Executive Committee Meeting 1/8/97

     LAUC-B Executive Committee
     Meeting no. 1996/97 (4)
     8 January 1997
     Present: W. Benemann (Secretary), R. Brandt, T. Dean (Chair), G. 
     Irving (CAPA), D. Jan, C.Lee, R. Moon, G. Peete, A. Swartzell, D. 
     Sommer, C. Tarr
     Absent: K. Vanden Heuvel
     Handouts: Agenda; Minutes of Meeting no. 1996/97 (3); Proposed 
     Revision to Berkeley Procedures for the Review of Librarian 
     Appointments, Promotions, and Advancements; Recommendations of the 
     LAUC-B Cultural Diversity Committee concerning the Ad Hoc Committee 
     Report on the "Many Voices of Diversity"; report forwarded by Susana 
     Hinojosa on a proposed vote of no confidence at SFPL.
     I.   Announcements: T. Dean has not received a formal response from 
     Leon Litwack to her invitation to attend the February 5th Executive 
     Committee meeting, but he has informally agreed.
     II.  Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of 4 December 1996 were 
     approved as amended.
     III. Academic Senate Committee on Library (D. Sommer)
          The Committee on Library is discussing ways of enforcing 
     penalties against Faculty who retain Library materials after the 
     material has been recalled.  Sue Rosenblatt reported on possible
     uses of the Moffitt Library building: as a Learning Center, a 
     Publishing Center for students, a Multi-media Center to support 
     student research.  In her remarks to the Faculty, Rosenblatt
     suggested that one impediment to The Library's meeting its current 
     challenges was that many professional staff received their library 
     degrees in the 1970s.  The Executive Committee discussed
     the implications of this observation and agreed that the issue  of 
     training for new technologies would be a good one for the LAUC-B 
     series on the Future of Librarianship.  
     IV.  LAUC-B Travel Grants (D. Jan)
          The Treasurer has notified the membership announcing the travel 
     allocations for this year. There were 86 applicants.  Each applicant 
     will receive a travel allocation of $544.
     V.   CAPA (G. Irving)
          Copies of the current Berkeley guidelines for movement from 
     Librarian IV to Librarian V, along with two revisions of the language, 
     were distributed.  After discussion, Ex Comm approved
     the second version of the language.
          ACTION: T. Dean will investigate the procedures for making formal 
     changes in the Berkeley guidelines. 
          The issue of performance evaluations for AULs holding 0% 
     appointments in the Librarian Series has been referred to a task force 
     consisting of Ivan Arguelles, Gary Handman, and Barbara Kornstein. 
     VI.  Ad Hoc Committee on the Many Voices Report
          The recommendations of the LAUC-B Cultural Diversity Committee 
     were distributed, but discussion was limited, since the format of the 
     report, listing the original recommendation numbers without explaining 
     their content,  made it unclear which particular issues were being
     discussed.  Ex Comm members did remember that the first recommendation 
     concerned changing the name of the Statewide Committee on Cultural 
     Diversity.  LAUC-B's CDC conclusion that "no unamimous decision was 
     reached" on this recommendation seems to be in conflict with the very
     strong opinion that arose from the Early Bird on the report, in which 
     there seemed to be unanimous agreement that the considerable effort 
     required to change the name (a change in the LAUC by laws) was not 
          ACTION: T.Dean will refer the recommendations back to the LAUC-B 
     Cultural Diversity Committee.
     VII. Analysis of the Digital Library Initiative for the Academic 
Senate Committee on Library
(D. Sommer) A draft memo analyzing the University of California Digital Library report has been prepared by the subcommittee (D. Sommer, A. Swartzell and C. Tarr). The draft will be distributed for discussion at the February 1997 meeting. The next LAUC-B Executive Committee meeting will be Wednesday, January 29th, from 9:00 to 11:00 AM, 119 Moses Hall in an executive session.