Minutes Meeting No. 2
LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting
October 13, 2005
10:00 am – 12:00 noon
303 Doe Library
Present: Lily Castillo-Speed (Chair), Chris Tarr (Past Chair), Brian Quigley (Secretary), Harrison
Dekker (Treasurer), Manuel Erviti (Library Representative), Teresa Mora (Library
Representative), Rita Evans (Affiliated Libraries Representative)
Absent: Lucia Diamond (Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect)
I. Announcements
L. Castillo-Speed: The Berkeleyan published an article on the 2005 Distinguished
Librarian Award recipients John Roberts and Dan Krummes:
L. Castillo-Speed: Upcoming events include an Early Bird on the Shared
Cataloging Program (10/20, 8:30-10:00, Morrison Library), the CAPA Workshop on
Academic Review (11/8, 8:30-10:00, Children’s Literature Room in the Education-
Psychology Library) and a Pay Equity Early Bird in early November (11/9, 8:30-
10:00, Morrison Library).
R. Evans: Laine Farley will be the speaker at the Affiliated Libraries Fall Assembly
(11/2, 8:30-10:00, Goldberg Room at Boalt Hall).
II. Reports
A. Treasurer's Report (H. Dekker)
Balance as of August 30 is $48,093.30.
B. Meeting with the University Librarian (L. Castillo-Speed)
Lily and Lucia met with UL Tom Leonard on October 11. They discussed possible
speakers for the LAUC-B Fall Assembly and topics for the next LAUC-B Conference.
Possible speakers and topics include Mary Ann Mason (UC Faculty Friendly Family
Edge) and the Open Content Alliance (http://www.opencontentalliance.org/). They also
discussed some early information from the Business School in regard to a possible
reconfiguration of the space occupied by the Business & Economics Library.
C. Academic Senate Library Committee (L. Diamond via L. Castillo-Speed)
At its first meeting of the semester, Elaine Tennant led a discussion of scholarly
publishing. The next meeting will likely include a discussion with the Interim Dean and
Associate Dean of the Business School about the Business & Economics Library.
D. SIMS Task Force Report (L. Castillo-Speed)
The SIMS Task Force has submitted its report for review by ExComm. The report will be
discussed at the next ExComm meeting so we can issue a formal response to it.
Because the report makes recommendations about internships, Harrison explained his
idea for an E-Internship Program. An e-intern would visit campus once or twice during the
internship, but would perform most of his/her work remotely. The internship would be
unpaid, so the program would only need money for the campus visits and perhaps
conference attendance. ExComm expressed interest in possibly supporting this idea.
Action Item: ExComm members will read the SIMS Task Force report in preparation for
the next meeting.
Action Item: Lily will discuss the E-Internship idea with Harrison for possible inclusion in
the LAUC-B budget request.
III. Continuing Business
A. Committees: Rosters and Chairs
Corrections were made to the LAUC-B committee rosters.
B. Continuation of Discussion on Goals and Priorities
ExComm continued its discussion of Lily’s draft “Issues and Goals for 2005-2006”
document. ExComm decided to focus on a few priorities during its term.
Communication/Building Bridges. ExComm will explore methods for improving
communication with (1) LAUC-B Committees, (2) CAPA and (3) UC-AFT.
Diversity. The Committee on Diversity will be charged with investigating the librarian
recruitment process and creating a “How to Fill Jobs” checklist. A task force will be
charged with creating a work plan to establish a Diversity Fellow program.
What is a Professional. ExComm agreed that the following issues should be explored as
possible conference or discussion topics: equity in salaries; digitization projects and the
evolution of librarianship; status of the MLS in relation to information jobs.
Action Item: Rita will develop a draft checklist of information that should be included on
committee websites.
Action Item: Teresa will write a draft charge for the Committee on Diversity to investigate
the recruitment process.
C. Goals and Priorities Statement: Use and Distribution
Postponed until next meeting.
D. LAUC-B Conference Topics Discussion
It was suggested that some aspect of “What is a Professional” would make a good topic
for the next LAUC-B Conference (Fall 2006 or Spring 2007). Discussion will continue at
the next meeting.
IV. New Business
A. Dates and Agenda for Fall Assembly
Cristina Perez (Office for Faculty Equity) will be invited as the speaker for the Fall
Assembly on November 14, 15 or 16. Note: The LAUC-B Fall Assembly has since been
confirmed for November 15, 8:30-10:00, with Daniel Greenstein (CDL) as speaker.
B. Event Co-Sponsorship Request
The Committee on Professional Development submitted a request to co-sponsor the Pay
Equity Early Bird planned for November. ExComm approved $200 for the program, with
LAUC-B listed as a co-sponsor.
Action Item: Lily will inform the Committee on Professional Development of our support.
C. LAUC-B Budget for 2005-2006
ExComm approved using last year’s budget request as a template with two changes: (1)
replace the Distinguished Librarian Award funding request with the LAUC-B Conference
funding request and (2) increase the travel funding request by $50-100 per librarian.
Action Item: Lily will prepare and submit the budget request for 2005-2006.
D. LAUC Conference Topic Ideas
Postponed until next meeting.
Next LAUC-B ExComm meeting will be held on Thursday, November 10, 10am -12pm, 303
Doe Library.