Executive Committee Minutes 10/19/06

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting

Thursday, October 19, 2006
10:30 – 12:00
303 Doe

Present: Lucia Diamond (Chair), Armanda Barone (Vice Chair/Chair Elect), Lily Castillo-Speed 
(Past Chair), Jennifer Nelson (Secretary), Harrison Dekker (Treasurer), Susana Hinojosa 
(Library Representative), Jean Dickinson (Library Representative), Susan Garbarino (Affiliated 

I. Announcements 

• Lily Castillo-Speed and Judy Bolstad attended ALA’s Joint Conference of Librarians of 
Color (JCLC) held on October 11-15 in Dallas, Texas. Judy will present to ExComm at 
the November meeting and to Susan Wong at LHRD. Conference was very successful 
with more than 1000 registrants. Recruitment and retention was a much-discussed topic. 
• ALA’s Office for Research and Statistics and Office for Diversity recently issued a report 
entitled “Diversity Counts,” available here: 
• No one from Berkeley has volunteered for HOPS Information Literacy Common Interest 
Group or the Library Technology Advisory Group (LTAG). Two people have 
volunteered for the Systemwide Operations and Planning Advisory Group (SOPAG). 
• The Statewide Research and Professional Development Committee has requested that 
ExComm review their charge and bylaws and respond with feedback. 
• ExComm has been asked by the LAUC President to review their procedures and rules 
and make suggestions for revisions. 
• Susana Hinojosa: All new librarians who had requested mentors have been matched; 
most have already met for their lunches. Some outstanding issues with the mentor 
program are: revisiting the 5-year requirement for being a mentor; tracking when 
mentors/mentees meet; obtaining up-to-date information about when new people are 

II. Reports

A. Treasurer's Report (H. Dekker)

• Budget – Due to technical difficulties, this number was unavailable. 
• Initial analysis of travel budgets and funding has yielded the following findings: 
o LAUC-B usually under-spends on travel funding, but this point needs further 
o Supplemental travel funds have not yet been spent, but that is due to the late 
announcement of their availability; however they are being granted; 
o The LAUC-B travel fund has never run out of money because a) not everyone 
travels and b) not everyone applies for reimbursement. 
• Agreement that there is a need to investigate further the matter of travel budgets and 

B. Meeting with the University Librarian (L. Diamond and A. Barone)

On October 11, 2006, Armanda Barone and Lucia Diamond discussed various matters with Tom 
Leonard, among which:

• Librarian V-VII promotion and advancement questions; 
• Clarification about requirements for national vs. regional committee involvement, 
particularly in the upper levels of the Librarian Series, i.e. that participation in a regional 
committee would count for a librarian’s promotion and advancement if the work of that 
committee has a national impact (example cited was the BSTF report, which was a 
California initiative that had national impact and significance); 
• Recruitment into the profession: Tom Leonard asked for written suggestions from 
ExComm about recruitment and retention and was interested in following through on 

C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (A. Barone)

1. Short and long term goals of the committee:

• Maintaining open communications with students and faculty via colleagues in the 
academic departments and divisions; 
• Monitoring the “electronification” of services, the digitization of library materials; and 
the library as a information commons with consideration for book-based users; 
• Participating with the Budget & Interdepartmental Relations (BIR, or the Budget 
Committee) regarding guidelines for electronic-based public research; 
• Supporting the notion of a campus scholarly communications czar, advisory to faculty; 
• Advocating for library budgets and more flexibility regarding capital campaigns.

2. Agenda items discussed:

• Briefly summary of Library space usage; Isabel Stirling drafting a library-by-library 
• Letter went out to deans and department chairs about selectors urging the departments to 
invite their designated selector to departmental meetings to enable communication 
between them and the Library; 
• Committee intends to recognize service of Professor Nicholas Howe; 
• Rebekah Arendt, ASUC graduate student representative, drafting a survey to gather data 
about graduate student use of/response to the Library; 
• Beth Dupuis, Associate University Librarian for Educational Initiatives and Director of 
Doe/Moffitt Libraries, gave an overview of her background, duties and visions for the 
• On-going conversations with BIRC (Budget Committee) about recognition of faculty 
innovation in scholarly communication: What’s considered a publication?

III. Professional Development Committee guidance

ExComm to provide guidance to Professional Development Committee as they plan their year. 
Possible topics to focus on could be:

• Grant writing 
• Diversity and recruitment 
• Preparing people for management positions

IV. UC as Destination (Davis Fall Assembly)

What can we do to help put UC “on the map” as a place where people want to come and build 
their careers? Lucia to send out to LAUC-B membership an email from Lise Snyder written to 
elicit people’s views about working as a librarian at UC.

V. Recruiting into the profession

Issue regards the profession as a whole and is not UC-specific. Some suggestions for recruitment 

• Attend job fair at Pauley Pavilion; 
• Talk to faculty about steering students into librarianship; 
• Obtain marketing materials and other materials about the profession from national 
organizations to distribute; 
• Approach students who already work in the library about becoming librarians; 
• Host event for graduate and undergraduate student workers to provide information about 
becoming a librarian, financial assistance programs, different kinds of librarianship, etc.

VI. ExComm and CAPA

A. Interviews/recruitment

• ExComm to consider providing guidance to CAPA about applying criteria in promotion 
and advancement cases; 
• Discussed relationship between UCOP and LAUC/CAPA; 
• Discussed significant responsibilities and time commitment of CAPA to read and 
evaluate dossiers; involvement in recruitment and interviewing; reviewing job 

B. Librarian V to VII

• Clarification that notes to the Academic Salary Scale (see link “Academic Salary Scale 
Notes, Librarian Series” at the bottom of this page 
http://www.ucop.edu/acadadv/acadpers/tab0607/tabcont.html) are UCOP revisions to 
academic personnel manual that have not yet been incorporated into the manual. Notes 
will be moved into APM when it gets updated; 
• Merit increase at a high level requires demonstration of significant accomplishment 
during the period under review; 
• ExComm to consider developing guidelines for applying criteria; 
• Commitment to discuss further at November meeting.

VII. New Business – not discussed at this time

VIII. Agenda for November Meeting (diversity reports and recruitment)

• Librarian V to VII to be discussed further in November.