is Professor Whitney Davis. The committee 
is looking for additional faculty members. 
Tom Leonard reviewed the Library budget; mentioned 
that the Library Advisory Board really enjoyed and appreciated meeting 
members of the Academic Senate Library Committee; and mentioned that he and 
Prof. Davis met with an Elzevier representative.

Fred Yasaki, Library Architect, discussed and showed 
the plans for the new C.V. Starr East Asian Library & Chang-Lin Tien Center 
for East Asian Studies, which is celebrating its dedication October 18-20.

LAUC-B will be a future agenda item to let the 
committee know what we do. Corliss will mention our conferences and 
assemblies. If anyone has suggestions for Corliss of topics to cover, 
please let her know.

D. LAUC Executive Board Conference Call (A. Barone) 
The website for the LAUC Fall Assembly in Merced 
will be up soon (watch here http://www.ucop.edu/lauc/index.html ). LAUC-B 
delegates to the Merced Assembly will be A. Barone, C. Lee, J. Silva, and S. 
Supple. It will be a two-day event because of transportation issues. A. 
Barone will look into travel arrangements from Berkeley. All LAUC members 
are welcome to attend as always, but you will need to register when the 
website is active. The program so far includes (a) the UC/OCLC pilot 
project and (b) mass digitization.

LAUC statewide (and other divisions) are interested 
in Berkeley's work on retention and recruitment and may do a survey like 

III. LAUC-B Task Force on Diversity and Retention (S. Supple, H. 
Dekker, S. Hinojosa) 
Shannon, Harrison and Susana presented their survey on 
retention. Salary and cost of living appear to be the most significant 
factors in recruitment and retention. Respect for our amazing colleagues 
and quality of our collections appear to be the best reasons for working 
here. We should accentuate the positives of working here, because there are 

Follow-up actions include: 
• Barone is working and will continue to work on these issues 
at the statewide LAUC level.

• The Task Force will make a presentation at the LAUC-B Fall 

• H. Dekker and members of the Task Force will create a blog entry 
summarizing the comments of the survey for New Directions.

• C. Lee will report to the Academic Senate Library Committee. 

• When ready, the survey with a summary and perhaps a blog for 
additional commentary will be posted on the LAUC-B website.

IV. Mentoring Program brief report and suggestions (S. Hinojosa) 
Susana made a brief report of her mentoring activities of last 
year (matching of new librarians with mentors). At present the focus of the 
program is to assist the new librarian with an orientation to the libraries, 
the campus in general, and the preparation of their first dossier; anything 
further depends upon the librarians themselves. Evelyn Kuo is now in charge 
of the mentoring program. Evelyn and Susana will meet to discuss the 
details of the program.

She held a meeting for sixteen new librarians (working here at 
UCB about two years) last Spring. Most said that they did not know about 
the mentoring program, LAUC-B professional development funding, nor the 
general campus orientation program. We know they had all been told this 
information. The information needs to be repeated by supervisors and made 
more prominent on our LAUC-B website.

A meeting should be held for people who have mentored in order 
to get their perspective on the process. 
It continues to be difficult for the LAUC-B Secretary to get 
information on new hires in a timely manner. Currently the LAUC-B Secretary 
asks LHRD (and APO?) on a quarterly basis for the names of new hires and 
reads CU News for announcements. The Secretary updates the roster and 
passes the new hire information on to the Library Representative in charge 
of mentoring.

Last year the Chair, Lucia Diamond, had coffee with each new 
hire to welcome them to LAUC-B and explain and encourage participation (as 
they and their supervisor might consider appropriate and interesting) in 
committee work for the campus, the statewide groups, LAUC-B, and LAUC. Armanda 
Barone will continue this activity, but will call upon other ExComm members 
to assist if we get too many new hires for her to manage.

V. LAUC-B Committee on Professional Development (J. Bolstad) 
Judy shared a list of suggestions she had received for a program 
to be presented in the spring. Some of the topics were similar to what may 
be presented at the upcoming Academic Library 2.0 conference. ExComm 
discussed the topics and suggested that the Committee on Professional 
Development should wait until after the conference before deciding on a 
program for the spring.

VI. BILD Proposal update (L. Diamond) 
Time ran out to give an update, but Lucia will be speaking 
October 23rd to a meeting of Library staff about the mentoring program for 
staff. Lucia and Armanda will discuss setting up a Task Force to handle the 
matching of staff and librarians for staff interested in a professional 
career as a librarian. Other staff may be interested in other career paths 
in the library (e.g., IT, graphics, finance, etc.), and the Task Force will 
need to lend its expertise to assist in that aspect of the program as well.

Next LAUC-B ExComm meeting will be held on Thursday, November 8, 10 a.m. - 
noon, 303 Doe Library.