LAUC-B Executive Committee
Meeting no. 1996/97 (2)
20 November 1996
Present: W.Benemann (Secretary), R.Brandt, T.Dean (Chair), G. Irving
(CAPA), D.Jan, C.Lee, A.Swartzell, D.Sommer, C.Tarr, K.Vanden Heuvel
Absent: R.Moon, G.Peete
Guests: Grace Mills
Handouts: Agenda; Minutes of meeting no. 1996/97 (1); Budget Process for
FY 1997-1998 (C.Christ); letter from T.Dean to President Atkinson; Letter
to Faculty from Academic Senate Committee on Library
I. Announcements: D.Jan announced that travel forms have been
distributed to the membership. T.Dean announced that LAUC-B still does
not have a budget.
II. Minutes of Meeting no. 1996/97 (1) were approved, with corrections.
III. Senate Library Committee: D.Sommer was not able to attend the
latest meeting of the Committee on Library, due to a conflict with the
LAUC Fall Assembly. LAUC-B members were sent an e-mail copy of a letter
from the Committee on Library to the F aculty, raising concerns about
campus support for library collections and staff. T.Dean is drafting a
thank you letter on behalf of LAUC-B.
IV. Digital Library Initiative: In a recent meeting with T.Dean and
D.Sommer, Peter Lyman suggested that LAUC-B prepare an analysis of and
response to the Digital Library Initiative.
ACTION: D.Sommer, A.Swartzell and C.Tarr will draft a report and present
it to the Executive Committee by mid-December, to be sent to the Senate
Committee on Library.
V. CAPA: G.Irving led a discussion of the recommendations of the CAPA
Annual Report, focusing on Recommendations F and H. Recommendation F
suggests changes to the language in the Berkeley Local Guidelines to
specify that a candidate at the Librarian IV level would be presumed to be
on "Special Review" status (i.e., would be reviewed every three years,
without a recommendation for advancement) until the candidate wishes to be
considered for promotion to the Librarian V level. Recommendation H seeks
guidelines for the evaluation of candidates who have 0% appointments in
the Librarian Series while serving as AULs; there is a specific concern
about how and when they will be evaluated in their librarian appointments
while serving in an AUL position. Pe ter Lyman has requested that LAUC-B
draw up a proposal for handling these cases, but D.Sommer pointed out that
there are legal issues which might supersede our recommendations.
ACTION: T.Dean will seek an opinion from the University Counsel
clarifying our options in this regard.
VI. Professional Development Committee: Grace Mills asked for an
elaboration of the directive from T.Dean to establish a series of programs
on the future of librarianship. The Executive Committee suggested several
potential topics and speakers. A.Swar tzell suggested that it might be
valuable to tie the series into the proposed "CyberSemester," since the
role of librarians will certainly be affected by the issues being
discussed in that program. The Executive Committee learned that Janice
Dost has es tablished a cooperative program involving The Library, UC
Extension and the School of Information Management Systems to provide
continuing education for librarians.
ACTION: T. Dean will investigate how this program might relate to
LAUC-B's series on the future of librarianship.
VII. Distinguished Librarian Award: K.Vanden Heuvel asked for volunteers
to help with the Distinguished Librarian Award program. C.Tarr
volunteered from the Executive Committee, and several names were proposed
as possible committee members.
ACTION: K.Vanden Heuvel will contact the suggested members and form a
Due to time constraints, other items on the agenda were postponed until
the next meeting: Wednesday, December 4th, at 9:00 AM in 119 Moses Hall.