Executive Committee Minutes 3/9/06

Minutes Meeting No. 7

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting

March 9, 2006 
10:00 am – 12:00 noon 
303 Doe Library

Present: Lily Castillo-Speed (Chair), Lucia Diamond (Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect), Chris Tarr (Past 
Chair), Brian Quigley (Secretary), Manuel Erviti (Library Representative), Teresa Mora (Library 

Absent: Harrison Dekker (Treasurer), Rita Evans (Affiliated Libraries Representative)

Guests: Tanya Hollis, Dayna Holz

I. Announcements

ExComm appointed John Berry, John Kupersmith, Ramona Martinez, Carole 
McEwan and Jennifer Nelson to the Task Force on Library Internships. Mari Miller 
is chairing the task force.

II. Reports

A. Treasurer's Report (H. Dekker)

No report.

B. Meeting with the University Librarian (L. Castillo-Speed/L. Diamond)

Lily and Lucia met with UL Tom Leonard on March 7. They discussed the Bibliographic 
Services Task Force (BSTF) report and the new librarians reception.

C. Academic Senate Library Committee (L. Diamond)

The committee has drafted comments on the five white papers from the Academic 
Council Special Committee on Scholarly Communication. Tom Leonard updated the 
committee on library construction and other library projects, including the Open Content 
Alliance, Portico, CLOCKSS and the BSTF report. The committee hopes to expand its 
membership next year.

III. Continuing Business

A. Action Items from Meeting of February 9

ExComm checked our progress on the action items from our last meeting.

B. Conference Committee Charge

Harrison will not be able to chair the planning committee after all. ExComm decided to 
send a call for volunteers then appoint a chair from among the volunteers. Harrison will 
be available to consult with the planning committee.

Action Item: Lily will draft a call for volunteers for the conference planning committee.

C. New Librarians Reception

Invitations have been sent to the LAUC-B membership and the Academic Senate Library 
Committee. Lily also sent personal invitations to the new librarians. Lily will introduce the 
new librarians at the reception. Tom Leonard will speak on behalf of The Library, Nick 
Robinson will speak on behalf of the Affiliated Libraries and Manuel Erviti will promote the 
LAUC-B mentoring program.

Action Item: Brian will confirm the catering details and the alcohol permit. He will also 
investigate color copies of the invitation for display at the reception.

D. Bibliographic Services Task Force Report

There will a brown bag discussion about the BSTF report on March 10 and an early bird 
about the report on March 13. ExComm decided to have a brown bag meeting also, 
coordinated by the Committee on Professional Development, to gather comments for the 
LAUC-B response.

Action Item: Lily will contact the Committee on Professional Development for an update 
on the brown bag meeting. She will send final details to the LAUC-B membership.

E. LAUC-B Spring Assembly

Lily is waiting to hear from the Chancellor’s Office. The speaker and date are still to be 

F. Committee on Diversity

Dayna Holz, Chair of the Committee on Diversity, presented their draft Report on Current 
Procedures for Hiring New Librarians. ExComm discussed the report and its 
recommendations. Additional comments should be sent to Dayna.

Action Item: ExComm members will review the report and send their comments to 
Dayna. The Committee on Diversity will revise the report accordingly.

IV. New Business

A. Committee on Nominations and Elections

Tanya Hollis, Chair of the Committee on Nominations and Elections, updated ExComm 
on its progress. Reviewing the statewide election calendar, the slate must be announced 
by May 1 in order to meet all the deadlines. If the LAUC-B Spring Assembly takes place 
after that date, we will need to arrange a special business meeting to announce the slate 
and take nominations from the floor.

Tanya also reported that the LAUC-B Committee Service Histories needs to be updated. 
ExComm agreed that the document needs to be updated and posted to the website. In 
the future, the Committee on Nominations and Elections will send its recommendations 
for committee appointments to ExComm for approval. Once approved, the Secretary will 
work with the webmaster to update the committee rosters and the service histories.

Action Item: Tanya and Brian will update the Committee Service Histories and post it to 
the website.

B. Budgeting

Postponed until a future meeting.

C. Correspondence from LAUC-B Members

Lily has received issues from members via email:

(a) Day-long interviews: Do other campuses use day-long interviews for librarians? 
ExComm members’ experiences confirm that many academic librarian recruitments 
use day-long interviews. 
(b) Publicity for LAUC-B programs: ExComm confirmed that allusers should be invited to 
LAUC-B programs of broad interest (e.g., Google Book Search).

Action Item: Brian will ask Dean Rowan to make a note about allusers invitations in the 
procedures for the Committee on Professional Development.

Next LAUC-B ExComm meeting will be held on Thursday, April 13, 10am -12pm, 303 Doe 