Meeting No. 1999/2000 (5)
LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting
January 12, 2000
Present: B. Glendenning (Chair), S. Calpestri, D. Farrell (Secretary), P. Janes, H. Morimoto, B. Ogden, A. Sevetson, B. Sibley, B. Weil, A. YoumansAbsent: C. James
Agenda; Draft Minutes; LAUC-B Budgets (1993/94-1999/00); LAUC-B Results of Operations (As of 12/1/99); LAUC-B Travel Fund Allocation
1. Minutes
Minutes of the December 15 meeting were amended and approved.
2. Announcements & Reports
B. Glendenning: A brown bag discussion of the proposal to add steps to the Librarians' series will be scheduled in the near future; the errors in the LAUC-B budget accounting have been resolved, with thanks to B. Sibley's initiatives; the Vice Chancellor has approved the LAUC-B annual budget, per expectations.
A. Chair's report: The chair and vice chair reported on their monthly meeting with the University Librarian. No word yet on stipends; the delay is NOT in the VC or UL offices. There was discussion of the burden staff is feeling in the amount of committeework in the library.
B. Vice Chair's report: No report.
3. Old Business
ExComm reviewed the treasurer's handout on the travel budget distribution and approved an augmentation of $6,000. This brings the individual allocation at $600, in parity with last year's allocations. The treasurer will forward the travel requests to the LO for AUL review.
4. New Business
A. LAUC reflector: A staff member's request to be put on the LAUC reflector was discussed and tabled for further discussion at the February meeting.
B. LAUC-B priorities: B. Ogden led the committee in an exercise to set priorities to meet LAUC-B's most urgent needs. The framework for the discussion was based on the By-Laws Article III, "Duties and Responsibilities," in the areas of university and library governance, professional standards and obligations, and library programs and services.
The following list of needs was generated and will be the basis for further discussion at the February meeting.
(1) More education (e.g., Paul Saffo, "brown bag")ACTION: ExComm members should review the list with two goals in mind for the next meeting: 1) add important needs missing from the list, and 2) give the needs a rough priority order for investigation and development of action plans.
(2) Improve status of librarians on campus
(3) Statement on intellectual freedom
(4) Training for leadership, management, and facilitator skills
(5) Research support
(6) Professional education
(7) Professional/LAUC/Institutional values clarification
(8) More work time
(9) Improve support service infrastructure
(10) Release time
(11) More staff assistance