LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting
Thursday, September 21, 2006
10:30 12:00
303 Doe
Present: Lucia Diamond (Chair), Armanda Barone (Vice Chair/Chair Elect), Lily Castillo-Speed
(Past Chair), Jennifer Nelson (Secretary), Harrison Dekker (Treasurer), Susana Hinojosa
(Library Representative), Jean Dickinson (Library Representative), Susan Garbarino (Affiliated
Guests: Corliss Lee, Norma Kobzina, Barbara Kornstein
I. Announcements (L. Diamond)
Many thanks to Jean Dickinson for agreeing to organize the interview lunches, and to
Susana Hinojosa for agreeing to organize the LAUC mentoring program.
Judy Bolstad, chair of the Diversity Committee, will attend ALAs Joint Conference of
Librarians of Color (Oct. 11-15, 2006) and present to ExComm at the November meeting.
As of September 21st no one has volunteered for any of the statewide committees
(SOPAG, TALAG, etc.). A second round of requests for participation will be held.
II. Reports
A. Treasurer's Report (H. Dekker)
Balance as of September 21, 2006, is $51, 247.
Supplemental $8,700 that was requested for travel was approved. However, it was not
announced until the end of the fiscal year so it has not yet been spent.
Question was raised about how to advertise the availability of supplemental funds so they
can be used to augment travel funds.
Suggestion was made to investigate why travel funds allotted to librarians are not being
applied for and thus are not being used in full.
B. Meeting with the University Librarian (L. Diamond and A. Barone)
LAUC-B and Statewide still firming up goals and programs for the 2006-2007 year.
Fall Assembly scheduled (Nov. 7th, 8:30-10:00 a.m. in Morrison Library).
Tom Leonard discussed ongoing issues and new developments in the Google digitization
C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (A. Barone)
Committee met for the first time. Whitney Davis (professor, Art History) is Chair.
Discussion of both long term and short term issues that the Committee will be involved in
I. Long-term: Digitization of the Library; Crisis in the collections budget; need to
work vigorously with publishers and users; Changing international/national
standards in cataloging and the consequences; Changing identity of specialist libraries
II. Short-term: Communicating with students and faculty about the above issues;
Monitoring digitization (i.e. Google contract); Talks in the works about a "czar"
of scholarly communication on campus
AUL for Collections Chuck Eckman highlighted for the faculty group what the library is
currently doing with the Slavic and Arabic books and the vendor MARCnow.
Tom Leonard discussed library space issues on campus.
III. iSchool/campus libraries Task Force (N. Kobzina and C. Lee)
Reviewed history of Task Force.
The new Task Force will be a small group, but will be expected to consult widely with
other members of the library and the School of Information.
View the official Task Force charge at ischooltfcharge.pdf
IV. UCLA Diversity Recruitment Summit report (S. Hinojosa)
Summit held September 18th, 2006 on the UCLA campus. There were 140 registered
attendees; format: 3 speakers in the morning and breakout sessions in the afternoon.
Among the topics discussed were:
o Strategies for recruitment: mentoring, job fairs, redefining image of librarians/librarianship.
o Importance of having the profession reflect communities and changing demographics in Californias population.
Important to develop a vision statement for libraries in the state of California.
V. LAUC-B Fall Assembly will be held on Nov 7th, 2006, from 8:30 10:00 in Morrison
Library. The speaker will be Shel Waggener, U.C. Berkeleys Chief Information Officer
VI. New Business: None discussed at this time.
VII. Agenda for October Meeting: The next meeting of the LAUC-B Executive Committee will
be held in 303 Doe from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 on Thursday, October 19.