Executive Committee Minutes 1/13/99

Meeting No. 1998/99 (5)

LAUC-B Executive Committee
Meeting No. 1998/99 (5)
January 13, 1999
9-11 a.m., Stone Room, The Bancroft Library


Present: Michaelyn Burnette (secretary), Barbara Glendenning, Marlene Harmon, Phoebe Janes, Michael Levy (treasurer), Andrea Sevetson (chair), Virginia Shih, Deborah Sommer, Jack von Euw

Absent: Chuck James, Jim Larrabee

Handouts: agenda, draft minutes (meeting no. 4, December 9, 1998)

I. Announcements

In November 1998, LAUC was asked to send comments to Vice President Switkes on the proposed revisions to the AUL salary series. The revision has been approved.

II. Minutes from December 9, 1998, were amended and approved.

III. Reports

A. Sevetson reported on the December meeting of the LAUC-B chair, chair-elect and the UL. Among the topics of conversation were stipends; the report of the task force on student workers; and the budget of the LAUC-B Public Service Task Force, whose activities LAUC-B and the UL will equally fund for the rest of this year.

B. Levy received a letter, dated December 3, from Vice Chancellor Christ which approved the LAUC-B budget for FY 98/99. Travel forms went to the AULs before the holiday break; since ExComm agreed to augment campus contributions, each eligible LAUC-B member requesting funding will receive $608.

C. Glendenning reported on the December 9 meeting of the Academic Senate Committee on Libraries, which was the first meeting with Jerry Lowell. Lowell and COL Chair Constable will meet every other week on the weeks the COL does not meet. Lowell outlined his plans for a three-year budget cycle, his thoughts on the recruitment of two senior AULs, and campus commitment for funding essential positions. Funding for the new AULs and for these essential positions will have to be returned to the campus in 10-15 years. Campus has committed to small increases to the collections budget after the three-year increases announced by the Chancellor. The Library has risen on the list of campus development priorities.

IV. Old Business

A. During its fall Assembly, LAUC filed the report of the LAUC Committee on Professional Governance and adopted a resolution mandating campus action. To fulfill this mandate, Sevetson had made copies of the report and given copies to Jerry, who will deliver a copy to Vice Chancellor Christ and speak with her about the topic. Sevetson will follow up by mid-February. All campus LAUC groups are communicating with their executive vice-chancellors in an attempt to educate them about the issues raised in the report. Since contract talks will begin in a year, LAUC members need to garner support for raising the librarian salary range and adding steps to the series. Members should educate the faculty about the importance and complexity of librarian responsibilities. LAUC will use special occasions, such as the ceremony for the Distinguished Librarian award, to highlight librarian work. The report will go to the Academic Senate Committee on Libraries in February; Sevetson will also send a letter to Professor Brentano, Chair of the Academic Senate. Members should consider other ways to highlight the role of librarians on the campus.

B. LAUC-B reflector policy. ExComm agreed that the reflector should consist of LAUC-B members, those employed in campus libraries with a library degree and/or responsibilities which make valuable the information distributed on the reflector, or staff in the library with a justifiable reason. Requests by non-LAUC-B members for inclusion on the reflector must be reviewed and approved by ExComm.

C. Distinguished Librarian Committee Sommer reported on the first meeting of the new DLC. Members revised the guidelines; Sommer will distribute to members of ExComm at the February meeting. As yet the Academic Senate Committee on Libraries has not appointed a member. Janes, who monitors the UCLA LAUC minutes, reported that they must do fundraising to support their distinguished librarian award.

D. SIMS accreditation: many LAUC-B members are concerned about the decision not to seek ALA accreditation for the SIMS program. ExComm members discussed the decision and the mission statement of SIMS. Sevetson will draft a LAUC-B statement of concern to be sent to Dean Varian, the Vice-Chancellor and Chancellor; ExComm will discuss the draft at its next meeting. ExComm members will look at the mission statements and course offering of selected library schools and bring that information to the next meeting. Janes will explore the qualifications necessary for ALA accreditation.

V. New Business

A. Sevetson received an invitation from AUL Frohmberg for LAUC-B representatives to lunch with interviewees. The LAUC-B role in these interviews was discussed. CAPA will maintain its traditional role in the interview process, but members of LAUC-B will be asked to have lunch with candidates and be ready to write and official letter about the candidate's qualifications. Sevetson will convey to AUL Frohmberg LAUC-B's willingness to participate in the interview process.

B. Townsend fellowship: there will be a call for applicants in March. Sevetson appointed von Euw to get in touch with previous library Townsend fellows and collect descriptions about their projects; Von Euw will collect and send to Sevetson by March 1. Sevetson will have these descriptions mounted on the LAUC-B website.