LAUC-B Executive Committee
Meeting No. 1998/99 (4)
December 9, 1998
9-11:10 a.m., Stone Room, The Bancroft LibraryMINUTES
Present: Michaelyn Burnette (secretary), Barbara Glendenning, Marlene Harmon, Chuck James, Phoebe Janes, Ann Jensen, Jim Larrabee, Michael Levy (treasurer), Andrea Sevetson (chair), Virginia Shih, Deborah Sommer
Absent: Jack von Euw
Guest: Terry Dean
Handouts: Agenda, draft minutes (Meeting no. 3, November 11, 1998), draft proposal for travel funding, proposed LAUC-B committee budgets for FY 1998/99, 1998/99 budget request from the LAUC-B Public Service Task Force, draft text of Distinguished Librarian Award Committee documents outlining the membership/charge of the DLAC and award guidelines, Daily Cal article on the decision not to seek ALA accreditation for SIMS, draft of memo outlining LAUC-B priorities/concerns/advice for G. Lowell. In preparation for the LAUC Fall Assembly: Sturgis on consideration of committee reports, draft text of a LAUC-D motion Professional Governance Committee report, draft text of a potential LAUC-LA motion on the AUL salary proposal, LAUC-I comments on the AUL salary proposal.
Added to the agenda under New Business: discussion of the various draft motions/reports for the LAUC Fall Assembly and the draft memo for Lowell.
I. Announcements
II. Reports
CAPA chair Jensen synthesized comments on the issue of retroactive pay and sent them to Janice Dost. There has not been a statement from the campus.
III. Minutes from November 11, 1998, were amended and approved.
IV. Old Business
A. Meeting in Executive Session, ExComm approved librarian members for the Distinguished Librarian Award Committee (DLAC). Librarian members are: Terry Dean (chair), Milt Ternberg, Barclay Ogden, Deborah Sommer, and Ginny Irving. The Senate Committee on Libraries will appoint a faculty member to DLAC.
B. Sommer presented two documents for DLAC: a proposal for membership of and charge for the committee and a proposal for award guidelines. Sommer used existing documentation from previous DLACs to draft these proposals. Sommer and Dean will look at the structure of the charge. After discussion and minor changes, ExComm adopted the documents for use by future DLACs. Sommer and Dean will forward the amended text to Sevetson for inclusion in the LAUC-B Policy and Procedures Manual.
V. New Business
A. Professional Governance Report
( This document will be discussed at the LAUC Fall Assembly on December 11, 1998. Sevetson sought a sense of how LAUC-B should respond to the issue of handling the document and the various resolutions arising from it. ExComm agreed that Sevetson should work with LAUC-D to rephrase their proposed motion to strengthen implementation and to follow the language of the original LAUC Spring Assembly resolutions and also to consider the possibility of joint sponsorship of the motion.
B. LAUC-B Reflector Policy: a non-LAUC, non-library person asked to be placed on the LAUC-B reflector. No written policy exists to indicate who should be on this reflector, and currently several nonmembers are on it. Sevetson will canvas these people to see what purpose is served by their inclusion on the reflector. ExComm will work to assure non-LAUC members wide access to necessary information and asks committee members to publicize in CU News all meetings of general interest. ExComm will revisit this topic at its January meeting.
C. Fall Assembly Minutes: Assembly minutes are not adopted until the membership approves at the next Assembly. Since there is a lengthy pause between Assemblies, the secretary will distribute draft minutes to ExComm for vetting and then will put the draft minutes on the web site, send them out on the LAUC-B reflector, and place a notice in CU News that the draft minutes are available.
D. LAUC-B Budget
- Although he has not yet received a written LAUC-B budget from the campus, based on oral reports of the amount in the account, Levy presented several scenarios for FY 1998/99 travel funding. These ranged from spending only the amount given to LAUC-B to fund travel to augmenting this year's campus funding with monies from the LAUC-B account. ExComm agreed to augment campus funding.
- Sevetson presented copies of a request for funding from the LAUC-B Public Service Task Force and a draft of FY 1998/99 LAUC-B committee funding. Slight modifications were made, and ExComm approved the budgets. ExComm agreed that committees may serve beverages at meetings but should reserve treats for special events since funding currently spent on food could be used for other purposes such as travel.
- SIMS accreditation: briefly discussed, further discussion postponed until the January 1999 meeting.
- Lowell memo: members will send proposed changes to Sevetson immediately.