Minutes - Meeting No. 12 - August 13, 2003
LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting
Aug. 13,2003
10:10 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
303 Doc Library
Present: M. Cochran (Outgoing Chair), A. Urbanic (Incoming Chair), L. McLane, J. Rosario, L. Cushing, S. Koskinen
(facilitator), M. Burnette, B. Anton, M. Mahoney, B. Quigley, M. Snow, B. Bohl (recorder)
Absent: C. Tarr, P. Atwood, D. de Lorenzo
Handouts: Agenda
1. Introductions
M. Cochran thanked the outgoing members and welcomed the new members.
II. Announcements
The deadline for submitting nominees for the Distinguished Librarian Award has been changed to Sept. 15.
The administrative component of the travel budget has been reduced to $600.00 this year.
III. Reports
A. Treasurer's Report (M. Mahoney)
The LAUC-B fund balance at the end of July was $65,104.64.
B. Meeting with the University Librarian (M. Cochran)
Patriot Act Resolution: at the LAUC Spring Assembly the delegates passed the revised resolution, which included the suggestion that libraries post a notice about the Act. The Act is posted on the LAUC web site at http://www.ucop.edu/lauc/resolution.html
T. Leonard reports that the University Librarians do not want to post notices at
this time. Further investigation into this topic will probably take place as the situation
Retirees' Reception: The library's role in planning some kind of reception for retirees was discussed. Some of the possibilities discussed included inviting the retirees to the annual holiday party, or holding a reception that would be jointly sponsored by LAUC-B, HRD and SDC. Further discussion of the topic is needed.
Emeritus status is on the table as part of union negotiations, T. Leonard would like to wait until negotiations are complete before he addresses the topic.
Budget: There is a new web page on the Staff Web at http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/Staff/budgetplan which includes the "Draft policy & procedure for internal reassignment" which is currently under discussion in Cabinet. The Library will be considering cancellations of journal titles, a letter will be sent to the faculty around Labor Day regarding the serials budget and encouraging faculty to contact their library liaisons for details. The scholarly community will be contacted at a later date.
C. Candidate Lunches (B. Quigley)
There have been no new hires, and no candidate lunches were held.
IV. Continuing Action Items
A. Digital Projects Proposal (M. Snow)
The Affiliated Librarians are still concerned that they were not included in the call for participation in the Digital Projects, although they are allowed to partner with a librarian from the Library.
LAUC-B recommended that these concerns should be addressed by the new Task Force on Maximizing Benefits of Affiliated Library- The Library Relationships
B. Comments on SOPAG Documents
UCB SOPAG representative Bernie Hurley arranged an Early Bird to discuss the SOPAG reports regarding Shared Print Collections and Government Information. Comments from the Early Bird were forwarded to the LAUC President as the LAUC-B response. Linda Kennedy, incoming LAUC President, e-mailed LAUC division comments for distribution. M. Cochran will forward Kennedy's e-mail to the LAUC-B reflector
C. Revisions to Position Paper #1
The LAUC Position Paper Review Task Force has incorporated the suggested changes into the position paper, and has requested comments by Sept. 5. The changes to the position paper can be found at: http://sun3.lib.uci.edu/-sdaviska/lauc/pptf.html
Action item: A. Urbanic will draft a response to the changes and send to the Excomm reflector
D. Parking Lot Issues
Action item: M. Cochran will re-draft a letter to S. Wong regarding librarian recruitment
Action item: M. Cochran will re-draft letter to T. Leonard regarding the Diversity Fellow position.
V. New Topics
A.Transition to new LAUC-B Executive Committee
B. Plans for 2003-04 meetings
The Executive Committee will continue to meet on the 2 nd Wednesday of the month, from 10: 10 a.m. - 12: 00 p.m.
C. LAUC-B Website
A. Urbanic encouraged the Executive Committee to look at the Web site as an ongoing function, to suggest changes and updates. The committee rosters will be updated as the committees meet and elect their chairs, Committee chairs should report their membership to new secretary Jane Rosario, including terms of service of each member.
• Action item: B. Bohl will update the by-laws on the web and archive a copy of the old bylaws.
• Action item: B. Bohl will draft a document describing the duties of the Executive Committee Officers.
D. Budget Overview
It is the responsibility of the Ex Comm chair to submit a budget for LAUC-B. Line items include a request for general assistance, photocopying, catering, mentor lunches, Distinguished Librarian Award and Travel (Research and Professional Development)
Action item: Though the MOU agreement has not yet been finalized, LAUC-B will authorize travel
re-imbursement to the equivalent of last year's amount. LAUC-B will adjust this amount at a later date if there are any changes in the MOU.
E. LAUC-B Conference or Workshop for Fall 2004
LAUC-B alternates funding for the DLA with funding for a conference or workshop. The money for the DLA was granted from last years budget, so this year we will sponsor a program. LAUC-B will discuss in a future meeting whether to sponsor a conference, workshop or possibly several programs next year.
Action item: A. Urbanic will send an e-mail to Ex Comm regarding this topic, and this will be added to the September agenda
F. Recognition of Retirees
Ex Comm thought that inviting retirees to the Holiday Party and perhaps awarding them with a certificate of recognition would be a good idea. It was also proposed that LAUC could sponsor a joint reception with HRD and/or the Staff Development Committee.
Action item: A. Urbanic will send a proposal to T. Leonard
G. Workshop on Applying for Research Grants
A proposal was made at the LAUC Spring Assembly that each division should present a workshop on how to apply for LAUC research grants, in the hope that this might help to stimulate the application process. At the Assembly, a delegate from UCSF requested that they be included in such a program if Berkeley decides to sponsor one. Since the applications are due in early December, such a program would need to be presented soon.
H. Clifford Lynch talk
Clifford Lynch was to be invited to UCD to give a talk, T. Leonard inquired as to whether we would also like to sponsor a program with Lynch. An email was sent to the University Librarian at Davis, but no response has been received. C. Lynch is a possible candidate to speak at the LAUC-B Fall Assembly.
1. LAUC-B Fall Assembly Planning
The statewide LAUC Fall Assembly will be held in Berkeley on December 4h and 5"'.
The LAUC-B Fall Assembly should be held sometime prior to those dates. The Committee is tentatively considering holding the assembly sometime in the last week of October or the first two weeks of November.
The committee is also considering possible guest speakers.
Action item: A. Urbanic will contact A. Warren regarding reserving the Morrison Room for the tentative dates suggested. He will also contact possible speakers as to their availability for the event.
The next Executive Committee meeting will be held Wednesday, Sept. 10 in Room 3 03, Doe Library.