Executive Committee Meeting 1/20/98

LAUC-B Executive Committee
Meeting No. 1997/98 (6)
20 January 1998
9:15 - 11:25 am, 119 Moses Hall


Present: Corliss Lee, Andrea Sevetson, Virginia Shih, Deborah
Sommer (Chair), Linda Vida (Secretary), Beth Weil

Absent: Terry Dean, Marlene Harmon, Christina Tarr, Jack Von Euw

Handouts: Agenda; Draft Minutes 12/16/97; "Libraries Managers and
Supervisors, by Campus"; UC Campus Libraries Organization Charts

I.  Announcements -- D. Sommer
a) D. Sommer welcomed C. Lee back from maternity leave.
b) Terry Huwe (CAPA Chair), A. Sevetson, and D. Sommer will
meet with the External Review Committee on February 16, 1998.  The
Executive Committee's meeting scheduled for February 17, may change
due to this meeting.
c) Terry Huwe (CAPA Chair) and Ginny Irving (CAPA - outgoing
chair) published an article on the University of California's peer
review process that was published in California Public Employment
Relations, December, 1997.  T. Huwe will send the url to D. Sommer
and A. Sevetson will establish a link from the LAUC-B website.
d) Ex Comm meeting dates for the next few months have been
set. A. Sevetson will also post the dates on the LAUC-B website. 
Dates are February 17, March 17, April 21, May 19, and June 16.
e) There are some LAUC-B membership changes: Ann Swartzell
accepted a position at Harvard and will leave UCB and has resigned
from CAPA.  CAPA has developed a short list of potential
replacement candidates to be submitted.  Waverly Lowell has
accepted a position as the Director of the Documents Collection for
the College of Environmental Design and is a new affiliated LAUC-B
member working on a two year grant.
f) There are still no other UC LAUC divisional minutes to
report on.

II.  The MINUTES for the 12/16/97 (5) meeting were approved with
corrections.  L. Vida will send these MINUTES out on the LAUC-B
reflector, have them mounted on the LAUC-B website and send an
announcement to Patsy Inouye.

III.  New Business 
a) Travel - B. Weil has analyzed all of the travel and budget
requests.  B. Weil then divided the total amount allocated for
travel by the number of requests resulting in an allocation of $544
per person.  Discussion ensued about the merits of changing the
submission date for next year's budget to earlier in the budget
ACTION) A. Sevetson, D. Sommer and B. Weil will work on a
draft of next year's budget.  

b) LAUC-B nominees to University Librarian (UL) Search
Committee - D. Sommer received a faxed request from Carol Christ,
The Vice Chancellor, to submit the names of two librarians to serve
on the UL Search Committee.  Ex Comm decided to submit the names of
one affiliated librarian and one librarian from the Library for
this Committee.  Discussion ensued about the general qualifications
of possible candidates.  It was suggested that committee members be
the head of a library and have demonstrated a commitment to

ACTION) D. Sommer will submit the list of names to The Vice

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 am  The next meeting will
be on February 17, 1998 from 9-11 am in 119 Moses Hall.