LAUC-B Executive Committee
Meeting No. 1997/98 (4)
18 November 1997
9:05 - 11:25 am, 109 Moses Hall
Present: A. Barone (CAPA), T. Dean, M. Harmon, A. Sevetson, D.
Sommer (Chair), C. Tarr, L. Vida (Secretary), J. Von Euw, B. Weil
Absent: C. Lee, R. Moon, V. Shih
Handouts: Agenda; Draft Minutes 11/4/97; Revised CAPA Statistics
for 1996-97 Review Cycle (as of 11/10/97); Travel/Professional
Development Guidelines 1997/98.
The committee met in executive session which adjourned at 11:00am.
I. Announcements -- D. Sommer
a) D. Sommer welcomed M. Harmon to the Executive Committee, as
the newly elected Affiliated Library Representative.
b) Tony Newcomb, convener of the Blue Ribbon Committee, will
speak at an Early Bird on Thursday, December 4, 1997 in the Lipman
c) L. Vida will make sure that Executive Committee members who
miss the Committee meetings will receive all handouts.
d) The LAUC Statewide Fall Assembly will be held at UC Davis
on Friday, November 21, 1997.
II. The MINUTES for the 11/4/97 (3) meeting were approved with corrections. L. Vida will send these MINUTES out on the LAUC-B reflector, have them mounted on the LAUC-B website and send an
announcement to P. Inouye.
III. Old Business -- D. Sommer
a) J. Fong has agreed to serve as the Chair of the LAUC-B
Conference Committee on Scholarly Publishing to be held in the
Spring. J. Fong will be seeking additional members for her
b) T. Dean announced that it is extremely important to revise
the LAUC-B By-Laws this year. A. Youmans, LAUC-B representative to
the LAUC Committee on Committees, Rules and Jurisdictions, will
help T. Dean to revise the Berkeley by-laws.
ACTION) D. Sommer will write a charge.
c) There have been changes to the LAUC-B website. Please
review and send comments to A. Sevetson.
IV. New Business - D. Sommer
At the monthly meeting that D. Sommer and A. Sevetson have
with S. Rosenblatt, the future of libraries, the changing roles of
librarians and new service models were discussed. S. Rosenblatt is
committed to supporting a forum to explore these ideas and has
asked for a recommendation from the Executive Committee. Discussion
ensued and several models were suggested: a series of focused Early
Bird programs on two or three key issues: digital resources versus
hard copy, job security, or personnel issues. Other ideas included
exploring what library collections and Document Delivery will look
like in 2015. These programs could be held monthly or once or
twice in the Spring. Other suggestions included: a retreat with
invited participants, possibly convening Focus Groups with an
outside facilitator.
ACTION) D. Sommer will present a draft of alternatives to the
Executive Committee.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 am. The next meeting will be on
December 16, 1997 from 9-11 am in 119 Moses Hall.