Executive Committee Minutes 12/8/05

Minutes Meeting No. 4

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting

December 8, 2005 
10:00 am – 12:00 noon 
303 Doe Library

Present: Lily Castillo-Speed (Chair), Lucia Diamond (Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect), Brian Quigley 
(Secretary), Harrison Dekker (Treasurer), Manuel Erviti (Library Representative), Teresa Mora 
(Library Representative), Rita Evans (Affiliated Libraries Representative)

Absent: Chris Tarr (Past Chair)

Guests: Imad Abuelgasim, Jean Dickinson, Norma Kobzina, Corliss Lee, Carole McEwan, Jane 

I. Announcements

R. Evans: Rita distributed a draft template for committee web pages. ExComm will 
discuss at a future meeting.

L. Castillo-Speed: ExComm will send a letter to Dan Greenstein thanking him for 
his participation at the LAUC-B Fall Assembly. The LAUC-B Research Committee 
Brown Bag on LAUC Research Grants was well-attended. Many issues and 
concerns were raised, so Lily may ask the chair of the committee to investigate.

II. Reports

A. Treasurer's Report (H. Dekker)

No report.

B. Meeting with the University Librarian (L. Castillo-Speed/L. Diamond)

Lily and Lucia met with UL Tom Leonard on November 29. Tom provided an update on 
the University Librarians meeting with the LAUC President and Vice-President/President-
Elect. Upcoming issues for LAUC include the Bibliographic Services Task Force and the 
Open Content Alliance. Lily, Lucia and Tom also discussed the issue of counteroffers as 
they relate to CAPA and peer review.

C. Academic Senate Library Committee (L. Diamond)

David Farrell and Kathi Neal spoke to the committee about university archives. The 
committee then met with Alice Agogino, Chair of the Academic Senate, who would like 
the committee to write an article for the Berkeleyan about its work. They also discussed 
the upcoming white papers on scholarly communication. Elaine Tennant will ask that 
LAUC be able to read and respond to them.

III. Continuing Business

A. SIMS Task Force Report

ExComm discussed the report with Norma Kobzina and Corliss Lee, co-chairs of the 
SIMS Task Force. Norma and Corliss suggested that ExComm post the report on the 
LAUC-B web site and solicit comments from all library staff, Admin, LHRD, and SIMS. 
The report recommendations include the creation of two task forces to continue the work 
of the SIMS Task Force. Norma and Corliss recommended that ExComm create these 
task forces as soon as possible so that the Task Force on Internships can have a 
process in place for Fall 2006 internships.

Action Item: Lily will begin ExComm discussions via email.

B. LAUC Fall Assembly

The LAUC Fall Assembly took place December 1-2. Delegates received reports from the 
LAUC President and statewide committees. Small groups discussed ‘enabling 
technologies’ that might facilitate LAUC work. They also discussed the bylaws revisions 
recommended by the Committee on Committees, Rules and Jurisdiction (CCRJ). The 
delegates voted down the recommendations. CCRJ has a new charge to focus on the 
proposed Standing Rules.

Rita suggested that committee reports should be distributed in advance of the Assembly, 
so delegates can be prepared to comment.

Action Item: Lily will forward this suggestion to the LAUC President.

C. LAUC-B Conference Topics Discussion

ExComm continued its discussion of the next LAUC-B conference, which will cover 
digitization and the evolution of librarianship. Possible topics include ‘Library 2.0’ and the 
impact of new technology and social software on libraries. Speakers could include 
representatives from Google, Yahoo, RLG and OCLC (Lorcan Dempsey). Harrison 
tentatively agreed to chair the conference planning committee. Discussions will continue 
at our next meeting.

Action Item: Harrison will prepare and distribute a document refining the conference 
topic and proposing a conference planning committee.

IV. New Business

A. SDC/LAUC Collaboration to Increase Staff Development Funding

Carole McEwan attended as the LAUC-B representative to the Staff Development 
Committee (SDC). SDC would like to partner with LAUC-B to propose that Library 
Administration increase the amount of staff development funding available to each staff 
member. SDC will draft a proposal for ExComm to consider.

Action Item: Carole will send the draft proposal to ExComm for review.

B. Professional Development Fund Allotment for 2005-2006

More information is needed. Discussion will continue at the next meeting.

Action Item: Lily and Harrison will review the budget and investigate possible allotment 

C. New Librarian Reception

ExComm agreed that we should host another New Librarian Reception in February or 
March 2006. The last one was held on March 18, 2003. Planning will continue at the next 

Action Item: Brian will compile a list of new librarians hired in The Library since March 

Action Item: Rita will compile a list of new librarians hired in the Affiliated Libraries since 
March 2003.

Next LAUC-B ExComm meeting will be held on Thursday, January 12, 10am -12pm, 303 
Doe Library.